Chapter 4: A lot on the Mind

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(this is after Chase asked Mr Davenport if Bree could stay because she couldn't go anywhere else for the night bla bla bla. He eventually said yes)

"oddly enough we don't have a guest room so..its either my room or the couch in the living room and Adam and Leo will be playing video games all night soo.." he started.

"so...does that mean we would both..." I pointed to the bed and tried to hide my blush.

"no no no, ill take the couch"

(Chase has a couch in his room also)

Would it be weird if some part inside me wanted to...

Yes Bree yes it would be. Being in the same room as him sleeping is NOT going to help me.

"uh that reminds me do you want any clothes to sleep in. I just don't think you would want to sleep in your uniform" he scratched the back of his head"

Why does he have to look so cute doing that!

"its your room and your house. Ill take the couch" I said seriously.

"ok. Then ill go get you some clothes"

While he went to get me some clothes I put everything into my backpack and set it down near the couch while plopping myself down and closing my eyes.

I could sense him walking back and set his clothes on my lap before walking over to his own bed and laying down.

I opened my eyes and took the clothes while walking to the bathroom to change.

Chase's pov

After talking to Mr Davenport he eventually said yes. He probably had the same opinion as Leo and thought I had no chance so he let her stay. Its insulting really.

I need to get her out of my head. But I swear I saw her blush. Its going to be harder to once she comes out of the bathroom in my clothes. Why did this have to happen to me of all people. Guys at our school would beg for this to happen to them. All of them better and "prettier" choices yet she chose to be my friend instead. ...I did not think my first day of school would end up like this. In a way its good I guess. Just complicated.

I plopped myself on my bed and shoved my face into my pillow. I am not ready for her to come out in my clothes. Not at all. Maybe if I keep my face in my pillow she wont be able to see my face turn red, or should I say MORE red. I had my arms out infront of me hugging the outside of the pillow, possibly to show the muscle I do stronger than I look, Adam just hasn't noticed that yet. He's too busy either punching me or throwing me across the room. Im not going to lie, it hurts. Physically, not emotionally.

Bree came back in and I kept my face there in the pillow. I need peak a little bit and luckily she wasn't looking-at least I don't think she was. But she looked so hot in them, and I don't normally use the word hot, unless its temperature wise. She looked amazing. The sweatpants toned her perfectly (they weren't tight), the plaid shirt loosly on while her hair was down around her. She took her makeup off and she still looked just as beautiful.

I got all of that just by one little glimpse of I got it bad. Hard to believe she's even here right now. I hate my fantasy right now. In it, she is my girlfriend, she knows my secret, she's ok with it, and she doesn't get hate from our relationship. But in reality, im keeping the secret, she's not my girlfriend, and she probably wont be ok with it. If anything happened between us she WOULD get hate for it. She's probably getting hate just for being my friend or just for talking to me.

I wish she was bionic.

It would make things easier. At least in my fantasy. I don't want her to have bionics though. She can live a normal life without them. She doesn't have to worry about getting caught and being taken away by the government. I wouldn't want her to deal with that. It was hard enough to get Mr Davenport just to let us go upstairs leaving the basement, even if it was only for one day.

I got underneath my covers so I could try to get to sleep. I don't want to have to deal with all these thoughts. I know I have to though. But im done with it for tonight at least. Its getting late anyway.

"goodnight Bree" I said before closing my eyes at my own attempt to sleep. Gonna be hard with everything on my mind.

Bree's pov

I came out of his bathroom after I changed and took off all my makeup. I don't want him to see me without it on but I cant sleep with it on so..

When I did walk back out I tried hiding my face naturally. He had his face stuffed into a pillow. Don't have to worry about that I guess. Its been a long and strange day. A good strange. Other than all the "you cant be friends with him" drama.

Is it a bad thing I like his clothes? UGH I have so much on my mind right now. I pulled on the thin blanket that was on the edge of the couch and just layed there looking at the ceiling thinking.

"goodnight Bree" I heard Chase say.

"goodnight Chase" I said quietly, but loud enough for him to hear. I turned to look his way and I saw him with his eyes closed and he smiled. At least I think he did, it is dark in here. He smiled like he had been wanting to hear that his whole life or something.

I wont even get to sleep if I don't stop thinking about him!


im busy with school right now. i dont have writers block but i just dont have time to write that much. i still have a bunch of good ideas for this story though, but its in the future of the story. but ill give you a sneak peak. it may already be obvious but they do get together in the future. see sometimes it is good to read authors notes :)

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