Chapter 22: Jacket

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Juvia's POV

I sighed as I sat on the bench where I sat with Gray-sama a few nights ago. There were kids and their families in the pool and they're all playing. I was wearing a white plain shirt and shorts and my hair was tied into a ponytail. It was deadly hot since it's 1 in the afternoon.

I'm still a little- no, a lot disappointed at what happened. I can't blame him for not remembering. He is drunk after all. But, I can't help but feel sad.

I sighed again as I fanned myself using my white fan. "So hot..." Should I go for some ice cream?

"Hey, hey. Looking hot there, missy."

I wrinkled my forehead as I looked at the two guys beside me who just got here. "Well, yeah. I'm hot." I replied.

"Oh, this girl meant it." Umm... They misinterpreted it but nevermind. I don't have time to waste with these two.

"Say, wanna get some food with us? After that, we'll have a lot of fun, I promise you." Guy #1 said and winked.

I just sighed depressingly. Guys like this one are so... "You know what, you two should go and study for your exams or whatever. Just don't bother me." Well, they looked like college students.


"Leave her alone. She's with me."

I looked behind me and saw... Someone who I'm not expecting to come and rescue me, very unexpected.


"Let's go, dude."

The two guys hurriedly went to another girl amd started bothering her. Such unloyal freaks.

"Juvia-chan, what are you doing here? Mira and Gray are upstairs." It was Lyon. He sat next to me and continued, "Did something happen?"

"Well, yeah, sort of." I replied. "But it's nobody's fault. Besides, I just want to ease my mind here in open air. Looking at those kids play just makes me relaxed."

He then looked at those kids who were playing in the pool. "Ha, reminds me of my childhood with Gray."

I suddenly got interested in the topic. "Really?"

"Wanna see some pictures?" He asked with a smirk.


"WAAAHH~♥ So cute!" I squealed and literally jumped on Lyon's bed. We were at their room and surprisingly, Mira and Gray-sama are not there. Lyon just showed me a picture when he and Gray-sama were pinching each other cheeks.

He brought an album, like seriously. "We were really cute, right?"

"Yes, you two are!" I squealed again as I turned the page next. It was a picture of Gray-sama smiling widely with his two hands on his waist. He wasn't wearing any shirt but there's shorts, of course. On the other side, Lyon was doing the same thing and pose. "Aw~♥ You two seemed like close."

"Yeah, we are, until now." He remarked. "He sometimes tell me his problems, like earlier."


"Er... Nothing, don't mind it." He faked a laugh and ruffled his hair. "Uh... Want to get this picture of him? You can have it if you want."

I smiled even wider. "Really?! Wah, you're the best, Lyon!"

He smiled warmly at me. "Anything for you, Juvia-chan."

I suddenly felt bad. I'm acting like this when I know that he... Likes me. I don't want to pity him over something like this. No matter what happens, he's still my friend.

I feel like... I'm making him believe that he has a chance.

"Lyon, I-"

"Hey Juvia-chan, when's our date anyway?" He asked. "It's been 3 days since we went here. We might miss our chance if we didn't get to date in here."

"O-Oh, you can decide about it, Lyon. Anytime is fine with me." I replied and tucked a hair strand behind my ear.

"Okay then, tomorrow night?" He asked excitedly. "We'll have it at 6. Is it fine?"

I smiled and nodded. "Sure."

"Yes! I'm so excited!" He shouted and had the brightest smile on his face. "I hope it's tomorrow now..."

I better give him an answer...


*~•4:30 P.M.•~*

"Hmm... What should I do now? I feel bored." I murmured and crouched down on the chair. I'm at the cafeteria, sitting with nobody. I feel alone... Especially when all of the people in here are all couples.

Why Am I NBSB?

I was in the middle of thinking about how harsh life can be until, I felt someone threw something at my sides.


I touched my sides and looked down to see a bear stuffed toy below. My forehead wrinkles as I grabbed it. It looks cute. The ribbon adds to its cuteness too.

"Onee-chan, please give me back my stuffy toy."

I looked at my right as saw a brown haired little girl wearing a swimsuit. Her hair didn't look a little wet so I'm guessing that she's on her way to the pool since she has a towel wrapped around her too.

I gave her one of my sweetest smiles and handed her the stuff toy. "Here, take good care of it, okay?"

"Hai, I'm sorry that I hit you, onee-chan." She said and lowered her head at me as a sign of apology. "I'll get going now, onee-chan. See you again!"

"See you again, cutie!" I said and bidded her farewell. She smiled amd walked away from me.

Ah, I love kids. They just look so cute and soothes me. I wish I could have a kid of my own...

With Gray-sama...

My eyes widened and I slapped myself. What the heck, Juvia?! Why are you acting like this?! Since when did you learn to think about those kind of things??

"Mama? Papa? Where are you?"

I turned to that little girl again and she seemed lost while holding unto her stuff toy.

I quickly stood up from my seat and ran towards that little girl. I crouched them in front of her and looked at her sad face. "Hey there, is your mom and dad not here?"

She shook her head and frowned even more. "No... They're not hwere. They were hwere before I grabbed my stuff toy from you, onee-chan. They're gwone..."

Aw, so cute~ ♥

"Don't worry. I'll help you find them." I said and I pat her head.


"Yes, of course!" I said, trying to cheer her up. "For now, what's your name? I think it'll be easier to find your parents if I know your name. I can ask my boss."

"Hana. My name is Hana Ishida." She answered. (A/N: Shoutout to Tokyo Ghoul Fans. I used the surname. 🌹.)

"Hana-chan then? My name is Juvia, Juvia Lockser. Don't be sad, okay? I'll do my best for you." I said and pinched her little and chubby cheeks. 🌹

"Okay, Juvia-neechan!" She finally smiled. Wah, why is she so cute??

I stood up and held her little hand. "First, we should go to Gray-sama and ask-"

I stopped and remembered what I was doing earlier... All the memories came rushing back into me and I slapped myself. That's right. I'm still a little bit sad over what happened.

"Juvia-neechan?" She called out.

"A-Ah, right. We should ask someone else." I said and started walking to my room. I can either ask Mira-san or Lyon if they know her parents or if they can broadcast it to the entire hotel.

For now, I should avoid Gray-sama at all costs as I'm still having melodrama here.

I pressed the button on the elevator, you know, the "up" button there. It's gonna take a little while since there are a lot of people in this hotel and they're probably using this too-

"Lockser, where have you been?"

I flinched as I turned behind me. It was Gray-sama wearing a black jacket with a white shirt inside paired up with his usual jeans. He was wearing slippers and his reading glasses. Hot.

WAIT! This is not the right time to think about those things!

"E-Erm... I was trying to help this girl to find her parents. I was thinking if Lyon or Mira-san can broadcast to the entire hotel about her." I explained and pointed at the little girl beside me.

Hana-chan was looking at Gray-sama with shiny eyes while he looked at her with confusing eyes.

"Juvia-neechan, is he your bwoyfriend?" She suddenly asked. "He looks hwot and cute."

I suddenly blushed. How can a 4 year old looking kid like this say those things to a manly guy? I managed to say those things when I was 15! "Umm... No, he's not my boyfriend. He's my boss, you see."

"What's her name? I'll have it broadcasted right away." He said and grabbed his phone from his pocket. He completely ignored what Hana-chan said.

"Hana Ishida." I answered politely.

He started typing on his phone fast and ends it with him putting his phone back to his pocket.

"Attention: Parents of Hana Ishida, please come to the pool area to get her. Again, parents of Hana Ishida, please come to the pool area to get her. Thank you and have a great afternoon."

It was broadcasted right away, as Gray-sama said.

"There you go. Let's go to the pool area then. Her parents will be there for sure." He said and pointed at the area where the pool is.

"Yeah, thanks Gray-sama."

What Hana-chan did next surprised me. She held Gray-sama's hand in her free hand and was smiling happily. "Let's go, Juvia-neechan and Gray-oniichan!"

He seemed surprised as well but he decided to shrug it off and the three of us headed towards the pool area. Oh, so it doesn't hurt his pride when kids like her do this. No wonder he looked so cute when he was a kid.


When we got there, nobody came to Hana-chan. Well, we just broadcasted it and we just came here so it's no surprise. There are a lot of people playing in here until now.

"Juvia-neechan, I want to swim." Hana-chan tugged on my shirt and said that.

"You can't, Hana-chan. We should wait for your parents first." I said that made her frown. "You can swim when they're already here."

"I think it's fine if she only swims in the kiddy pool, Lockser." Gray-sama butted in.


"Yes, Gray-niichan! Thanks!" She said and puts her towel on the ground, which I grabbed it. She jumped into the kiddy pool area with a big smile plastered on her face.

Juvia looked at Gray-sama who was avoiding my gaze. Juvia couldn't believe him. What if she suddenly drowns? What if her parents are displeased with the fact that we let her swim in there?

"Don't worry too much, Lockser. I don't think she'll drown in that." He pointed at the kiddy pool. The water is basically until Hana-chan's waist.

I sighed and said, "Okay then. I guess she'll be safe there. For now, we need to look out for her and her parents."

I started looking around to see if there are any adults who looks like worried or looking for someone too. I bet Hana-chan's parents will notice her swimming in the kiddy pool.

"Ah Lockser, look out for Hana-chan. I'm going to answer this call." He said and turned around to answer his phone.


I looked at the kiddy pool and saw Hana-chan still playing. I let her be and looked around some more. I wonder where are her parents? They're not in the cafeteria, according to Hana-chan and they're still not here at the pool area. They suddenly disappeared when Hana-chan went to me to get her stuff toy. Can they really disappear without informing Hana-chan?

"Ah! Whiney, don't go there!"

I looked behind me with fear in my heart forming. I'm not mistaken. That voice is her. I'm sure.

And I was right.

She was heading towards the 7th foot in the adult pool area and her stuff toy is nowhere to be found. She stopped swimming and started tapping on the water as she tried to survive. And there are no people near her. Of all places- ARGH.

How did she get there? I just took off my eyes off her for a few seconds and then this??

So kids are really unpredictable.

"Hey! There's a kid drowning!"

Oh no.

"Hana-chan!" I shouted as I quickly jumped into the cold water.

Swimming is not the worst for me. In fact, I'm the best in it so I quickly got inside the adult pool area in just a few seconds. I don't know why but I feel like I am one with the water.

"Help! Help!" She struggled and didn't catch up with her breath. She began sinking down into the water with her eyes closing.

"Hana-chan, I'm coming!" I shouted as I swam faster than my normal speed.

I dived into the water and immediately saw her with bubbles coming out from her mouth, signalling that she's out of air. I swam a little faster and grabbed her wrist and quickly pulled her up to above.

I wrapped her in my arms as we finally got out from the deep water, we had air again. She was coughing water. "J-Juvia-neechan... m-my s-stuff toy... Whiney..."

"How did it get there??" I asked as I put her on the ground and I was still on the water.

"S-Someone bullied me while in the pool and he threw it there..."

I sighed and said, "Don't worry. I'll get it."

"Lockser, what just happened?!" Gray-sama came in running, worried.

"Gray-sama, you should accompany Hana-chan here for now while I find her stuff toy below." I said and dived in again.


"Uwaahh~! I was so scawed..." Hana-chan whimpered as I hugged her tighter in my arms. I successfully got the stuff toy and it was in her arms. She was fully wrapped into her towel and continued on crying.

"Shh... That's why I didn't want you to go into the pool." I said and wiped her tears. "Don't cry, Hana-chan. Girls are strong."

"But I'm not..." She whimpered again.

Gray-sama suddenly pats Hana-chan's head, making her look at him. "You're strong, Hana. What kind of kid would go over there just to save a stuff toy that you can get in stores? Now, don't cry."

And that was unexpected.

Hana-chan suddenly stops crying and looks at Gray-sama. "Gray-niichan..."


Two adults suddenly came running in with sweats visible in their foreheads and Hana-chan let go of me to run towards them as well.

"Mama! Papa!"

"We're very sorry, Hana!" Her mom said as she hugged Hana-chan tighter.

"Hana, we told you to wait there. Why didn't you wait?" Her dad said and joined in the hug.

"I was pwaying with Whiney and while I was twirling around, I accidentally threw her into Juvia-neechan and I met Gray-niichan too." She explained.

I stood up as her parents looked at me apologetically. "Oh Ms Juvia, what should we ever do to pay you back? Hana-chan must've been a trouble with you and your husband."


"Ah, he's not my husband." I laughed slowly. "And it's fine, Hana-chan is not a bother. I'm glad that you came here for her."

"I'm sure that you heard the broadcast, right?" Gray-sama asked.

"Yes, we heard it and came running here. We were looking for her all ovee the hotel and we're glad that two people found her." Her dad answered and lowered his head. "We're very thankful for you two."

"It's fine, Mr. and Mrs. Ishida." I answered.

I flinched when Gray-sama suddenly puts his jacket around me and made me zip it. I stared at him confusingly. "Uh... Gray-sama, what are you doing?"

"Just keep it on, a lot of guys are staring." He said and turned to Hana-chan's parents. "Well, we should get going then, Mr. and Mrs. Ishida."

"Yes, sorry for interrupting you guys." Her mom said and smiled. "Thank you again!"

"Thanks Juvia-neechan and Gray-niichan!" Hana-chan shouted happily. "See you again!"

"I'm sure you two will have wonderful children in the near future." Mr. Ishida said.

Uh... I thought and blushed.


I think this is the longest chapter I ever made.

Words: 2766

Sorry for the mispelled words!

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