Chapter 51: Ultear Milkovich

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Belated Merry Christmas and Happy New Year guys! :>

I'm not in the Philippines right now. I'm in Dubai and I'm trying my best to update for you guys. 😊

Have a nice and happy holidays!


Gray's POV


F*ck. I never expected that I would run into her now- No, even in somewhere else.

Her lips suddenly curled up and her eyes lightened. "Gray, it's been awhile. I never thought that I would meet you here. How's it going?"

"Uhh..." I looked away from her. Why is she acting so normal? Like nothing happened to us? "It's been great... I guess. How about you?"

"I guess?" She giggled a little. Ah, she used to do that as well back then. "So you're not sure if you've been fine after all these years?"

"My life is great actually." I bluntly said. "The company's in good condition. But wait, what are you doing here, at Lyon's hotel of all places?"

"Oh, that sounded rude, Gray." She said and sighed. "I'm here on an official business regarding about Lyon himself and his company. It's about a business-partner relationship."

Oh, that. I hate to be Lyon. Ultear's very hard to work with. When you're not agreeing with her condition, she will get mad at you and even lecture you for 5 hours straight. Ugh, I don't even know how I survived that mess. Aish.

"Okay then but I think he's busy for awhile since it's his birthday today. You can come back by tomorrow." I simply said and turned around. I put both of my hands on my pocket as I started walking out. I don't want to be around her for too long.

But I stopped walking when she suddenly held me in my elbow and even pulled me a little. My eyebrows furrowed at her. What is she doing?

"Gray, we rarely see each other. Why don't we sit and eat? My treat? Don't worry. We'll only be here at the cafeteria." She suggested and gave a pleading smile.

"Ultear, I have some other things to do."

"Please?" She pouted. "I don't know if I'll see you again after this. Just give me this chance, okay? And then I won't bother you anymore. I'll walk away and go." Wow, I haven't said a word yet and she already answered the ones I was going to ask.

I tried to let her hand go but she didnt and instead, she gripped unto me tighter.

I narrowed my eyes at her. "... You sure about that?"

"Yes, I promise."

I sighed. Well, they're still watching that movie. And Ultear won't even let me go. "... Fine. 15 minutes or lower is fine, right?"

She smiled. "Of course!"


Juvia's POV


We all screamed at the same time when the bad guy stripped his skin, showing his blood and looked like a colossal human. Ew, that's creepy.

I hugged my pillow and covered my face. Juvia might puke if she keeps on watching this any longer. And besides, Gray-sama is taking too long! Juvia wants to tease him while we watch...

Getting a glass of water only takes 3-5 minutes yet Gray-sama takes a lot.

"Juvia! Psst psst!" I quickly looked at Mira-san who didn't even look like she's scared of the movie. "It looks delicious right? I want to star in a movie where I eat people."


Mira-san is sometimes creepy, sometimes.

Moving aside that topic, I quickly grabbed my phone and texted Gray-sama, asking why he's taking too long downstairs.

Hmm, maybe he's in the bathroom and having a stomachache?

Maybe he's avoiding the movie and went somewhere else where I won't find him?

Or worse, he's meeting up with a girl behind my back.

Oh, but Gray-sama is not that kind of guy. He already learned from his past and besides, I trust him.


Gray's POV

She ended up ordering 2 cups of coffee and 2 slices of cake. My arms awere folded across my chest as I look at her eating her cake. I think she just wants a companion, nothing else.

Ultear always hated being alone all the time. She's always like that.

I didn't touch the food or eat. I'm waiting for her to talk. I don't even know why she wants to talk with me. Ugh.

This same girl who left me.

Who made me have depression and anxiety.

Who hurt me.

I still can't believe that she's here.

"Gray, I'm coming back to Japan in a few days."

I blinked my eyes twice. "What? You're coming back after all these years?"

She nodded and took a sip of her coffee. "Yes, I am. It's all because of that partnership. And, my dad wants to talk to you as well about it—"

"Tell him that I said no. I have no intentions of adding you guys in my partnership list." I bluntly said in a cold tone. I don't want to get involve with her anymore.

Her mouth slightly agape and she bit her lower lip. "W-What? We haven't even talked about it yet. Why do you seem like you're very sure?"

"I have enough partners already." I simply said.

"O-Oh, okay then. It's such a shame." She replied and looked away from me and took a sip of her coffee. "Well, can I have Lyon's number from you?"

"I thought you came here for him? And you don't know his number? That's impossible."

"Er... Well, he sometimes does not reply and I just want to double check if his number is still the same." She answered and I felt that she's becoming tense.

I groaned and took out my phone. My eyes slightly widened when I saw Juvia's message. She needs me. I quickly replied to her and said that I'm on my way and that I'll explain everything to her.


I quickly recited Lyon's number as she checked every single number in her phone. When I was finished, I stood up and asked, "Okay, it's done. It's been 12 minutes already. I gotta go."

She stood up as well and looked worried. "W-Wait, you haven't finished eating your food yet. Why are you in such a hurry??"

"I need to do someting." I said. "And you already got what you want so what else do you need?"

"I-I want to talk about... Us."

I narrowed my eyes at her. "What do you mean?"

She bit her lower lip again. "D-Don't you want us to start all over again? I-I want you to give me a chance... A chance to let me fix everything."

"Didn't you find a guy already?" I scoffed in my cold tone. "I don't love you anymore. Begone."

I turned away. What the f*ck is that? Why is she asking a chance again? The f*ck. She doesn't deserve a second chance. Is this why she's been messaging me to meet with her again? Stop this shit.

If you wasted your first chance, don't even think about a second chance at all. That doesn't work on me.

I froze at my place when she suddenly hugged me from behind. "G-Gray! Please...! Let me explain first, okay?? I want to make things clear for both of us..."

"You want clear? Okay. I don't want you in my life ever again."

I need to say those hurtful words so she could stop. But if she came earlier, knowing the me in the past, I might've said yes and date her again but now it's different. I'm different.

"P-Please don't be like that, Gray." She begged and hugged me tighter. "Let me explain, please..."

I held her arms and tried to get off. "Stop this, Ultear. My decision won't change."

Just then, I saw a girl with blue hair, not so far from us but she's hiding behind a door and was peeping on us. Her eyes were blank and her mouth is agape. My eyes met with hers and my heart almost fell into pieces when a tear appeared in her eyes and she ran.


I used force to get out of her grasp and thankfully, I finally got out. "Ultear, I need to go. Do what you promise now."

"But Gray—"

"I have a girlfriend, Ultear." I said and emphasized the word girlfriend. "So stop. My heart belongs to someone now."

She became quiet as I gave her a cold stare before I went out and chased after Juvia. Damn it, she got the wrong idea.


Be proud, guys! For the past month, I've been trying to move on from my crush and I finally did! :> He's not worth it anyways.

See you again!

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