Chapter 36: First Day as a Couple

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Gray's POV

Where am I?

All I could see are white walls and the skies.

Am I in heaven?


I gulped and I couldn't move in my place when I saw someone in front of me, someone I never thought I'd see again. She was smiling and was wearing a long white dress.


She smiled even wider and took a step towards me. Why did she show up? She killed herself because of dad and now...

"Gray, sweetie," I tensed up when she suddenly held my hands and was looking at me straight in my eyes. "... I want you... To forgive me for leaving you so early. I was selfish... If I could turn back time, I won't kill myself in front of you. I'm really sorry..."

I frowned. "... It's okay, mom... I was just a kid back then and I didn't understand anything but now, I do because I'm a grown-up now. I lost 2 special people in my life..."

She smiled again and touched my cheek. "But sweetie, you have one again."


"Juvia Lockser. Cherish her with all your heart, Gray. I will pray for the two of you to be together until you die."


I suddenly woke up with beads of sweat appearing on my forehead. I dreamt of mom... It's been awhile since that happened.

But... Thanks mom.

I turned to my side, only to see a pillow beside me on my bed. My forehead creased and asked myself, "Where is she?"

(A/N: OKAY HAHAHA I know what you're thinking VERY WELL right now and it's wrong! They didn't do it.)

I could still remember what happened yesterday... After we kissed, we're officially a couple. I let her stay in my room because she didn't want to go and we slept woth each other...

Sure, it was awkward but I didn't mind at all.

But where is she?


~•Fullbuster Inc.•~

I texted Juvia earlier about where she went earlier. If she went home, she should've woke me up so I could drive her there. I got worried.

And she didn't even reply.

I was in bad mood when I entered the building and as always, I ignored those people who greeted me on my way to my office. I got inside the elevator and pressed the floor where my office is located.

When the elevator opened, I saw a creepy face with white hair.

Without any emotions, I said, "Mira, what are you doing?"

She smirked and replied, "Oh nothing. I just heard that you fired Bora because of him hurting Juvia."

"It's normal." I bluntly said and passed by her. I thought Juvia told her that we're dating... I'm glad that she didn't tell her yet or else, I would always be up all night because of Mira's fantasies.

I opened my door and to my surpise, she was there, sleeping on my couch with her head resting on the headboard and there's food on my table. There's even a candle light— Effort and even a placemat.

Suddenly, my anger went down. She left me early to do this?  I walked to her and put my laptop beside her. I crouched down in front of her and stared at her face. Mira is right... She is cute and pretty. Though, I noticed all that way before.

I gave her a light kiss on her cheek and whispered, "Wake up, Juvia."

She muffled and gestured me to go away. "Hm... Go away, sun. It's still night time..."




I blushed a little after seeing her cute reaction. I touched her cheek and said, "But Juvia, the sun is up so you should be up as well."

"Mn..." She slowly opened her eyes like a newborn baby and scratched it. When she fully opened them, she suddenly backed away from my face and she was blushing a deep shade of red.

"G-G-Gray-sama, w-what are you doing???"

I pat her head two times while saying, "Waking up my girlfriend."

She blushed again and lowered her head to hide it. "U-Umm... Well... I-I... Juvia is..."

I held her hand and intertwined it with mine as I stood up from the floor. She also stood up when I did. My eyes darted at the food on my table. "You really outdid yourself, you know. You shouldn't have done that. I was worried sick."

"S-Sorry for not replying to you and I..." She gulped and hid her blush again. "I-I... Just wanted to be a good girlfriend. Although, I don't know how."

Oh... That's right. It's her first time dating someone.

"You're already enough and I really appreciate this. I just don't want you to get tired, that's all." I simply said and walked to my chair and sat down. They're all my favorites again.

She looked troubled as she looked around my office. It took me quite awhile to understand what she was doing.

I pointed at my lap and said, "You know, you could sit on my lap if you want to."

She blushed again and shook her head as she pulled out a chair in front of me to sit on. "T-T-That's not it...! Cut it out, Gray-sama." She pouted and continued, "I-I hope that you'll like this..."

"Why wouldn't I?" I asked and took my chopsticks. "Wait, have you eaten yet?"

She nodded and said, "Yes. I ate earlier."

I frowned at her answer. "You should've waited for me..."

"S-Sorry." She lets out a giggle and rested her two arms on top of my table. "Tomorrow, I'll eat with you... Please enjoying eating Juvia's food."

I blushed slightly and faked a cough. Why do I always lose my character when I'm with this girl? I used my chopsticks to get the egg roll from the plate and cut it to make it smaller.

"G-Gray-sama, Juvia has a request... If you don't mind." She said as she played with her fingers and lowering her head down so I couldn't see her face.

"What is it?" I asked as I caught the egg on the chopsticks.

"C-Can I f-feed you?" She suddenly asked and pointed at my chopsticks. "U-Uh... Is it too much to ask? Or is it wrong to request something like that?"

"Ah, it's fine with me." I said and gave her my chopsticks. I was taken aback at her request because I didn't think that she would say something like that.

Her smile widened and grabbed my chopsticks and I swear, I could see flowers behind her as her background. "Yay~! Juvia is going to feed Gray-sama!"

"Hey Juvia, I... I have something to ask you." I said and scratched my cheeks.

"Hmm? What? Did something happen?" She asked and grabbed an egg roll on the chopsticks she's using. "You can tell Juvia about it."

"... Can we please make our relationship secret for awhile?" I asked.




She frowned at my statement. "Eh? Why? Gray-sama, why would you want that? Are you embarrassed that I'm your girlfriend?"

"No, no, no. It's not that at all." I said, trying to reassure her. "It's just that... Mira would surely freak out that she wouldn't let me sleep all night and Lyon might even put a dramatic show in the company. It's only for awhile though. We can tell them after a week or so, until we settled up. Is it okay with you?"

"Oh... I get your point but I actually told Mira-san that you smiled yesterday but other than that, I didn't tell her about us dating." She said and puts the chopsticks near my mouth with an egg roll on it. "Here, say ah~"

I opened my mouth a little to let her put it inside my mouth.

"Hey, Gray I need you to—"

"GAH!" Juvia suddenly shoved half of the chopsticks inside my mouth, making me choke, let out some tears and hurt my throat.

Juvia's POV

"Oh my gosh! Gray-sama, Juvia is sorry!" I said as I quickly grabbed the chopsticks out and made him drink a glass of water.

"Uh... Did I miss something?" Mira-san asked. Yes, she was the one who interrupted us. I wouldn't have acted this way if Gray-sama didn't tell me that we should keep our relationship a secret.

"N-No! Nothing at all! HAHA!" I said and tried to make an excuse while Gray-sama was drinking water. "I-I was just helping him eat because his arm is a little tired and as a personal assistant, it's my job to help him! HAHA! That's all!"

Mira-san's eyes squinted and nodded once slowly. "O-kay...? Anyway, I'll go back here again after Gray finished his meal. Well then, bye bye!" She said and closed the door happily.

I sighed in relief before turning to Gray-sama who was holding his throat. I quickly moved to his side and pats him on his back. "G-Gray-sama, I'm so sorry. I thought she was going to catch our act."

"I-It's fine." He said and cleared his throat. "It hurts a little..."

"Eh?? Should I get you some ice?" I asked, quite worried about his situation right now. "How about coffee??"

He gestured me to go near him because he has something to tell me about through whispering. Unconsciously, I leaned to him and waited for him to say what he wants.

But he took that as an opportunity to give a quick kiss on my cheek, making me blush.

He smirked at my reaction and said, "Gotcha."


Mira's POV

Yes! Juvia is feeding Gray! Oh, so cute~! I wonder why they're not dating yet?

[A/N: If you only knew, Mira...]


Here's an update for you guys~! I'm still pretty bummed out about that writer who stole my one shot story from my tumblr and posted it here on Wattpad as her own.



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