Chapter 5: Juvia's goal

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Juvia's POV

Juvia's goal is to make Gray-sama smile

Juvia wrote that on her diary. Now that she has decided that, she should make it happen.. No matter what.

Gray-sama has a really.. Really.. Sad past. Juvia really feels bad for him.. Ultear and his dad...

"Ultear..? Juvia thinks she heard that name before." I mumbled under my breath.




"Hmm..." I said, trying to remember her name.. "Juvia's pretty sure that she heard that name before... But I don't remember."

Just before Juvia could remember, her cellphone rang. Juvia picks her phone and it was Lucy who's calling. Juvia answered her phone.


"So~ How's your first day?"

"Oh, it went well!"

"Well, that's good to hear. ^-^ Okay, that's all I need to ask. Bye~"


And it ended. I noticed that it was already past 9:00 in the evening. I went to my bed and lied down. I hope that things can go well tomorrow.


Juvia arrived early at her work and she had time to buy coffee for her boss. I breathed in relief and knocks on his door, twice. "Gray-sama, here's your coffee."

He looked at Juvia. He looks so tired, like he didn't get enough sleep. "O-Oh, thank you. Please put it in my table."

Juvia nodded and puts his coffee on his table. He looks very tired. He kept on typing continuously on his laptop.

Maybe, he's like that since last night. "*clears throat* Sir?"

He looked at Juvia and she smiled. "Sir, have you eaten your breakfast yet? Since its already... Well.."

He sighed and types on his laptop. "Not yet but I'm used to it."

U-Used to it?! What does he mean by that? Breakfast is the most important meal of the day! Is what Juvia wants to say but... Never mind.

"Sir, y---"

"Ms. Lockser, what's my schedule from 10:00-11:00?" He asked, changing the topic.

I stuttered as I grabbed the folder containing his schedule and stuffs. "S-Sir, your schedule is.. Uhh... You have a meeting with the board members."

"Shit." He commented and sighed in depression again. "Okay, thank you. You may go."

Juvia went out of his office and saw Mira-sensei chatting with his coworkers. I approached her. "M-Mira-san."

She turned around with a smile. "Yes, Juvia?"

"Is.. Well.. Gray-sama used to not eating breakfast?" Juvia asked curiously. She sighed. "Yeah, he's like that when he's workaholic. Can't believe it."

"But.. He should've at least eat a piece of bread." Juvia said, quite worried about him. "Breakfast is the most important meal of the day.."

She giggled in response. "Juvia, you're so caring. "

"W-Well, since Juvia has set her goal now..." Juvia said and faked a laugh. "Er... Actually, it's hard than I thought."

"Mr. Gray's past is really sad though.." A co-worker comment, frowning. Juvia's eyes blinked twice fast. "You guys... know about it?"

"Well, yeah. Mira told us about it." She said, pointing at Mira. Mira-san giggled as her reaction. "Well, I tell it to those girls whom I trust most."

"O-Oh, is that so?" Was all I could say to them. Suddenly, a co-worker covers her face and instantly blushes. "But, you gotta admit it. Mr. Gray's really handsome~"

"I agree~❤" The other one agrees too. "Don't you agree, Juvia?" They suddenly asked. Juvia's jaws dropped and her cheeks turned red a bit by that sudden question. Juvia played with her fingers and answered them, "Y-Yeah, he's handsome.."

Mira-san giggled and pointed at Juvia. "This is Gray's to-be girlfriend, actually."

"M-Mira-san???" Juvia exclaimed by the sudden temptation. Juvia shook her head at her statement. "N-No..! Ju-Juvia doesn't have a chance on h-him..!"

"Well, they kinda suit each other."

"Juvia Fullbuster."

"Sounds good."

Juvia's whole face turned red and looked away. "I-Its not..!" Mira-san snapped her fingers. "Oh! Right, I just remembered something.. Since you're his P.A now, you'll be going with him everywhere. For example, if he needs to go to Paris then you'll be with him there for a day. Well, he is really rich."

"Yeah, he's RK. (Rich Kid)." The other two agreed. Juvia's eyes blinked twice. "R-Really? Juvia never thought.. That it would be like that."

"Hmm.. He usually goes to China and America." They said in a unison. Mira-san nodded and agreed to them. "Well, he goes there in a helicopter so it would be easier. You see, his other construction workers are in another country so he oftens goes there. "

"Gray-sama must be a lucky man to be traveling around." Juvia commented at her statement. Mira-san suddenly frowns. "But.. He doesn't want to go to Australia. He hates Australia."

"Eh? For what reason?" Juvia asked curiously. I mean like, Australia's a great place to live in. She just shook her head. "Can't say.."

"A-Anyways! Let's change the subject!" She laughed nervously.

Is something wrong with it?


"Sir, you need to go at the States because of the failure of the construction they're building in." Juvia said while reading what's on the letter.

"What?? Now??" He asked and massaged his head, trying to calm himself. "Damn, I never thought that they would fail building that."

"Building what, sir?" Juvia suddenly blurted out. He looks at me and I quickly covered my mouth. Juvia shouldn't have done that.

He sighed. "They're building a new Mall for people to enjoy in."

H-He answered!

"Anyways, pack your things and we'll stay there for 2-3 days. Hurry, we don't have much time."



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