Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Bruce's POV

 I'm beyond thrilled to have Elizabeth working with me on this project for the next few weeks. I've learned so much about her already today, the basics from what her favorite color is (it's blue) to what her family's like. She even got me to open up about battling my demons, one of them being Hulk along with breaking both Betty and Nat's hearts. She listened to me without judgment and I appreciated it so much. I don't get to vent often so when an opportunity to do so is present, I jump all over it. 

   I'm currently eating some tacos from Taco Bell for supper. I was too lazy and tired to make anything tonight. Don't worry, I got one of those delicious watermelon slushies to balance it out. Spicy foods bring out Hulk's voice in my head, mainly because he's not quite used to them. That's a bit ironic if you ask me. 

    After I finish eating, I take a hot shower to unwind and get ready for bed. Surprisingly, I have my first night's sleep without any nightmares in years... that's sure something.

The next morning...

 I wake feeling well rested for a change. I quickly get ready for work and grab breakfast from Dunkin Donuts on the way, which is a hot coffee and a plain bagel with cream cheese. I'm excited to dive right into the project with Elizabeth... also to spend more time with Elizabeth. There's just something special about her. I'm so glad Tony chose her out of the thousands of applicants to add on to the team.

  Elizabeth greets me with a warm smile. "Good morning Bruce. You seem well rested." I smile back at her. "Good morning Elizabeth. You seem well rested too. By the way, do you mind if I call you Liz?" "If you were Tony, I'd say no but since you're you, I'll allow it. Elizabeth sounds so formal. I'm twenty, not ninety." I chuckle at her statement. "You're lucky to have your youth still. My hair is beginning to turn grey. I'll have a full head of grey hair by the time I'm fifty." 

    Liz smirks at me. "Why, so you can call yourself a silver fox?" I blush immensely, her comment throwing me off guard." Her expression then softens. "Aw Bruce, you're adorable. Anyways, we should get to work." I shyly nod and lead her into the lab where we once again lose track of the time. We work an hour more than both of our shifts required, but I'm making sure Liz gets paid for her extra hours. 

  "Hey Liz, this may be a bit forward, but can I have your number? For work purposes of course." She smiles. "Absolutely." She grabs a piece of paper and jots down her number for me. I do then do the same for her. "Have a good night Bruce. I'll see you again tomorrow." She turns to leave and something suddenly comes over me. "Liz wait!" She stops in her tracks. "Yes Bruce?" I blush and bite my lip. "Want to grab dinner? Consider it my apologies for keeping you at work so late the past couple of days."

     Liz lights up. "I'd love to. I don't know much longer I can go without food. Are you craving anything particular?" I ponder that for a moment before answering. "I'm actually in an Italian mood. How Mama Leoni's down the street?" She nods in agreement. We then walk to Mama Leoni's side by side. I stay close enough to protect her from any wise guys. A few pigs whistle at her and it takes everything in my power not to Hulk out on them. Thankfully Liz doesn't sense my jealousy nor does she notice my eyes flickering from brown to green and back. 

       We have a nice supper together. I ordered myself a large spaghetti with meatballs while Liz ordered cheese ravioli and a side salad. We both just stuck to water for our drinks to save a few dollars. The food is delicious and we're truly enjoying one another's company. I hate to see the night end but sadly it has to after dinner. Liz notices me deep in thought and looks at me with concern. "Bruce, are you okay? You zoned out there for a moment."

     I smile at her to cover up my sudden nerves. "I-I'm fine. Just tired is all. Don't worry about me. How are you feeling Liz?" She raises an eyebrow but doesn't question me further. "I'm doing fine Bruce thanks for asking." A moment of silence passes before we go back to eating. When we're done, I pay the bill for the both of us. "Bruce, you didn't have to do that, but thank you. I haven't been treated to anything in so long." My smile shifts into a deep frown. "Really? How come?"

     She looks at me in embarrassment and shrugs. "I guess I wasn't worthy enough." I sigh. "I know that feeling all too well. Listen Liz, I've only just met you a few days ago, but you're incredible. You're a lovely person, so intelligent, and have an amazing work ethic. You're growing on me pretty quickly. I'm here for you anytime you need me, okay?" She bites her lip. "You don't have to say to that, you're just being nice." I cup her face gently, getting her to look me in the eyes. 

   "Liz, I mean it. I'm here for you. Believe it or not, I consider us to be friends. I may be your boss, but I care about you a lot already." She begins to crack a smile. "Thank you Bruce and I feel the same way. Thank you again for paying the bill. The meal was lovely... so are you." The both of us blush at the same time, share a gentle hug, and part ways again until tomorrow. What a day it's been. It's like every day I spend with this girl just gets better and better. 

Hoped that you guys liked this chapter! :) -Mary


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