Chapter 69: Ignore

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Hihi, hi. Missed me? :)

Juvia's POV

"There's your little baby, Ms. Lockser."

I stared in awe as I stared at the little embryo on the screen of the machine.  I'm at an appointment right now because I need to check on how my baby's— wait, our baby's health.

The doctor slightly giggled when she saw me touching the screen. I was to mesmerized about the fact that a living human is growing inside my tummy. I've always dreamed about this and I never thought that I could achieve it.

"Your baby's growing fine. Just take the prescribed vitamins and minerals you'll need to keep the baby healthy and grow strong." She said as she takes down notes about how my baby was doing.

"Yes doctor. I will." I answered.

In about 7-8 months, I'll have a little human being on my arms. To be honest, I really feel excited about this. Even mom is supportive about me having Gray-sama's baby, which I didn't expect at all.

"By the way," She started as she closes her pen and looks at me in the eyes. "When can I meet the father of your child? He has some documents he needs to sign."

"Ahh, I guess so... I'll talk to him about it later." I simply said.

I wanted this to be a surprise for him so I didn't tell it to him yet. Only Mira-san, Lyon, Meredy, mom, Lucy, Erza and Levy knows about this. I kept it to a minimum because I don't want the spoil the surprise.

What I'm planning is that, I'm going to ask him over to my house later and we'll be watching a lot of cartoon movies and I'll also give him books about pregnancy and babies. Just thinking about it makes me burst out in happiness!

Gray-sama and Juvia's baby...

I wonder what he or she will look like?


"Stupid old man."

"Haha! You're at it again, Gray."

For some reason, Gray-sama and his father have been getting along quite well, ever since they had the talk last week. He told me about what happened on that day and it seems that he chose to open his heart to his dad for the second time.

"So missy, have you ever thought about you and my son getting hitched?" Uncle Silver asked while wiggling his eyebrows at me.

And I can see that Gray-sama inherited his playfulness.

"Geezer! You're too forward! You're scaring her, sheesh!" He complained and messed his hair up. Although he's complaining, I can see some tiny red marks on his cheeks, indicsting that he's blushing.

"O-Of course, I have!" I answered before looking away from the two. I twiddled my fingers at each other and quietly said, "As long as it's him, I don't mind."

"Haha! Then we should arrange your marriage celebration!" Uncle Silver cited happily.

"It's not for you to decide. Ugh, I invited you out here because I want you to meet her in person, not to decide on something extravagant." Gray-sama said.

It's actually Saturday today and he suddenly called me this morning that he wants me to meet his father at a family restaurant, which his father owns. I thought things are going to be serious but then, their personalities made my assumption wrong.

"Okay, okay. But can you tell me how you two met each other?" Uncle Silver suggested as he eyed the two of us. "I just can't believe that Gray has a really beautiful and sexy girlfriend."

"That's unbelievable?!"

"Well, excuse me for thinking this way!"

Hahaha, they remind me of Lyon and Gray-sama fighting for some reason. Or am I the only one who thinks that?

"W-Well, I applied for the position of Personal Assistant in his company." I answered. "You can say that that's where it all started."

"Why are you making your girlfriend work?! And worst, as your P. A?!"

"I didn't KNOW that she was going to be my girlfriend at that time!"

"Oh, is that so?" Uncle Silver snickered and then he took a sip of his coffee. I'm still confused on why he invited us out to his family restaurant if he's only going to drink coffee.

"You two are so lively. I can already picture you two having kids and such." He said as he smiles at us. "But you two should get married first before doing it, okay? Adults nowadays."


"Y-Yeah, we'll take note of that." Gray-sama answered as he looks away from me.

Er, we kinda already did it without getting married first. But I think it's very much fine. I then looked at my tummy and unconsciously caressed it without Gray-sama noticing it.




Oh, but one person did.

Uncle Silver's jaws dropped and he also almost dropped his coffee but he got ahold of himself. Uh-oh, my baby and I can smell trouble ahead.

"Gray Fullbuster! I never knew that you were going to be like this!"

"Now what did I do?!"

Don't tell me he's going to tell Gray-sama?!


I quickly gave a signal to uncle Silver that he shouldn't say that I'm pregnant because of him. It looked like he had second thoughts but I lowkey begged him to keep it a secret so that my surprise won't be ruined.

He kinda understood what I was saying, fortunately.

"And dad, you should really stop shouting because of your heart." Gray-sama changed the topic. I was sorta relieved. "You wouldn't want to have an early death, would you?"

"Now you care for me. How sweet of you, my son." Uncle Silver teased. "But don't worry too much. I wouldn't mind having an early death because you and I are finally talking to each other after so many years. You don't know how I've wanted to have this moment become real."

He gulped in response as I looked at him with worry. He's been scarred by his parents ever since he was a child. As I thought so... He must still feel a little uncomfortable with hanging out with them.

I held his hand in secret and gave it a light squeeze, making him feel at ease.

"S-Stop the drama, old man. The past is in the past." He murmured as he squeezes my hand back. I secretly smiled when he did so.

"Right, right." Uncle Silver agreed. "Just so you know, I cancelled my trip back to Australia next week."

"What?? Why?"

"So that I could hang out and be with you more often, you dummy! I don't know how long I'll last so it's better to do this." He replied with a laugh.

Talks like this makes me feel uncomfortable because it reminds me a lot of mom's case. It's a good thing that she was able to survive and she's now okay.

Gray-sama was a bit surprised at his father's straightforwardness. As a response to it, he hid his eyes with his bangs as he scratches the back of his head while smiling to himself. He seems to be really happy about it.

Isn't that great, Gray-sama?


"Thanks for dropping me off, Gray." Uncle Silver said as soon as he got out of the car. We drove him to his house— No, mansion. What can I say? Their family is really well-known and rich.

"If you want, you two can spend the night here. You're both welcome." He added.

"Hmm... Maybe next time, old man. I need to do something else later at home." Gray-sama replied.

"Oh, is that so? Okay then." He said and then looked at me. "Juvia, take care of Gray for me, will 'ya?"

"T-That goes without saying, uncle Silver. Juvia will take care of Gray-sama 24/7." Juvia said with determination and she isn't joking about 24/7.

"Hahaha! I like your spirit! Well then, good night and drive safely, okay?" Uncle Silver said, smiling, as he waves  at us. "You guys should come back any time you want!"

Gray-sama just casually nodded while I waved back. He closed the window of the car as he started driving again, leaving uncle Silver behind. I slouched back on my seat as I stared at the view before me, city lights and stuff.




"Gray-sama, uncle Silver is really kind, right?" I started. "I first thought that he's the serious type of guy who doesn't laugh but my expectations were wrong. He's quite the cheerful type of person."




He didn't reply.

I took a look at him and saw him looking at the road ahead of him with a serious face. It's been awhile since he had that kind of face. I think the last time was when Bora hurt me?

"Uhm... Gray-sama?"

Still no response.

I slightly pouted at him. "Gray-sama... Why are you so quiet? Just awhile ago, you were happy and laughing. What happened?"





"Ugh, sorry Juvia but I'm not in the mood for talking." He finally replied but in his cold tone. He didn't even spare a look at me when he did. "It's hard to drive, okay? Let's be quiet."

I gaped. This was the first time he acted like this. He was never the type of person who complains about talking while driving. In fact, he's the one who usually starts the conversation inside the car.

This was odd. Very, very odd.

"O-Okay, I'm sorry." I said quietly as I looked away from him and just stared at my tummy.

At this rate, I won't be able to ask him over later. It seems that he's in a bad mood. But the question is why? He's having mood swings right now oh my.

I just stayed quiet the entire ride so that he won't get irritated or angry. None of us even tried to speak to one another after his cold talk.


I got off from his car the moment he stopped in front of my house. Before closing the car, I looked at him with a smile, "Gray-sama, thanks for today. I really enjoyed it."

"Hn... Ha? Yeah, whatever." He said and didn't look at me again.

I was stunned and was frozen at my place. He never replied to me in that kind of speaking! It's like he's disgusted or furious with me.

"G-Gray-sama, did Juvia do anything wrong today? I thought that we were happy..." I muttered under my breath sadly as I gripped on the car's door slowly.

"... It's nothing. You should realls go inside now." He said and again, he didn't look at me.

"But Gray-sama, why are you—"

"Look, Juvia... I'm just tired, okay? I still have some other things to do at home. You should get some rest." He cut me off just to say that to my face. "Now, close the door. I really need to go now."

I bit my lower lip and I slowly closed the door. As soon as I did, he drove away from my house— specifically, me. In the end, I didn't know what I did for him to act this way.

I don't remember anything...

I don't remember doing anything that made him mad.

I clutched unto my chest as I stared lowly on the ground. Sure, we had fights before but this was worse. Even if we were fighting, he would never reply in a cold tone or what.

What did I do?


How's it going?

You wouldn't believe what happened to me all this time. Hihi. I'm really sorry!

-Oof, one piece Marineford arc got me depressed, like for a week or so. I'm telling you now, this anime is more emotional than fairy tail.
—————Btw, I'm at episode 545. You guys should really watch it. It's worth it.

-School, ugh.

Btw, meet my new ship. 💛💚

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