Chapter 42

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Chapter 42

Liz's POV

  Day by day, I'm getting so much better. I've even downgraded from using the walker to a cane. I still wobble when I walk but the cane is a lot less humiliating to use out in public than the cane. You see far more younger people who get injured using canes rather than walkers when out and about. I'm currently out with Bruce doing some grocery shopping. Steve volunteered to make the run for groceries but he does it the most. Plus, Bruce and I really wanted to get out of the tower for awhile. 

   Bruce and I get a bit of everything, which includes fruits and veggies, pasta, pizza, eggs, chicken, turkey, bread, cans of soup, iced tea, tea bags, several kinds of juices, and more. It takes us an hour to get everything we need before we check out. We then walk back to the tower, unload our groceries, and then get ready to hit the gym. I figured a workout session will do us both some good, especially me. Even though I'm more mobile now, I still feel like I could be a lot more mobile than I am. 

   Bruce uses the bikes first, his favorite machine to work out on. I meanwhile go to the treadmill, set it to a slight incline but not steep, and begin my work out. There's light music playing on the radio in the background. Normally I stick my earbuds in and zone out, but I don't want Bruce to feel like I'm ignoring him. We talk quite a bit while we work out. He also is very observant of me, making sure that I don't hurt myself somehow. I wish he wouldn't worry about me so much. He had valid reasons to worry before, but I really am doing much better. 

  Our workout session lasts for two hours and by the time we're both done, we're exhausted and hungry. Bruce ends up cooking some tomato basil soup and pasta with pesto sauce for supper. Even though he boosts about my cooking skills, he is actually a good cook and he should give himself more credit. My man, my baby, I love him so much. I watch him as he cooks. He pokes his tongue out many times, which is a habit of his when he's concentrating intensely on a task at hand. It makes me giggle a bit. He looks up at me and smirks before going back to cooking. When the food's finally ready, the two of us pig out as if this meal is the last meal of our lives 

    I beam at him with a mouthful of soup. "Bruce, this is so good. Thank you for making us dinner tonight." He blushes and beams back. "Anything for my queen." I blush intensely and try hiding my face in my hands. He whines and reaches across the table, gently pulling my hands away from my face. "There, much better now. Eat up baby girl. I know I will." I nod and continue eating happily. I surprise Bruce with dessert that I bought at the market without him knowing but he'll love me for it. I pull out a cheesecake for the two of us to cheer. He lights up. "You didn't Liz." I grin. "I did. Like you told me, eat up."

    The two of us then dig into the cheesecake, both of us eating half of it. We both have a stomachache afterwards but it was worth it. Cheesecake is a luxury we don't get to have often so when we do have it, we have to enjoy the experience to the fullest extent possible.

Hoped that you guys liked this chapter! :) -Mary

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