Chapter 25: Mira's POV • Gray's moves

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Mira's POV

~•Spying on Lyvia•~

"Seriously, they had to choose that movie." I complained. I hate romantic movies right now because I don't have any boyfriend. (A/N: Yes, she doesn't a boyfriend and in the previous chapter, I said that she had but I just got confused with this story and my other story. xD Sorry for the inconvenience! I'll edit it out when I have time.)

"And Mira, remind me again why I came here." Gray grunted as he fixed his black glasses. Yes, we're in a disguise. I'm even wearing a blonde haired wig and Gray didn't want any wigs and let his hair stay like that. We're both wearing glasses and casual clothes. I hope it works though.

"Because we need to spy on those two." I explained. "It's a bit dangerous if they end up together. As a professional matchmaker, I won't ever let that happen."

He squinted his eyes at me. "I think we should let them be. It's their own business after all. We shouldn't- No, you shouldn't butt in."

I pouted and smacked him on his side. "Aish, are you okay with that?"

"About what?"

"About them getting together. About Lyvia becoming real?"


I facepalmed at my best friend. "Ugh... My head hurts. Why do you have to be so dense right now, at this time? And to think that you became a CEO."

"Mira, I don't really know what you're talking about and besides, let's just go. I want to rest." He said and turned around, prepared to leave.

But I quickly pulled him back in a second by grabbing onto his jacket. "You can't beat me at strength, you know? Don't go. We'll still observe."

He sighed and fixed his glasses again. "Why am I doing this..."

"Besides, I bought us tickets already." I said as I happily flashed the two tickets in front of him. "Now, let's go. They're already inside."

He widened his eyes in shock. "Uh... Since when did you-?"

"I have my own ways, best friend." I said and winked. I grabbed his wrist as I pulled him inside the cinema where Lyon and Juvia is. Keke... Wait for me, Lyon and Juvia.


And yes, we're right behind them. We managed to find them in this crowd! Ha! My sensor still works perfectly as usual. ♥

The movie was starting with Gray yawning and kept on nudging me and saying that he wants to leave but I didn't let him. If I have to chain him here, then I'll do it but since I'm still good and all, I just smiled sweetly at him and that made him shut up and concentrate on the movie.


I gasped when Juvia suddenly started laughing and she even hit Lyon once on his shoulder. Eh? I didn't think that the scene they showed is THAT funny. Is Juvia that easy?!

"Aish, she laughs loud." Gray groaned as he massaged his ear drums.

I ignored him and tried to concentrate on the movie. Sure, it was great and had a couple of comedy but it didn't make me laugh. And there was this scene when the guy suddenly hugged the girl from behind under the stars-


I sweat dropped at Juvia, who's now squealing at the said moment. Singles have their own way of making themselves happy, I think. A few people looked at Juvia's way when she squeals and seriously, Gray had cotton balls on both of his ears because of Juvia's loud voice.

I didn't know that it was easy to make Juvia happy.

Better add that to my Gruvia Info list for future purposes. ♥

Gray, you better thank me for this. I'm going to wish you two well, along with your 30 babies- No, 1000+ babies and I'm the aunt of all of them. ♥

Aish, stop exaggerating Matchmaker Mira.

~•After the Movie•~

They both went out fast so I quickly grabbed Gray by his jacket and pulled him out of the cinema. I heard Lyon's mind, yes MIND, that they'll be going to a restaurant. Huhu, my money.

But this is all for the sake of Gruvia.

"Hey, if I post this video on facebook and youtube, do you think I'll have million viewers?"

We both stopped walking when we passed by two guys and heard Juvia's squeals and laughs from earlier on the cinema in his phone. The two guys laughed and he encouraged him to post it.

I gripped on my fists as I was ready to punch those guys, even if we're in public right now and I don't mind them showing my other side.


Gray glared at them as he suddenly raised the guy, who has the video of Juvia, up by holding unto his shirt. He gave him him coldest glare as he muttered the words, "Don't think about posting that video everywhere or else, you'll say good bye to this world."

I was taken aback. It's been awhile since I've seen him like this. The last time was when someone tried to take advantage of Ultear.

"W-Who the heck are you?!" The other guy tried to punch Gray but he immediately dodged as he kicked the guy on his you know and he fell while holding onto his you know and crying out in pain.

"Delete. The. Video. Now." Gray said with his glare still on his face.

"R-Right...!" The guy he was holding onto said and he showed Gray his phone and was deleting Juvia's video. When he did, Gray let him go and walked past by him.

He passed by me too as he said, "Let's go, Mira."


I walked in the same pace as him As I eyed him suspiciously. My sensor is saying that I'm sensing THAT, yes THAT. The one I've been waiting for.

"What, Mira?" He asked as he spared a glance at me while walking. He didn't seem like he was regretting what he did earlier.

"I'm sensing an overprotective boyfriend-material from you Gray. It's been awhile." I said, trying to hide my excitement inside me.

"Huh? It's normal to protect your colleagues from getting into those dangerous situations." He said and even raised his eyebrow at me. How dare you raised an eyebrow at me?!

Nah, I'm kidding.

"Eh? But you're not that type of person, Gray." I said, trying to find more about him and his real feelings.

"I don't know what you're talking about."

Hmm... What do you guys think?


And we managed to follow Lyon and Juvia in a restaurant and he also ate there with me while observing the Lyvia date. When the short hand of the clock strucked at 8, they stood up and was prepared to go. I even had to hide both of our faces as they passed by so they wouldn't recognize us.

When they got out, I pulled Gray again as we followed the two of them. I just realized that they would make a good couple but sorry Lyon. Juvia's meant for Gray, not you.

I'm sensing that a pink haired girl would be great for you, than Juvia.

Sometimes, they would turn around and we would also end up turning around so they wouldn't recognize our faces. Gah! I thought THAT was it for the two of us.

Wow, and guess what?

After following them and a cat even followed us and I swear, I heard it say "Aye sir!", they ended up in the eiffel tower.

Is this where Juvia will reject Lyon?

Such a happy place for a sad situation. Is she bipolar?

Ah, why do I keep interjecting with this?!

And they even went inside the eiffel tower. Gray whined to me that he wants to go home and I gave him my sweet smile and he shut his mouth like a good kid.

Oh my, Juvia raised her arms high in the air and I saw her underwear. Why is she not being careful??

Gray squinted his eyes at the said sight. "... She needs to wear shorts."

Eh? You didn't blush? I was expecting you to blush upon seeing this 'heaven'.

I awed when Lyon went behind her and even whispered something on her ear. Maybe he was reminding her of the fact that she's wearing a dress and guys might stare at her whenever the wind blows through.

Find me a guy like this. ♥

Juvia backed away and I suddenly felt sad. Ah, I feel like this is the part where she'll reject him. I can't help but feel bad all of the sudden.

"What are they doing?" Gray suddenly asked.

"You goon." I scoffed. "Juvia's rejecting Lyon for you- AH! Right, she's rejecting Lyon because she really doesn't have any feelings for him. Haha!" Phew. That was close.

He stared confusingly at me. "Hn. Is that so?"

I smirked and nudged him at his elbows. "Hey, hey. This is your chance, Gray. Go at her and have 1000+ babies with me as their auntie!"

He sighed as he shook his head, as if he was pitying me. ARGH! BE THANKFUL THAT YOU'RE STILL MY BEST FRIEND! AISH, SUPPORT ME!

I rolled my eyes off of him and saw Lyon holding Juvia's hands. My expression was blank. I thought Juvia was rejecting him? What's with this scene?

Oh, how I wished that I could go nearer but they would notice me. Huhu. This is not Notice me sempai, okay?

"I thought she was going to reject him." I purposely said that to check Gray's reaction. Ha! It's blank, like mine as well. I was expecting something more than that.

I turned my attention at them and I was SHOOKT! Lyon gave Juvia a kiss on her forehead and Juvia didn't seem to mind it! I'm panicking! My system isn't functioning well right now!


Did she accept him?!

I shrieked when I heard a pot getting shattered on the ground. I looked at Gray and he has no pupils in his eyes. Is he furious? And he just shattered a pot of plant. Oh, the poor plant.

"Tsk." He walked out of the scene either both of his hands in his pocket.

And there's the jealous side.


Please read my Jimin x Reader fanfic titled "We don't talk anymore" ♥ Thanks!

Published: June 8, 2017

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