Chapter 4

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The blood stained Sophie's tiny hands. Her whole hand was covered in it. A terrible stench filled the air, almost like everything on Earth was decaying. It made her want to throw-up. No, she needed to throw-up.

Sophie ran to the nearest wall and put her head against it. She then hurled her lunch all over the wall. She didn't care that some of it had gotten into her hair because she felt like life itself was dissolving.

The whole world was crashing down and Sophie couldn't stop it. She couldn't stop the walls that broke down. She couldn't stop the floodgates from opening. She was falling off of the earth and no one was there to catch her. No one would ever be.

She was a monster. She was a monster. Sophie would always be a monster. She couldn't seem to convince herself otherwise. Sophie had killed someone. And she had done the deed with no mercy. She shot a bullet into another human's head. The blood had rushed out and her victim had fallen. Just like her.

Sophie lay in a heap on the concrete as her eyes slowly closed. She couldn't fight the demon inside of her. It was already released. For she was a monster, and no one would understand.

~ ~ ~

Sophie woke up in a cold sweat. She thought she had forgotten, but alas she never forgot. The sensations from the nightmare had felt so real that Sophie decided she needed to check her reflection.

She walked over to her bathroom and looked into her mirror. Luckily, her 14-year-old self was staring back at her, not her 6-year-old self. As Sophie walked back to her bed she glanced at the clock.

"Shoot!" Sophie exclaimed. She had forgotten to set her alarm the night before because she had gotten back so late from training. It was five minutes before school started and Sophie wasn't even dressed, much less biking to school.

Sophie ran to her closet and threw on the most comfortable clothes she could find. She then quickly examined her hair in the closest mirror to see if it was good enough. She was surprised to see that her hair was flat and a tad bit wavy, unlike her usual pineapple bed-head hair. She then brushed her hair in 3 swift strokes.

     She ran into the bathroom to grab her book bag, speedily brushing her teeth.

After Sophie rushed downstairs and out the door, she got on her bike and rode to school as fast as she could. It took 30 minutes by bike, so Sophie had a long way to go.

     As she biked to Foxfire, she wondered where her adoptive parents were. They were usually bustling around the house at this hour.

     Grady and Edaline never asked her any personal questions, even though she had lived with them for two years. That was definitely enough time to get comfortable, but Sophie still hadn't had the courage to open up to them more. She always felt a little uncomfortable when talking to her adoptive parents because of all the secrets they kept from each other. Sophie loved Grady and Edaline with all her heart, no matter how open they were to each other, though.

     Sophie still wondered what had happened that morning. Whenever her adoptive parents went to work early they would always leave a note. Maybe she missed the note? Sophie was oblivious like that.

She pulled herself out of her thoughts as she approached Foxfire Academy (A.K.A. High School).

     Foxfire didn't at all look like a school. It had a massive pyramid-shaped building in the center that was surrounded by a castle-like wall. The inside building was the auditorium, cafeteria, nurses office, ISS room, and principal's office (basically a multi-purpose Louvre Pyramid). The walls blocking-in the center building were filled with classrooms. Foxfire had lots of classrooms to accommodate the large student population.

     Sophie stopped her bike at the bike rack right next to the office door. She locked her bike on there and headed through the door.

     "Miss Foster, what brings you here so late in the morning?" The lady at the front desk asked. She had long black hair that was tied in a very tight bun. It looked like her skin was being pulled off of her face.

"Oh, I just had a dentist appointment. Luckily I'm cavity free!" Sophie lied easily. She couldn't normally lie so well, but she had planned an excuse as she walked through the office door. Usually when she tried to lie, she would get all flustered and fumble for a response. That's why she had pre-made lies formed in her head for any "just incase" situations.

The lady then smiled at Sophie and her enthusiasm, "Could I have your doctors note please?"

Sophie acted like she was looking for it as she dug in the pockets of her backpack. She dug for a good minute before apologizing, "I'm so sorry ma'am, I think I left my note at the dentist. I guess you can just put me down for an unexcused absence. I was really hoping to get perfect attendance this year, but it's fine." The guilt trip worked every time. She pouted just a little bit to make her lie more believable. In truth, Sophie had missed more days then she could count and couldn't care less about perfect attendance.

After a few seconds of contemplation the woman finally gave in, "Sweetie, it's fine. I know you would never lie. You can go ahead to class and I'll just write a note for the records."

     When the lady said that she knew Sophie would never lie, the guilt crashed down on her shoulders. She had to shrug it off and remind herself that all of this was for a good cause.

"Thank you so much, what's your name by the way?" Sophie asked innocently.

"I'm Ms. Johnson," With that Sophie walked out of the office. As she did, Ms. Johnson called out, "Have a wonderful day!"

     Sophie rolled her eyes at the stupid phrase. No one in high school had a wonderful day.

Sophie walked down the halls for a little while to get to chemistry. She had Ms. Galvin for chemistry and it was terrible. With an emphasis on the terr—well, and the ible. Actually, with an emphasis on the terrible.

     On her first day at chemistry she had singed Ms. Galvin's hair, so the teacher had a huge grudge against Sophie. Ms. Galvin would always call Sophie up to the front of the class to balance a really complicated chemical equation, just to embarrass her. Sophie was also terrible at chemistry, so that didn't help. She could do math faster than anyone in her grade, but she couldn't balance chemical equations to save her life.

Sophie was almost too lost in her thoughts to notice a blond-haired boy roaming the halls. Right as she was about to pass by him she looked up from the spot on the wall she was staring at. As Sophie turned around she realized she had never seen him at Foxfire before, and Sophie knew all the faces of everyone at Foxfire. He must've been new.

"Are you lost?" Sophie asked.

     (Btw this is a long author's note, and if you don't read it at least look at the picture in it.)

Don't you guys love that?? I was trying to think of a way Sophie and Keefe could meet that wouldn't be cliche, but would be memorable, so I had this AMAZING idea. I'm so happy with myself right now! Also Keefe was lost until he found Sophie so like 😍😍😍.

     Alsoooo........ ummmmmmmmm.................

Can we just pretend that I posted this this morning. I may or may not have forgotten I had a test today, oops 😬. But I will be posting the next chapter in like an hour or two, so you guys will get your two chapters!

     And another thing.........

     You guys might not have seen what Shannon posted on her insta, so here is the amazing, wonderful, glorious, fangirl worthy, post....


     I knew it was gonna be Fathdon. I saw it in a fanfic (I have no clue what the name of the fanfic was) and I was like, yes, yes, this is it, yes. Who else is so so so so so so so so excited for Unlocked!?!

     I know I am!!!

     Again, I'm so sorry that I didn't post this morning, but you are finally getting the chapters I promised. Love you guys ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

~Penguin out ❤️✌🏻

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