Chapter 11: You Lose

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"I don't know exactly, I don't know what to say other than that" I said awkwardly.


Chase: when are you coming to school?

Bree: soon, my parents feel bad and wanted to bring me out for breakfast. I'll be back probably during lunch

I finally walked into school after telling my parents how I don't want to stay home. They felt so bad about what happened, it was hard for my parents to not want to sue Caitlyn for what she did. I know it was bad but it wasn't bad enough to sue her. That would be going a little bit too far.

I went towards my locker so I could put my stuff in so I wouldn't have to carry much to get through the rest of the day. I looked to my right at the doors of the cafeteria that was closed but I could hear everyone talking. It was lunch. I'm not hungry considering the fact that I just went out for breakfast. It is only 11:00 anyway.

I put my stuff away and I had my phone in my pocket and I walked into the cafeteria. Everyone had shocked faces, and were immediately concerned. But Caitlyn, she had a tiny smirk that she was trying to hide.

"Bree are you okay?" Caitlyn asked. Bull****

"Save it Caitlyn, don't even try to hide the fact that you are the one that broke my arm. I am done with your bullshit. I have done nothing to you" I shouted. Everyone was watching, but I didn't care. Everyone heard it, good. Caitlyn deserved this.

"I have no idea what you are talking about" Caitlyn tried to say convincingly.

I rolled my eyes and walked back out. Still all eyes on us.

"This is so you Bree. You have to have all of the attention, breaking your arm and then blaming me for it!" She said

"That is all a lie. You know that!" I shouted, "What did I ever do to you?!"


"Woah! What is going on here?!" Principal Perry questioned.

"Caitlyn broke my arm and then is saying that I did it to myself" I said with my teeth gritted.

"Caitlyn! You can't cause pain to other students! That is my job!" Perry yelled.

"But I didn't do anything, Bree is lying!" Caitlyn pleated.

Suddenly on the tv above Principal Perry's office door, a video of our practice popped up. Right! Security cameras! Then Chase came back and then stood next to me. So that was where he went.

It started playing and I grabbed Chase's hand and smiled. It showed how Caitlyn purposely made me fall. And by the way she did it, there was no way she could deny anything.

Caitlyn's face immediately turned red and she didn't know what to do.

"In my office, now Caitlyn!" Perry shouted.

"Chase, thank you so much" I whispered to him. I wanted to hug him but obviously couldn't because of my arm.

A few minutes later Caitlyn came out of Principal Perry's office with a hurt and angry look on her face. I understand angry but why hurt?

"Chase, I'll be right back" I said walking towards Caitlyn.

"Woah, Bree, do you think that is the best idea?" Chase asked pulling me back slightly by my hand, obviously being able to tell what I was about to do.

"I don't think she is going to do anything" I said, I was referring to Caitlyn liking Chase but he doesn't know that. That's the only reason I can think of for her being hurt right now.

I walked over to Caitlyn

"Hey, can we talk in private?" I asked Caitlyn softly.

She looked like she wanted to punch me but she didn't.

"Fine." She said after getting her emotions in check.

"Look, I know that you like him..but hurting me wasn't going to help, or make him like you. You are just lucky that I got my parents to calm down because they wanted to sue you" I said, leaving it like that.

I then walked back over to Chase.

"I'm guessing you heard what I said" I said not looking at Chase, but at the lockers.

"No, I didn't. I didn't know if it was something you wanted to hear or not" Chase said looking at me, I didn't have to see his face to know that.

"I'm gonna go home" I said simply

"Wait, what why?" Chase said back not looking away

"I'm not ready" I said, finally daring myself to look at him

"Not ready for what?" He asked, "what happened? You were fine before you talked to Caitlyn"

The bell rang, interrupting us and the hallway was flooding with students again.

"Don't go" Chase said

"Why not?" I asked.

"I want you to stay." Chase said a bit quieter.

"Fine, I'll stay, but can you promise me something?" I asked. This isn't about me simply going home and seeing him the next day. This is something different. Something deeper. I have realized it's the reason we aren't closer.


"I want you to promise me that we will always be friends and that nothing will change between us"

"Bree, I wish I could promise you that, but that isn't under my control"

"..You should go, class is gonna start soon" I said forcing a smile.

The hall emptied and we are the only ones in the hallway again.

"Bree, what is going on?" He said obviously confused with the changes that has just happened.

"We are both scared"

"Scared of what?"

"This." I said walking closer to Chase and grabbing his shoulder. I then pulled him closer. I was about to close the gab between us when..



I got bored soooooo

It's a bit shorter than usual but close enough.


also comment if you hate me for this ending lol

I'll post the next chapter when I have at least 5 different people that say if they want them to kiss or not. Of course after I write it too.

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