C h a p t e r 1

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"Griffin!" My name being called snapped out of the quite pleasant daydream I was having a moment ago.

"Y-yes?" I said hesitantly.

"Do you know the answer to this problem?" The stern, grey haired teacher asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Can you repeat the question?" I asked hoping she wouldn't snap at me.

"What is-"

"She looked like she was going to kill you!" I rolled my eyes.

"Your a drama queen, you know that right?" I told Rebecca.

"Late night?" Rebecca asked, changing the topic.

"Yeah," I shrugged.

"Doing what?" She asked with a slight smirk.

My thoughts flashed back to the boring night of studying that had turned into a spine-tingling night with my brother. "Oh, you know, me and my bro went out," I said, not letting too much on.

Rebecca opened up the door to the girls bathroom. Contrary to popular belief, it wasn't cleaner than the boys. And it probably smelt just as bad too. We walked in front of the clouded, water-stained mirrors. There were three of these mirrors lined up side by side. The one at the end was slightly crooked.

I touched up my small amount of lipstick and eyeliner. My blue eyes stood out perfectly against the earthy tone. I than proceeded to playing with my slightly wavy, long blond hair. It remained flat. I let out a involuntary groan.

"Bad hair day?" Rebecca asked, feathering her lips with her ruby red lipstick.

"Yeah," I said and nodded.

Suddenly, Logan burst into the bathroom. He quickly ducked beside the swinging door. His greenish, sea blue eyes glanced nervously at us. Slowly, he raised a finger to his mouth. Signalling us to be quiet. Rebecca's chocolate brown eyes held surprise and intrigue in them. I probably just looked annoyed.

He relaxed as we all heard thumping foot steps in the school hallway. I glared at him. Rebecca pursed her lips and walked over to him. Her tight blue jeans matched her white tank top perfectly.

"Why did you just barge in here like that?" She exclaimed, pointing at him accusingly.

"Long story short, I pissed off the stupid jocks," he said with a smirk like he'd accomplished some great task.

"Cool story bro," I said walking up and pushing him out of the door. Rebecca started to laugh and sure enough, I joined in.


I was walking home in the dark. My soccer shoes in had. We had just won a soccer game against Greenview High. Rebecca had gotten picked up by her boyfriend, Zayn for a date.

I rolled my eyes and laughed, maybe he would kiss her this time. A crash sounded in the alley way as I was walking past. My breath caught. Peaking in, I glanced at what seemed to be a frightened cat running amuck. Thankfully I let out a sigh of relief. "Stop being such a scaredy cat," I muttered to myself.

I could see my house from where I was standing. My heart started to pound. I knew some...thing was watching me. Quickly, I turned around, straining to see in the illy light street. No one.

Shaking my head, I pulled my backpack tighter. Only two more blocks, than I was going to be safe. I heard a step, than another. Thinking it was just my nerves caused me to ignore it. A buzz came from my phone. I took it out, looking at the screen.

From unknown: "Run!"

It said. There was nothing else, I stood there for a moment, before dismissing it as some harmless prank.

Suddenly, a cold cloth clamped itself over my nose and mouth. Struggling to break free I clawed at my attackers hand, but it appeared to be gloved. I began to feel very uncertain of where I was. I looked at my porch, hoping someday, I would see it again.

That was my last thought before the world went black.

A/N: this is is sucky chapter sorry, ITLL GET BETTER I PROMISE

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