Chapter 33

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Hey guys, I have a question should I change my username? And if you think I should can you leave me some ideas.

Natsu's P.O.V

Lucy was now crying a lot more then before.

"Lucy, calm down!" I said. How do I handle this? I hugged her and rubbed her head. It seemed like she was startled. This is awkward. "I promise nothing will happen to you, I will protect you from now on." She nodded.

"O-Ok." Tears still left her eyes. I then thought of something. I grabbed her hand and started running off.

"H-Hey! We still have school remember!" She yelled.

"Screw that! Hanging out with you is a lot more fun!" I said and smiled. She blushed, I don't know why though?

Lucy's P.O.V

He said hanging out with me is fun... I've never heard that before. No one usually wanted to hang out with me when I didn't talk. Well except Erza, Levy, and Jellal. I realized my face heated up. Dammit Lucy wrong time to blush.

"Where are we even going?" I asked.

"A place my friend works at." He said.

Knowing him it's probably going to be some place strange.

-Time Skip-

We finally made it to the place it looked like a café. We walked inside I saw to purple haired girls wave to him. One had shorter dark purple hair. The other one had long light purple hair, it was tied back in a ponytail and she had glasses.

"Umm Natsu who are they?" I asked.

"That's Laki and Kinana they used to go to 'my old school, last year was their last before college." He said, I nodded. We sat at a table by the window. This is actually kind of romantic. 'Lucy stop it he's just your friend, he probably doesn't like you like that anyway.' I thought. I sighed.

"Hello welcome to 'Dragons Cafe' my name is Kinana. I'll be serving you today. What can I get you two?" It was the short purple haired girl I saw earlier.

"I'll take a water." I said.

"I'll take a soda." He said.

"Alright." She then whispered something in his ear that made him blush.

Natsu's P.O.V

After I ordered Kinana whispered to me. "Wow what a cutie, is she your girlfriend?" I blushed.

"No, she's just my friend!" I shouted. Everyone in the café looked at us strangely. And then went back to what they were doing.

"*Giggles* Alright no need to be so embarrassed I was messing with you." She said.

-Time Skip-

Lucy's P.O.V

I finally made it home, luckily Erza~nee was at her student council meeting so she wouldn't get mad at me for being home late. I looked at the calendar.

'Only 5 more days.' I thought.

-Time Skip-

I woke up the next morning with my phone lighting up crazily, meaning I got a text.

What it said made me cry.

From Unknown:

I know what you did you whore blondie. Stay away from Natsu! He's mine! Go mute again, talk to no one. If you do I'll kill the people you love, just like you did with your parents. I'll start off with your precious sister Erza, then I'll go to Levy, then Jellal, and then little Wendy. Never talk again, theres only one thing you can say and that's to Natsu and that is "I hate everything about you. I can never love you." And don't say anything more to anyone, and remember I'm always watching.

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