Chapter 29: Your Name

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Sorry for the inconvenience yesterday. I didn't want to reply back to her but she insulted me. ARGH, seriously. :0 She admitted that she's an attention seeker. But we should just ignore her, guys. Thank you for those people who stood up for me! <3

I won't let it be my downfall. ;)

Anyway, enjoy!

And sorry for the late update! I have a fever hehe. 😅😅 This should've been published yesterday.

Juvia's POV

He then lets go, leaving me in shock. He just stole my first kiss... He just kissed me... In public... In front of the kid... In the park... What am I doing?

More importantly, what just happened?

"There you go, kid. Now run along." He said and the little kid nodded with a smile on her face. "Fairy tales do cwome twue." And she runs towards those kids who're playing.

Gray-sama stands up from the ground and dusts himself while I'm... Still shocked and I let my mouth agape. Did it really happen? Or is it just my imagination?

Yes, it is just my imagination...

It should be...


"Lockser, close your mouth. Your saliva is dripping." Gray-sama suddenly said which cut me out from my thoughts and came back to the real world.

I closed my mouth and wiped it many times. Ah, oh my... I can still feel his lips against me. So that's how a first kiss feels like. It was soft and warm at the same time. (A/N: Hey, don't judge me. I don't even know how a first kiss feels like yet but a lot of fanfics say that it's soft so YEAH, NBSB FOREVER XD)

"Is there a problem, Lockser?" Gray-sama asked confusingly and with his eyebrow raised up.

Like you don't even know what's my problem.

I stood up and pouted. I even furrowed my eyebrows at him and puffed my cheeks. "... Gray-sama, you just stole my... my first kiss..."

"Uh, yeah. What about it?"

I pouted even more and hit him many times on his arm while saying, "Hmph! Gray-sama, your such an idiot! Baka, baka, baka, baka! GRAY-SAMA IS A BAKA! (o'Д')" (A/N: Baka means idiot, anyways. I'm laughing because in our language, it means cow. XD) 😂😂

"Wha-? But you allowed me to and why are you calling me an idiot??" He asked, after I finished landing my punching on his poor arm.

I gasped. "When did I allow you??"

"You said, I think we should so I took it as a sign." He sighed and ruffled his hair. "Look, I'm sorry and-"

"Gray-sama is a baka! (ुŏ̥̥̥̥םŏ̥̥̥̥) ु" I cried out again. "You just stole Juvia's first kiss and you won't take responsibility for it??"

He furrowed his eyebrows and said, "Take responsibility? It's not like I made you pregnant or anything."

"F.I.R.S.T K.I.S.S." I spelled out for him. "It's very important to girls like Juvia. And Gray-sama stole it so... I-I..." Juvia, get a grip on yourself. "I-I just wanted to say that-"

He holds my left cheek and leans in. And I swear, with this one inch difference, one wrong move and it's a goodbye to my second kiss. His other free hand made its way around my waist and asked nonchalantly, "And? Want me to steal your second too?"




My face flushed out of embarrasment and gulped when he continued on staring straight into my eyes. S-Since when did Gray-sama become so daring-? He wasn't like this before, well, after the 'Ultear' incident. I stopped breathing when his eyes looked down at my lips.

Oh my...

"Gray-sama..." I muttered.

That got his attention because he suddenly backed away from me. He was shocked. Wow, he got shocked just now? And he even blink his eyes a lot of times before looking away. "... Did I just really kiss you?"

I pouted.

Readers and Author reaction to Gray:


After that, things got a little too awkward. I decided to not tell Mira-san yet because knowing her, she might spread the good news around and say that Gray-sama and I are now dating. It's been a week since it happened and we're still avoiding talking to each other.

Mira-san and Lyon had suspicions around us but I decided to just ignore their suspicions.

It's not that I mind Gray-sama being my first kiss...

It's just that I wasn't prepared and got all confused. He's not that type of character who does that just because a child asked him too and I know it. I've been his P.A. for alnost a month now.

What are you thinking, Gray-sama?

"Juvia, I need you to get some documents at the Fullbuster Studio." One of my colleagues said. "And those documents are important, they're owned by Mr. Gray so be careful."

Finally, I have something to do.

"Wait, why is Juvia going to do that? That's not her job." Mira-san suddenly butted in and raised an eyebrow at the colleague.

"We're on tight spot now, Mira. And it looks like she has nothing to do so I'm just asking her to help us." She said and handed me a car key. "Here, you can use the company car in the garage."

"Roger that." I saluted at her.

Mira-san looked uneasy and asked me after our colleague left, "Juvia, do you even know how to drive?"

I nodded. "I have an experience in driving a few times so it's not really a big deal." I had Lucy and the others teach me knowledge about it and I'm sure I can handle it.

Mira-san pouted. "... Okay then. Just text me if you're going back already. I'm sorry that I couldn't go with you. I'm also stuck with paperworks here."

I gave her a smile and said, "It's fine, Mira-san. It's nothing Juvia can't handle. It's an easy job and I bet I can return earlier."

My eyes wandered off as they stopped at a certain busy man who is talking with someone on the phone. I wish he can rest. He looks so tired already. Maybe I should bring coffee to him when I get back.

"Well, I'm going now." I winked at Mira-san as I inserted my fingers into the car keys and started twirling them around.

~•A few hours later•~

Mira's POV

"... Aish, why is Juvia taking too long??" I ruffled my hair in frustration. I couldn't stay still so I kept on walking back and forth in the company.

It's been an hour and a half already and it only takes 25 minutes or less to get to the studio. I didn't hear any traffic news. Sure it's raining already but I'm sure that it's not enough to make a traffic jam.

"Mira, stay still. I'm getting dizzy just from looking at you walk back and forth." The colleague who told Juvia to come to the studio commented and rolled her eyes at me.

"Juvia is still not here! How can I stay calm??" I shouted out of frustration and it was enough to make Lyon stop from working and look at me.

"What, Juvia-chan is not here? Where is she? Is she absent?" He asked.

"That's what you get for working too hard that you don't even pay attention to your surroundings. She's at the studio right now and she drove there using the one company car at the garage." I said.

"She did what-?! That car is under surveillance! The engine is not working well." Lyon said worriedly and stood up from his seat. "Who the heck told her to go there?? Doesn't she even know that the car below is still being observed?!"

I widened my eyes and glared at the colleague who was looking away from me. Now I get it. As I thought so, there's something fishy about this. I was actually thinking about that car since earlier. Aish, I should've confirmed it!

I folded my arms and walked to her and gave her my deadly glare. "... Hey, you there. What are you planning?"

"I don't know what you're talking about." She said innocently. Tsk, as if she doesn't even know what I'm talking about right now.

"YA!" I shouted and everyone in the room turned to me. I slammed my hands on her table and shouted, "DO YOU THINK YOU CAN GET AWAY WITH THIS?! HOW DARE YOU DO THIS TO JUVIA!"

"I-I don't know what you're talking about!"

"Oh, darn well you do." Lyon said and was also glaring at her. "If something happens to Juvia-chan, you don't know what I'll do to you."

The door of Gray's office suddenly sprung open, revealing a pissed off Gray. "What the f*ck are you all doing?? You're all so noisy and-"

"Gray, this girl tricked Juvia into going to the studio and even using a car that's under observation." I said while pointing at the said colleague. "I bet she's stuck at somewhere while it's raining-"

"Mira-san, there's an on-going news about a girl who was car crashed and it was near the studio!" One of us suddenly shouted.

Gray's eyes squinted. "What?"

"AISH, I WISH I CAN STRANGLE YOU TO DEATH NOW!" I said as I tried to control myself on releasing my demonic side to the colleague who did this to Juvia.

"I warned you." Lyon said, glaring at the said colleague.

Gray suddenly pointed at her and said, "You, you're fired. I don't want to see your ugly face when I get back. I don't need someone who'll lead her own colleague to death. Get out. If the girl is really Lockser," His eyes darkened. "... I'll kill you." And then he ran.


Gray's POV

I inserted my car keys into my car and started it. I sped up and didn't care if I looked crazy outside. Who would even speed up their car while raining?

I swear on my name... If something happens to her, I'll kill that girl who put Lockser into this kind of dangerous situation. Tsk. How selfish can she be?

For the one week that we stopped talking to each other, I made a lot of thinking, this and that. I'm not in my character when I'm with her and curiousity kills me always.

What is this?

A few minutes later, I arrived at where the accident occured and there were a lot of people surrounding the said accident. I quickly parked my car at some place and got out, even if it's raining and even if I didn't use my umbrella.

"She's such a young girl."

"Tsk, how can this happen?"

"Poor girl."

Shut up, people. I'm getting more nervous than you. I excused myself in the crowd and tried to look at the girl who's on the floor and some people from the hospital are taking her inside the ambulance car.

I widened my eyes.

It's blue. Her hair is blue.

No, it can't be.

It's impossible... No... She's not that girl, right? Damn, her face is covered. How can I confirm that it's really her? F*ck you all. F*ck you who planned this out. I gripped on my fists and gritted on my teeth.

"Hey, isn't that CEO Fullbuster?"

"Yeah, it seems so."

"His eyes look so scary."

"What do you expect from such a cold person?"

I glared at those girls and turned away from the incident. Tsk. Selfish rumors. I'm really going to kill that girl. I'm going to kill her slowly. How can she even do that to Lockser?!


I quickly turned to my right and widened my eyes.

Juvia's POV

Finally, I'm done getting the documents. I'm so disappointed at the car. It stopped middleway and I had to walk to the studio just to get these and I'm glad that my umbrella is with me.

"Poor girl."

There was an accident when I came out of the studio. I frowned as I avoided that. I get sad easily whenever I see those kind of incidents. I just hate it because... It's how my father died, from a car crash.

Stupid Juvia. You should go along now and stop thinking about it.

"Hey, isn't that CEO Fullbuster?"

"Yeah, it seems so."

"His eyes look so scary."

I stopped walking when I heard the whispers. Gray-sama is here? But why? I thought he was busy with the piled up works. I looked around at my surroundings and didn't find Gray-sama.

Where is he?

Ah, but if he's here, he might scold me for leaving the car middleway. I was planning to get it when I get back to the company for the documents.

My eyed stopped at a familiar black raven haired guy who was getting out from the crowd. I smiled instrinctively. Gray-sama...! And why isn't he using an umbrella? He's getting wet.

I quickly ran to his side happily. Wah, he's really here! "Gray-sama!"

He turned to me with his eyes widened. "... Lockser...?"

I smiled widely and I also put my umbrella below the two of us. "Gray-sama, you're getting wet. It's raining. And what are you doing here? Are you going to the studio?"

"... You're... okay...?" He asked, completely ignoring my questions.

I confusingly looked at him. Why is he asking me that? "What are you talking about, Gray-sama? I came here to get your documents. Someone asked me to get it here."

His eyes soften as I continued to talk. "Gray-sama, you shouldn't have gotten out of your office. It's raining and yeah, I kinda left the company car somewhere here. I hope you won't get angry with that-"

"I don't give a f*ck about that..." He muttered and I couldn't hear it.

"What? Gray-sama, can-"

I tensed up when he suddenly held my wrist and pulled me into his chest, making me let go of the umbrella I was holding unto. He puts his hand behind my head and his other around my waist.

"You made me worried sick,"

My eyes widened at his next word.

"... Juvia."

(A/N: Something similar to that)


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