Chapter 42

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I think the media goes well with the chapter. You don't have to listen to it.

Lucy's P.O.V

Four more days until hell- I mean Valentine's Day. I thought walking to school.

I'm not excited because people this time around are also kissing making out or having sex in public... You know what forget I said anything.

"Hey Lucy~San!" I heard a small voice say, I turn to see Wendy.

"Hey Wendy." I smiled at her.

"Are you going to the dance?" She asked.

"I have to, though I don't have a date yet." I said. "How about you?"

"Well I'm going with my friend... And you should go with Natsu~nii!" Wendy said I blushed.

"Umm... I-I don't know." I muttered. "Anyway who are you going with?"

"R-Romeo~Kun." She whispered. But I heard.

"Awww how cute~" I cooed.

"Lucy~San stop it! You're acting like my mom!" Wendy said and blushed.

-Time Skip-

Once we got to school. A boy in my math class came up to me with flowers.

"Umm hello." I said.

"Umm excuse me but would you like to go to the dance with me?" He asked. What?... Someone actually asked me... Erza probably put him up to this.

"I'm sorry I can't, we barely know each other." I said.

"But the dance would be a perfectly good opportunity to get to know me, as well as I get to know you." I said.

"But I-"

"She said no!" Someone said.


"Natsu-San! S-Sorry I'll go." The boy then ran off.

"Thanks." I said.

"No problem." He said. Then did his childish smile.

"He liiiiiikes you~" Wendy said. We blushed.

"Wendy!" Natsu yelled.

-Time Skip-

I was in lunch and I'm really annoyed in my first class this guy looked up my skirt and he said it was an 'accident', then in my last class he asked me to the dance. I swear if Erza put him up to that, I'll break a window.

I then felt a mini pretzel flicked at my head. I come back from my world to see Natsu.

"What the hell!" I yelled at him.

"You dozed off, I decided to grab your attention." He said.

"By flinging food at me." I said glaring at him.

"Yup!" He said.

"Hey guys." Levy, Juvia, and Gray said walking over to us.

"Hey!" We both said.

"So Levy~Chan did Gajeel finally ask you?" I said.

"Yeah did he!" Juvia said.

"Well... Maybe... Yes..." She muttered.

"Yay!" Juvia and I yelled and hugged her.

"Knock it off... So Juvia what about you did anyone ask you to the dance?" Levy~Chan asked.

"Well yes actually, well more like Juvia asked him." Juvia said.

"Who is it what did he say?!" I asked.

"G-Gray~Sama... Said yes." Juvia said.

"Nice job Stripper." Natsu said.

"So Lu~Chan did you get asked?" Levy~Chan asked.

Natsu's P.O.V

I was now interested in their conversation.

"Well a couple of times, but I want to be asked by someone I know and not in a perverted way." She said.

"'Perverted way' what do you mean by that?" Brain freeze said.

"Well during one of my classes a guy looked up my skirt. And then in my last class he asked me to the dance." She said. Well looks like I'm killing someone after school.

"Oh no are you alright Lu~Chan?" Levy asked.

"I'm ok, but I want to go to the dance with someone I can trust, someone I know I would be happy going with." Please let that be me!

"Sounds like you're thinking of someone." Juvia said, smirking at her.

"M-Maybe I am." She said.

"Hello Lucy~Chan." A guy named Dan said.

"Umm hello, Dan right?" Lucy said.

"Yes, and I was wondering would you like to go to the dance with me?" He said. I glared at him. My stare burning through his soul. He saw me I mouthed 'don't'.

A/N: Dis is what he be looking like.

He ran... Good.

"What was that all about?" Lucy asked.

"Nothing!" I said.

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