Chapter 53: Reminiscing II

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Juvia's POV

"Nice to meet you." I simply said and smiled. They look good with each other.

I don't really like hanging out with couples because I feel so out-of-place. I want to hang out with those girls who are NBSB, like me. "Well, I gotta go now. My friend's waiting for me. It's nice meeting you two." I lied. I'm just waiting for Lucy here.

"Okay! Nice to meet you as well, Juvia!" Ultear said and winked at me. She waved me a 'good bye' while Gray simply smiled at me as they left.

Boy, her boyfriend is damn hot.

When can I find someone like him?

Ah, who cares.


Then as days, months,- years went by, I can't remember their faces or names. They never appeared in my mind again. All I know is that, I met a couple that day.

But one day, I ran into that girl when I was in my last year of high school, and graduation is near. She entered the same high school as I did, only in our last yesr of high school, and I never noticed- No, remembered that until now.

She was always... crying.

Because of that, she was bullied. I remember the rumors about Ultear Milkovich. She was always the target of the bullies in school. I didn't know the reason why she was always crying or sad. She won't even talk to any of us.

People are saying that it's because her dad died or it's because she left her boyfriend.

When I was walking alone to home, it was raining so I was wearing a blue raincoat with a hood. Lucy had to do something on that day so I had no choice but to go alone.

I heard a scream on one of the alleyways. It sounded like a girly scream. I didn't hesitate to run there, even though I don't know how to defend or fight someone.

And when I got there, I saw Ultear, resting her back on the wall and three girls were cornering her. I'm not wrong. They are the famous thugs in our school. I hid first to listen to their conversation.

"Oi, oi. Look at what we have here, a scaredy-cat Ultear MILKO-BITCH." The girl who insulted her laughed along with her two followers.


"P-Please stop this... I-I'm begging you..." Ultear begged as tears continued on falling down on her beautiful face.

"You were always slutty, Milkobitch. Why did you even bother going to this school? To forget your ex-boyfriend?" Girl #2 asked and scoffed. "You left him, you idiot!"

"You're always acting like you're the one who's always suffering. You're always crying, you dull-looking person." Girl #3 argued.

"Y-You don't know anything so don't ever judge me-"

"Shut up!" The girl who insulted Ultear the first time today, slapped her on the cheeks and made Ultear fall to the ground, hard.

I gripped on my fist as I stood up from where I was hiding. The three girls seemed to have noticed me and they glared at me.

"Who the f*ck are you?"

"What is this, a girl saving another girl?"

"Wow. You must be her friend then." Girl #1 scoffed. She pointed at Ultear, who fainted on the ground, due to fear and shock. "This girl here, doesn't deserve any friends. She left a famous boy for someone else! Such a cheap woman."

"Why are you minding her business then?" I asked and raised my eyebrow at them. "She has some reasons why she did that and you're not in the right place to judge her, you losers."

Ah, I got scared when they glared at me even more but I didn't show them that I was scared. I need to be strong to save someone.

"Oh, is that so, Missy goody-two shoes?" She rolled her eyes at me and she walked towards me. We were at the same height, thankfully, and I glared at her as well.

"Should we bully you instead of her then?"

"What an immature person, indeed." I smirked and gave her a hard slap on her face like she did with Ultear.

The two girls behind her gasped because of what I did. There, I did it. I'm scared of what might happen to me now. I gulped when the girl in front of me recovered and she clicked her tongue.

I was sweating, yeah. I'm scared. I don't even know why I did that just to save a stranger.

"What the f*ck?" I saw bloodlust in her eyes for a second just now. I was scared stiff. I shouldn't have ran here.

"You bitch!" She shouted as she grabbed me by mt collar and raised me a little and glared at me again. "You're gonna regret this, raincoat girl."

Good, she doesn't know me.

"Bring her down now or else, I will report you to your principal- Wait, police maybe?"

I stiffened when I heard a manly voice behind me. The 2 girls, Girl #2 and Girl #3, glared at the new visitor. Right.

"And who do you think you are?" Girl #2 asked.

"I might as well ask that back to you." The guy said confidently. "Who do you think you are to judge that girl you slapped earlier? Who do you think you are to bully her?"

"What the f*ck-"

The three girls remained silent as I heard sounds coming from behind. It sounded like a video of earlier. My, my. The guy behind me is a smart person. He filmed everything to blackmail these people.

The girl who was holding me dropped me but I didn't fall because if I did, no one would be there to catch me.

"Y-You wouldn't dare-!"

"Oh yes, I would." The guy said with authority present in his voice. "Listen to me, if I find out that you guys bullied her again- Not, not just you guys, ANYONE, I will scatter this video of you three and make it viral. I'm a man of my words and I keep what I say."

The three girls were frozen. I was shocked. I didn't think that blackmailing them is the key to make them stop doing what they're doing.

"Tsk. Fine. We'll leave her." Girl #3 rolled her eyes as one by one, they left the scene. They kept on cursing but I didn't miss one sentence.

"A raincoat girl and a raincoat guy? What an amazing fate."

Fate? What connection does that have with us?

When they left, I saw the guy, in his black raincoat, appeared into the view and went to Ultear. He carried her in his arms as rain continued on falling. He has a hood on as well and I couldn't recognize his face nor his voice.

He looked at me and said, "Thank you..." And then she looked at the peaceful girl in his arms. "Though, this is the last time I'll see her..."


I immediately sat on the bed and was breathing heavily. I just had a really, really, really weird and long dream. What was that just now?? I met them before?!

All this time and I didn't remember?

Do you guys know the feeling when you meet someone once and then you won't remember them anymore as years go by? Like, if you're a kid and you met your 3rd cousins and you didn't meet them in later years and then, you'll have a family reunion and it will feel like you just met them there.

Oh my, I used a lot of 'and'.

"Hey, is something wrong?"

I immediatelly looked back and saw Gray-sama reading a book with his glasses on. He was there all along, even when I was sleeping.

"I'm a man of my words and I keep what I say."

And he does. I'm sure that that guy in the raincoat is him.

I don't know why but I suddenly cried and threw my arms around his neck. How can I forget about them? About meeting them and I just remembered it now? When Ultear finally showed up.

"I'm sorry..." I whispered and continued on crying.

"Why are you saying sorry, Juvia?" He asked and rubbed his hand up and down on my back, comforting me.

"B-Because all this time... I-I... I..." I was lost for words. I don't know how I should tell him.

In fact, does he even remember that? I doubt it because he had a depression but who knew that even though she broke up with him, he kept on track about her whereabouts and he even saved her— No, us from those bullies.

I never knew...

That it was him all along...

"Shh..." He said warmly and hugged me back. "You can tell me later about you dream. You need to calm down first."

Is it really a dream— Or a reality that we have forgotten?


Cliche? I don't think so. (I hope it's not huhu.) This is the kind of twist that I've thought about 2 years ago and I'm glad that we're finally here.

Oh, and I have a new crush. ♥ I'm close with him. Hahaha. Your author is such a flirt. Ah, I'm sorry.

And I accidentally pressed PUBLISH while I was writing this chapter so I want to say sorry to you guys for having a false notification!

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