Chapter 18: Outside Part I

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Juvia's POV

"Yes, yes! Juvia, you look so adorable! Even someone like Gray can't resist this!" Mira-san said after putting a light makeup on my face.

I just wore a 3/4 dark blue denim jacket and a black floral dress inside. For the shoes, I just wore my favorite black vans shoes. As simple as that. Then she tied my hair into a waterfall braid. And my black shlulder bag is on my side.

"It looks simple to me though." Juvia said as she looked into the table mirror. Mira-san put on a pinkish and reddish lipstick on Juvia and a light blush.

Mira-san really looks flawless in everything she wears. She was wearing a pink dress with a ribbon on her waist and white high heels. Her hair is in a side braid ponytail, that added a lot of points to her gorgeousness.

"Simplicity is beauty, Juvia." She said firmly. "Besides, be proud of your body! A lot of guys would die just to get a body like yours. See this?" She touched my waist. "The dress is hugging your curves perfectly and in the right places! That never happened to me..."

"Is it because you never had a boyfriend before?" She asked with sparkly eyes.

I don't know if I should take that as a compliment or an insult.


"We're all set, guys!" We met up with Gray-sama and Lyon outside of the hotel.

Lyon was wearing jeans and a gray hoodie and his usual shoes. Gray-sama was wearing a black -shirt with an ice cube in the middle and dark blue pants. He was wearing a black Nike shoes and a silver necklace.

Black suits him very much.

"Juvia-chan, you look so cute!" Lyon attacked me with a tight hug when he saw me. His eyes were shaped like hearts.

"L-Lyon! Stop it, please!"

Mira-san glared at Lyon. "Lyvia is not allowed." She quickly looked at Gray and signalled him to do something but he didn't. He just stared at her with confused eyes.

"Juvia-chan, why do you look so cute? You're very irresistable, you know?" Lyon said with a blush on his cheeks and was smiling at me when he let go of the hug.

I fixed my clothes before replying, "Thanks, Lyon."

Mira-san pouted and punched Gray on his side, making him squirm. "OW! What the heck, Mira?!"

"This is all your fault!"

"What did I do?!"


"I don't know what you're saying."

"Uh... So can we go now and stop fighting?" Lyon asked, cutting them off from their fight. They both turned to him with a glare, making him hide behind my back.

"Anyway, we'll go to the Eiffel Tower at night. They said that the lights around it looks more beautiful at that time. So now, should we go shopping?" Mira-san suggested and looked at the three of us.

"Great. And you're going to use my card to buy everything. Ugh." Gray-sama complained and ruffled his raven hair.

"At least you know that." She pats him on the back with a comforting smile plastered on her face.

"Oh, so this is like a double date?" Lyon asked excitedly. "Me and Juvia, and then Mira and— Okay, what's with the face?"

Gray-sama and Mira were already glaring at Lyon after he said that this is like a double date so he hid behind my back again and whispered, "Sorry..."


At a Clothings Store - Leclaireur Sévigné

"Oh, this would look great with you, Juvia." Mira-san pulled out a white short skirt and a blue top to match it.

"That's not her style, Mira!" Lyon argued.

"Yes it is!"






I laughed in front of them. It's priceless whenever you see them fight. I then looked behind me and saw Gray-sama sitting on a sofa with his earphones attached to his ears and  phone. His back was leaning against the sofa.

I decided to approach him and sit next to him. "Gray-sama?"


"Don't you want to try new clothes?" I asked him as he took one earphone out of his ear so he could hear me better.

"I don't want to. I'm just going to accompany you guys. That's all."

"That's so corny, Gray-sama." Juvia laughed a little at his statement. "We're all on our vacation, after all. You should at least try some."

He glanced at me for awhile before his eyes turned to the clothes around this store. Paris has a lot of unique stores. They look like they're from Egypt to me. Well, I mean the background, not the clothes.

"Wait," I stood up from my seat and continued, "I'll choose your clothes. I'm great at picking out clothes. Wait here, okay?"

I gave him one last look in the eyes before looking for some clothes that would suit his taste and style. I'm in the men section. "Hmm... Not this one."

And I saw a very flashy coat so my eyebrows furrowed at it. "No. Nu uh. This style is for artists that... Er..."

I shrugged my thoughts off and continued to look for clothes. My eyes stopped at a blue green sparkly long dress and even has a transparent white cape.

I sweat dropped at the sight. "Isn't this Elsa's dress?"

My forehead wrinkles as I remembered what Lyon called Gray-sama yesterday and then I snorted after remembering it. Come on. I mean like, why did he call him that? Gray-sama's not a girl.

A few minutes later, I held a red plain shirt with a blackish and bluish jacket with furs on its neckline and then dark blue jeans. [A/N: Do you guys remember episode 220? Yeah, the one Gray wears. He looks so damn cute in that outfit. xD]

"Gray-sama~!" I called out as I ran back towards him. He's still wearing his earphones and Mira-san and Lyon were already by his side.

"Gray-sama this, Gray-sama that." Lyon cried out. "Juvia-chan, call me with -sama too~♥"

"She'll never call you that, ding dong." Mira-san rolled her eyes off of the white spiky haired guy.

"Gray-sama, here are the clothes Juvia thinks that would suit you well." Juvia put the clothes on his lap, causing him to look at it.

He removed his earphone plug and held the clothes high to see it clearly. His eyes got smaller as he stared at it longer.

"Oh, Juvia picked the right clothes! It's going to be December soon so it's better to wear these kinds of clothes." Mira-san said excitedly and gave me thumbs up.

"I don't get cold easily. The cold never bother me anyway." Gray-sama answered firmly.

"Here he goes again, with his famous Elsa line." Lyon snorted while Gray-sama glared at him.

I just smiled back as Lyon pouted by the side. Mira-san stood up with her hands on her sides. "Hey Gray! What are you waiting for?! Go to the fitting room or do you want us to take your clothes off by ourselves?"


Mira-san quickly pulled Gray-sama into the fitting room by pulling his shirt and he couldn't even get out of her grasp. Is Mira-san that strong?

"Oh, I want to see it too!" Lyon stood up also and pulled me towards to the fitting room.

"Look, Juvia-chan! It's Elsa's dress!"

That's what Juvia saw earlier...


"It looks great on you, Gray!" Mira-san complimented Gray-sama who just got out of the fitting room, wearing the clothes I chose earlier.

I smiled and felt my cheeks reddened. He looks so cute and so damn hot in that outfit. I was right about choosing that outfit for him. I hugged my bag close to my chest as I tried to contain inside myself the feelings I'm feeling right now.

"It... Doesn't look bad at all." Gray-sama said as he looked at the human sized mirror.

"That's my Juvia-chan! She can do anything!" Lyon said as he wrapped an arm around me and pulled me closer into his chest.

"Haha..." I blushed because I was embarrassed.

"Tsk." Mira-san looked at us displeasingly before looking back at Gray-sama. "And Gray? What's the magic word you should say after someone did something good to you?"

He first looked at Mira-san with confusing eyes. She literally face palmed after he didn't get what she was saying. She ruffled her hair, causing it to get messy a little. "Ugh, why are you so dense and forgetful?"

"Oh..." He cleared his throat and Juvia flinhed when he turned to me. He didn't smile, like I was expecting him to. "... Thanks, Lockser."

I immediately blushed so I lowered my head so he can't see my face. "Y-You're welcome..."

"Elsa, it's Juvia. You should call her by her first name." Lyon said after smacking Gray-sama on his head.

"Tsk. That hurts, you dolt." Gray-sama complained as he smacked Lyon on his head too and he got off of me.

Mira-san sighed and went to me. She whispered, "Juvia, you're so close! I think we can finally make him smile!"

I nodded at her with a smile.



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