Chapter 23: On the Run

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I had to get off this island. I had to. But the only way off was the hydro loop and I couldn't afford to run and test if somehow I could run on water. And I don't have time to attempt to geo-leap so. I made my way to the nearest hydro loop off of the island and before I got in it. I closed my eyes and made the final decision to leave Chase here and got in. Nobody was around so there was nobody here to suspect or here it leave.

When the hydro loop got to the mainland and opened. I stayed still for a second when two people turned and looked. I knew they were with Marcus and I knew the were damn curious about how there was nobody there. Before they got any closer to the point where I wouldn't be able to get out before the doors closed, I got up and slid past them. And as quietly as I could, I walked in any direction and made sure I was far enough from any chance of anyone seeing me. And reappeared, it was a little tiring, that being my first time staying invisible for longer than five seconds. I stayed invisible for, what had to be about 15 minutes. Adrenaline.

I still had to run. But where? I knew I couldn't stay in one place too long. And I can't go anywhere I know. And I still don't know if I can run over water so that meant I had to at least stay in this continent- well actually I could go to South America too. Since it's connected. BREE that is not the point! I am getting distracted. Mr Davenport did tell me that I won't get lost since I have a GPS but I know Chase didn't want me to use it in this situation. So I took a breath, and ran.

I am pretty good at geography so as long as I don't leave the country I should have a vague idea of where I am. I thought, maybe I should go somewhere that there is a lot of people so it would be hard to find me. And then I thought, New York City. Marcus has no idea where I could be. Since he doesn't know I have bionics he definitely wouldn't think I'd be so far away, and without Chase. He might think I'm still somewhere in California.

It didn't take that long to get to NYC but it was starting to get dark, and I haven't eaten in probably seven hours. But what am I supposed to do? I don't have that much cash on me and I don't want to steal anything. I guess I should just find a safe place to sleep for the night. I can't sleep on the street because that wouldn't be safe for more reasons than just Marcus. People on the street were starting to look at me weirdly because of the panicked look I had. I put my hood up to cover some of my face and I ran (at a normal speed) a few more blocks down and climbed the fire escape to the roof and I saw there was a beach chair. I was hungry and tired so I laid down and tried to fall asleep. But all I was thinking was about how everybody I left behind were doing.


I woke up at what I guessed to be around seven in the morning so I brushed my hair with my fingers and French braided my hair since it was messy. I left my hood down to not look suspicious while walking down the street. But I know one thing, I really need food. If I'm going to be using my speed today to get out of the city, then I need to eat. And if I plan carefully then I should have enough money to eat for probably three weeks without totally starving myself. I guess I'll be eating once a day and maybe twice.

I climbed back down the fire escape and bought food that would last me a couple meals. Then since I wanted to superspeed out of the city I needed to go somewhere that I would be seen before I started running. I turned down an alley and went behind a dumpster where the people walking down the street wouldn't see me, but before I ran, I noticed the building I was next to. It looked to be an upper class building and then next to the dumpster on the ground I found a couple things that could be useful. And for once, I thanked rich people for throwing nice things away. I saw a small backpack that could be useful and I found a small pocket knife that looked to have never been used. I put my extra food and the knife in the bag, put it on my back and tightened the straps. Maybe I will be fine. I just wished I knew how long I needed to be on the run. It's been only less than a day, but I miss them, not even just Chase. I even miss Leo.

After more running I found myself at the beach. One of the beaches in South Carolina. I sat down on the shore and wrapped my hoodie around my waist. It was hot, I probably shouldn't have gone this far south. But I'm too tired to superspeed for now. I just looked at the waves and was just thinking. It's early in the day, and since I'm going to be here for the day I need to be smart, do something. And get my energy back up.

I managed to be somewhat relaxed, well until someone sat down next to me. "You seem lost."

"What makes you think I'm lost?" I reply. Don't trust anybody and don't give any real information.

"Your shoes for starters. You are at the beach without a towel or anything beach related" He laughed.

"I know exactly where I am"


just a warning to my nonexistent readers: only a couple chapters left

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