Chapter 2: Got the job

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~•°Juvia's POV°•~

"What's your name, miss?" He asked. The prince asked!!

"Y-Your next girlfriend.."

He raised his eyebrow at Juvia and asked "What?"

I snapped  and widened my eyes in surprise. "I-I'm sorry...! I'm very sorry.

Well, I think anyone would have the same reaction as I did if they suddenly saw a very handsome, young man in front of her.

"I-Its fine." He answered back and starts reading Juvia's resume. H-He's not just handsome.. He's kind too~! (♥ω♥*)

I sat in one of the chairs, facing him. He flips the other page and started reading it. I'm guessing that, that is my resume.

"Okay, I've read your resume." He said as he puts Juvia's resume back on his table. "To start of, my name is Gray Fullbuster."

G-Gray-sama..!! ('∀`)♡

"You're Juvia Lockser, right?" He asked Juvia. I nodded and said "Juvia's Juvia."

"Okay..? *clears throat* You're graduated as a Ranked 1 student, graduated from college as Ranked 1 too. You seem to have high intelligence and memory, Ms. Lockser."

He called me 'Ms. Lockser!!!!'

"Y-Yes..! Juvia has a good memory and learns things very quickly." Juvia said honestly. He answered back "That's good because one of the criteria for P.A is that, you should remember my schedules and stuffs."


"Continuing. Tell me about yourself." He said, looking straight at Juvia. Juvia's cheeks turned red a bit and said "Juvia's.. An average girl, has a lot of friends and gets along with them."

"What about your family? Mother or father?" He asked again.

Juvia frowns a bit and said "Dad died a few years ago and mom's confined on a hospital for the longest time."

"Oh. I'm sorry. I take that, that's why you're applying for a job? For your mother?" He asked curiously.

I nodded. "Yes, that's the reason."

"Okay, moving on. You don't have any criminal records and you're not married." He said while reading Juvia's documents.

"I never had a boyfriend before."

Come on, I think it's pretty normal for 23 year olds to be single for now. I mean like, I haven't met my prince yet— Wait, he's right in front of me.

He looked at Juvia and asked "You're 23 so why don't you have a boyfriend?"

"Juvia's NBSB." Juvia said blandly. "I read all of your documents now. Last question, do you really want to be my P. A?" He asked, looking straight in Juvia's eyes.

Juvia nodded and said "Yes! Juvia wants to!"

He puts Juvia's documents on his table and said "And then, you're hired Ms. Lockser. You can start tomorrow." Well, that was a fast interview.

Juvia nodded happily and said "Thank you."

"By the way, you can call me Mr. Fullbuster."

"Gray-sama~❤ ('∀`)♡" Juvia said, hearts in her eyes.

His eyes furrowed at the way I called him. "-sama?"

I nodded once. "I don't mind calling you that, Gray-sama. It suits you, you see."

"O-Oh, fine." He said while turning his chair around. "Anyways, your table and chair are outside. Mira can show you tomorrow."

Juvia stood up from her seat and said, "Thank you for accepting me."

He didn't answer back and so, I went outside of the office and immediately saw Ms. Mira there, just standing and staring at Gray-sama's office. She seems to be curious for some reason.

"You got the job?" She asked while smiling.

Juvia smiled back and nodded. "Yes, I got the job."

"Good, I knew it from the start because the other girls were all sluts." She answered, making a disgusted face.

Juvia giggled at her comment. I wonder why they still let them in if she thinks that they're sluts?

"I'll show you tomorrow where you'll sit, okay?" She asked and Juvia nodded at her.

This is it. I finally have a job. After millions of years-— I'm exaggerating, I finally have a job and it's being a personal assistant to a handsome guy.

"Well, excuse me for a while. Juvia will go now." Juvia said politely and Mira nodded. "I'll call you or message you later about your schedule. I know your number already."

"O-Okay." Juvia nodded. How..?

I went outside of the company and called for a taxi. I couldn't wait to tell this to my friends. I got a job through a fast interview. It seems unbelievable but then again, it is reality.

A few minutes later, I arrived at my house where I grew up. I went inside and went to the second floor. I quickly plopped on my bed, thinking about the things that happened this day.

Juvia gets her phone and dials Lucy's number quickly. "Come on, Lucy.. Pick it up..."


"Lucy.. Juvia got the job!!" Juvia shouted excitedly.

"Oww..that hurts." She winced in pain. I think it's my fault because of the excitement contained in my voice.

Juvia covered her mouth and said "I-I'm sorry.."

"I-It's fine, so you got the job?"

"Yes! I will start tomorrow and the interview was so fast. I didn't expect that to happen." I said and laughed afterwards.

Juvia heard her giggle and said "Well, that's good to hear. We should see each other with the others later at 7:00 PM sharp at Eisland. Okay?"

"Okay!" Juvia said.

"Okay, I'll hang up first because.. My boss is looking at me angrily."

"O-Okay, sorry to disturb you." Juvia said apologetically. "It's okay. Bye."

I ended the call and smiled at myself. Well, first things first, I should choose my outfit for tomorrow. Something that looks formal and at the same time, casual.

I went to my closet and gets the following:

-Black skirt.
-White tube with black jacket.
-Black high heels.
-Yellow butterfly necklace.
-Silver saying 'Love' bracelet.

"... I'm fast at choosing outfits."

~•Time skips.. @Eisland•~

"Wooo!  Juvia got a job! Finally!" Lucy laughed out loud then opened the bottle of champagne.

Juvia pouted. "Hey! What does that mean?"

Lucy giggled and said, "Oh, it doesn't matter. At least, you have a job now."

Levy took a sip from her red ice tea and asked "So, what did you apply for?"

"A-As a Personal Assistant." Juvia answered happily.




Their jaws dropped and their reactions are quite opposite to what I imagined they would have.

The three of them stood up from their seats and exclaimed "H-HA?!? PERSONAL ASSISTANT?!"

Juvia blinked her eyes twice and asked, "What? What's wrong with that?"

"Juvia! You might be taken advantage of your boss!" Erza said, seems very worried.

"Eh? What do you mean by that, Erza?"

"A personal assistant... That seems a good job but Erza has a point." Levy said, pointing at Erza.

"Juvia, you should be careful. Bring an umbrella always, hit him with it if he tries something funny." Lucy said, getting an umbrella from her bag.

"I don't need those those things. Besides, the boss is handsome and has a good attitude." I said and Gray-sama's face flashed at my mind once.

"OMG Juvia." Lucy said, pretty surprised. "Juvia, you're in love with him."

Juvia nodded and said "Yep~ Juvia's in love with Gray-sama..!"

"So, Gray's his name, huh?" Erza asked while drinking her champagne.

I nodded. "He is Gray, the CEO of the company I'm working at. He's a very hard-working guy, judging from his schedule and eye bags."

"Hmm.. He's rich, huh?" Lucy said, thinking about something. "I can't believe rich man still exists."

"Well, that all comes from hard work, Lucy." Levy said, drinking her champagne.

Lucy frowns a bit and looked away. "I guess so."

Lucy must've remember his dead father, Jude Heartfilia. He was one of the richest man until he died.. His company crashed.

"S-So—!" Levy called out, changing the topic because she saw how Lucy looked kind of depressed. "Juvia, since this is your first time having a job, we have a gift for you." She puts a green wrapped gift on the table.

Juvia blinked her eyes twice and gulped. "G-Gift...? Guys, you shouldn't have.."

"Nah, its fine." Erza said, with a smile. "We chipped in our allowance in buying that simple gift."

Lucy suddenly smiled and said. "Yeah! Anyways, you can open it right now if you want to."

"W-Well.. Er.." Juvia held the green box and opened it slowly. Juvia gasped when she saw the inside. It was a blue fluffy coat. This coat came from Paris and its still trending through out the world.

"Yeah, it's a coat. It's going to be cold soon so we thought you might need it, in your work." Lucy explained and winked at me afterwards.

"And--!!" Levy butted in, touching the coat. "This coat is very, VERY fluffy and comfy~!"

"Besides that, it's the one you've been looking at in your entire life, right?" Erza pointed out.

Juvia nodded at her and smiled. "Yes, this is what Juvia's been wanting her whole life. Thank you, guys!"

I pulled her into a tight hug, that she even had a hard breathing because of it.

"Us too!" Levy and Lucy shouted and hugged Erza and I. We looked like 4 adults who acts like kids hihi.

"Oh wait, wait." Lucy said, cutting the BFF hug. "Erza's pregnant."

Juvia's eyes widened and looked at Erza. "R-Really?? Since when..?"

Erza shook her head in embarrassment and said. "I-I'm not! Lucy was just joking around with you!"

Lucy pouted and said. "Fu~ I want a niece."

Levy pats Lucy's back and said. "Don't worry, Lucy. You'll get that by next week."

Erza stood up, a bit angry and embarrassed. "Y-You guys should seriously stop it!!"

We just laughed at her embarrassed face and expression. Erza just sat down and hid her face. "Anyways, when's your work gonna start?" Lucy asked, changing the awkward topic.

"Tomorrow. Juvia will receive her time and schedule later." Juvia answered honestly. "But its taking longer than I thought it would be.."

"Don't worry, the message will come." Levy said, getting Juvia's hopes up. Juvia sighed and said.

"Yeah but the weird thing is, Juvia got accepted easily. The interview was short. He just read Juvia's resume and her other documents in just like, 3-4 minutes. The other applicants were interviewed 30 seconds only because they were all sluts."

"Well, just think of it as a good luck. Maybe it just means that, this job is the one destined for you." Lucy explained.

"But in 3-4 minutes? All of those documents? He's a fast reader but no one's faster than me." Levy said, defending her pride.

"I agree with you, Levy." Lucy said, in agreement. "No one's faster than Levy the bookworm."

Erza lifts her head and rested her chin on the palm of her hand. "Gray, huh? I think I heard his name before... Gray Fullbuster? Is that him?"

Juvia blinked her eyes twice at her and asked. "Y-You know Gray-sama?"

She shook her head and gets something from her bag. "No, that's not it. I read about him in a magazine." She gets a blue magazine and showed it to us. She flips the pages, looking for something. "Darn it! Where's that damn page??" She keeps on flipping through the paged until she stopped and pointed at a man in a suit. "There, that is Gray Fullbuster."

Juvia's eyes turned into hearts and said. "Gray-sama~~~!"

"Woah, he's surprisingly good looking." Levy commented, looking at the magazine. "Yeah, I agree." Lucy said.

Juvia glared at them and said. "Woah! Gray-sama's only for Juvia! You already have boyfriends!"

They sweat dropped at Juvia and said. "That's not it, that's not it."

"Okay, listen you guys." Erza said, catching our attention. "Gray Fullbuster is one of the richest man in the world and owns one of the best companies in Japan. He constructs buildings with the help of his other employees and company boss'. Has a lot of companies around the world.

Age: 24 yrs. Old.
Status: Single
Attitude: Grumpy, strict, and sometimes kind.
Popularity level: 100%
Fan note: He's surprisingly handsome.

"Woah. Grumpy?" Lucy asked then looks at Juvia with a worried face. "Juvia, can you handle him?"

Juvia nodded. "Juvia can handle Gray-sama. It also said that he's sometimes kind, right?"

"That's just sometimes." Levy pointed out. They all looked at Juvia, wanting her to quit.

(T▽T) no.


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