Chapter 44: Chest

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Missed me? :>

Lol, of course not. Huhu.

Juvia's POV

With the sun rays hitting my eyes, I woke up with sleepy ones. I slowly opened them and yawned in the process. I just had a nice dream where I ate a whole plate of chocolate and candies. I'm glad that my teeth didn't break.

I tried moving a little but I couldn't because of the two big arms that are wrapped around my waist. I wasn't facing that man and my back was near his chest.

I could feel his soft breathing because he was still sleeping. I moved my eyes to his small clock on his table and saw that it's around 6 already. We better go to work now and pack our clothes for tomorrow. This will be a very busy day for us.

I pat him on his arms twice and said, "Gray-sama, please wake up. We still have work."

"Mm..." was all he replied and loosened his arms around me.

I sighed a little and turned around to face him. It wasn't that hard, considering that he loosened his hug. He was pretty tall so I had to lift my face up as I pat him on his chest. "Hey, Gray-sama? We still have a lot of things to do."

"... 1 more minute." He muffled.

"No, you can't." Juvia answered. He has 3 meetings today so he needs to be punctual. I wonder how does he go up early in the morning for work when he's acting like this? "You still have a lot of work to do, you know."

I almost jumped out of the bed when he leans in near my forehead and gave me a kiss on it. It was a long one and I felt safe while he was doing that. He even pulled me closer so that he can do it.

He lets go and said, "... Fine, I'm up."

I smiled and he took his arms away from me. I finally stood up from his bed and the moment I did, I immediately stretched out my arms high in the air. My back hurts a little from lying down on bed and my arma felt lime they haven't been stretched out for years and years.

He sat on top of his bed and opened his mouth a little to yawn. Aw, this is heaven. He looks super duper cute. And I forgot to take another picture.

"What time is it?"

"6:38 A.M." I answered after taking a glance on his clock. We better get there by 8:00.

"We still need to stop by your house for your clothes. You can't wear the same ones like yesterday." He said. "... We need to save water for this if we want to go there early."

"Save water?"

"Let's take a bath together—"

And I sent him flying before he finishes his line.


We're already on his car now, on the way to my home, and he forced me to wear his shirt and jogging pants. He doesn't want me to wear my clothes from yesterday and I insisted but he still made me wear them.

Juvia plugged in her earphones in her ear and in her phone to listen to some music and she made the volume lower so whenever Gray-sama calls her, she'll hear him. She's just listening to one song, repeated.

For now, I can't really talk to Gray-sama because he's talking with someone else on his phone and I can't helo but listen a little.

"... Australia? Are you sure this time?..." Oh, he's talking about Australia with someone. "... You better be sure about that. He was just here a few days ago... Okay, good... I'll be a little late to work so keep them entertained, okay Mira?... Well, f*ck you too. Good bye." And he ended the call.

I quickly hit his arm, making him look at me with big eyes. "What was that for???"

"For cursing at Mira-san."

"She was the one who started it." He retorted.

"She's a girl!"

"No, she's not! You're not assured of that. You should take some of her DNA first and let the doctors check if she's really a girl! Ugh, she's one heck of a man, I tell 'ya— Okay, why are you recording this on your phone?" He paused and took a glance at me recording.

I smirked at him. Oh, he noticed it. I turned off my music so that I can record his insults to Mira-san. "This is in Messenger and I'll send that voice clip to Mira-san. Hm, my recorder works really great."

I could see cold sweat appearing on his forehead as he continued to drive at ease. "What the—?? No, don't send it, Juvia."

"Hmm, Gway-sama's a wittle scawed now?" I teased him in my little voice. I could see him getting annoyed a little because of me but it's just fun to tease him every once in a while.

He stretched his arm to grab my phone but before he can get it, I quickly lowered it down. He had a disappointed look plastered on his face while I stuck my tongue at him teasingly. "No, no, no. Let's see if you can really get it."

"Juvia, I love you."

"It won't work on me twice, Gray-sama darling~" I snickered. Well to be hoenst, I got affected but I won't let him see it.

He sighed and waited for a little bit before he stretched his arm again while not looking. I avoided his hand before he could touch my phone. "Ha!" I said and laughed a little. I played the voice clip to him as he drives while I continued on laughing.

"Juvia, stop being childish."

"Juvia, stop being childish." I mocked.

"Juvia, I mean it."

"Juvia, I mean it."



He suddenly stopped the car becuase the light is red. He looked at me with a smirk and said, "That's it. You're gonna get it."

Before I could react, he was already trying to get my phone desperately but I was avoiding everything. Ha, I'm good at this game, Mr. Fullbuster. He even tried to tickled me on my waist but I controlled my laugh because I can't let him have my phone. It's a once in a lifetime opportunity, hello??

I could see him getting irritated and annoyed at the same time. Aw, so cute.

"Gray-sama, drive! The light's green now!" I demanded.

He quickly stopped to look at the lights but I just lied. It was still red. I quickly laughed again on my seat because he fell for it. "HAHAHA!"

He stared at me obliviously. "... Seriously? What's gotten into you?"

I stuck out my tongue at him again and hid my phone. Nothing, I just wanted to tease you. Nothing special, hihi.

He held unto the stirring wheel and moved it when the lights turned green all of the sudden. He looked so concentrated while driving and I find that really attracting. I think he's giving up at getting my phone back. Okay, playtime's over, I guess.

I steadied my phone to take a picture of him while driving so I could make it as my lockscreen and homescreen.


Without any signals, he stretched his arm again to grab my phone but since I have fast reflexes, I avoided it again. He wasn't looking so I guess he didn't notice that my phone was not there anymore.

His hand landed on my chest all of the sudden.

"Soft?" He asked.

I felt myself blushing so hard and he looked at me. His cheeks turned red too as he removes his hand from it and continued on driving. "S-Sorry! It was an accident..."

"I-I-It's fine...!" I said and turned away from him and decided to just look at the window. It was embarrassing, really embarrassing. No one has ever touched me like that before.


"And, we're here." He announced and took his seat belt off around him.

We just arrived at my house and we were quiet all throughout the ride because of the accident that's not supposed to happen. Sluggily, I took the seat belt back to it's place as I got out from his car before he can.

I closed the door and avoided looking at him. Sure, it's unintentional but let's just say that's it's awkward, a little.

I heard the other door opening and closing and that means that he's out too. "Juvia, just go and change your clothes and we can both proceed to work."

"R-Right..." I said and didn't take any glance at him anymore as I just walked straightly into my house. I wonder how are we gonna survive this awkward atmosphere.

"Still, I didn't know that it was that big." I heard him mumble because I was still near him when he said that.

"W-What?!" I exclaimed as I looked at him with my cheeks red again from embarrassment.

He avoided my look and said, "N-Nothing..."

(T^T) I'll never get married at this state.


Till next time!

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