Chapter 22

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     Through all of Sophie's surprise, she had somehow forgotten that her hand was deeply cut, so when she attempted the climb up to her balcony, she started to whimper in pain.

     "Foster, are you ok?" Keefe asked with concern.

     "N-no," She whispered.

     Keefe thought for a moment. "Maybe we should just go through the front door... Your parents are probably asleep at this hour, so we could easily sneak in through there."

     Sophie was about to agree with his plan when she realized a very important detail. Her adoptive parents were probably freaking-out because she literally disappeared from the bathroom.

     After a moment of dread, she spoke. "Well... I might've climbed out of my window while Grady and Edaline were watching me..." Sophie was careful to leave out the important details that could help Keefe piece together why she was at the bar.

     "Well, there is no nice way to put this. You messed-up big time." Keefe stated truthfully.

     She sighed. "I know, I was just so caught-up that I didn't think of the consequences. I'm going to be grounded forever." She let out a frustrated groan.

     Keefe looked like he was thinking, but he didn't seem to be getting anywhere. Sophie took his momentary silence to try and think of a plan, too.

     There was literally no lie that could cover-up the fact that Sophie snuck out of the house. Maybe Grady and Edaline would believe her if she said that one of her friends urgently needed her. She could also add that her friend didn't want anyone to know what the urgency was about. That could possible work...

     Sophie told Keefe her pretty basic plan. The main problem with it was that Sophie had no clue what to do if her adoptive parents saw through the lie, which was likely. So, instead of doing the smart thing and never going back home, she stomped around the outside of he house to the front yard while Keefe hid in the back.

     A police car was parked in the driveway. Dread filled Sophie's stomach and her legs stood, frozen. There was no way she could properly lie in front of a police officer. She was screwed.

     Suddenly, a warm hand grabbed Sophie's cold one. She jumped in surprise and turned around to find that the hand gripping hers belonged to Keefe.

     He leaned-in close and softly whispered in her ear. "This is the only way. Just channel that inner Foster confidence, and there is no way that they won't be convinced by your lie. I know you can do this."

      Somehow his speech melted the ice that had stopped Sophie from moving forward, and she let go of his hand, ready to brave this by herself. It was just another pit fight. Just another mission. She would make it out alive, like always. There was no way she was losing her winning-streak to a lousy teen problem.

     Sophie walked right-up to the front door and brought her hand to the door bell. After only a second of hesitation, she hit the button. Confidence flowed through her veins, and she felt ready to face anything.

     The door flung open and a weary-looking Edaline appeared. Edaline's hands came to her mouth and a silent tear slipped down her cheek. They just stood staring at each other for a moment until Edaline pulled Sophie into the tightest hug. Both of them broke into sobs of relief. Sophie couldn't believe Edaline didn't even ask where she had been or any other details. There would certainly be questions later, but for now Sophie just enjoyed the moment.

     After what felt like forever, but still not long enough, Edaline pulled away and gave Sophie a kiss on the top of her head.

     Soon, the tranquility was broken when Grady stormed into the room, furious. "Where in the lords name were you Sophie Elizabeth Foster-Ruewen!? Start from the beginning right this instant young lady, or I am adding ten more years to your punishment."

     Sophie gulped before she started her story. "Well, I went to the bathroom, and while I was in there one of my friends texted me an urgent message telling me to come over instantly. She also didn't want me to tell anyone why she needed me, so please don't ask—I've been swore to secrecy—So, I climbed out of the window and ran to her house." Sophie gasped for air after her rushed sentences.

     "Why didn't you tell us about this? We wouldn't be mad if you had just told us." Edaline asked gently.

     Sophie looked down in fake shame. "I guess I wasn't sure if you would let me go or if you would question me about why my friended needed me. I'm sorry."

     "Remember when I told you that you can tell me anything?" Edaline waited for a nod before she continued. "Well, I meant it. You don't have to hide stuff from us. We understand what it's like to be a teenager, so we can help you." Edaline looked at Grady for confirmation. He nodded.

     That all-too-familiar pain in Sophie's chest returned. In that instant she wanted to spill every secret she had ever kept from Grady and Edaline, but she pressed her lips together to stop the temptation. She didn't want to cause another death. She couldn't add to that ever-growing stack of bodies that plagued her every nightmare.

     The tears finally started coming. Sophie sank to the ground as guilt clouded her every thought. She couldn't keep up her strong, confident facade. Her life was too messed-up for a smile.


     I'm gonna try to update a lot more often this week because I feel super bad about not updating for so long.

     Also, if you think I forgot about our little Keefoster sleepover (and the police), I didn't. I was gonna end the chapter with the sleepover, but I ended up getting really into a book and I procrastinated on writing this chapter...... oops...

     What December holiday do you guys celebrate?

~Penguin out ❤️✌🏻

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