Chapter 09

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'Shh..' he said to Larry while they hid in one of the bushes and grinned. 'This time I'll be the one to surprise her.'
He heard something and peered over the bush, seeing Chelsea stand a little further away. She was looking the other way.
Gary snuck from behind the bush and tiptoed towards her. Chelsea looked up at the sky, shifting her weight from one foot to the other. Gary chuckled inwardly at the surprise he'd give her this time.
Chelsea pricked up her ears, then moved towards the shadow of a tree. Gary stood still for a moment, unsure if she'd heard something, then continued towards the shadow.
When he looked she was no longer there. "Crap." he thought, moved toward the tree and peered in the shadow extending to more trees.
He saw no sign of her and straightened up. She must have gone elsewhere. He let out a sigh and turned around to get Larry when Chelsea's face popped up in front of him.
He cried out and fell back. 'Ouch.' he said as he rubbed his behind.
Chelsea sniggered as she looked down at him. 'You prey, not predator.' she said.
'Right.' he said while she helped him up. 'That has become very clear now.'
She grinned at him, then gave him a kiss. 'For effort.' she said, smiling softly.
He chuckled. 'I'd say it has been worth it then.' he said and smiled back at her.
She gave a nod towards an alley. 'Think I remember something now.'
'You do?' he said and followed her gaze. 'That's good. What is it?'
Larry had hurried up to them and Chelsea gave him a big hug. 'Maybe where I came from.' she said.
'Let's have a look then.' he said and they walked to the alley.
Chelsea led Gary and Larry along the alley and to the next street while searching and sniffing. 'Think I came from this street.' she said.
Gary looked up and down the street. 'It's not because it's the way to my apartment?' he asked.
She shook her head. 'No, feeling too strong.'
Gary hummed and Chelsea moved in one direction along the street, then turned around and went the other way. 'Think this way.'
They walked part of the street when Chelsea stopped and searched around again. 'Now I don't know.' she said and sighed.
Gary took her hand and gave her a soft squeeze. 'Don't fret.' he said. 'It's just the beginning. I'll bet it'll come back to you slowly.'
She smiled softly at him and nodded.
He looked up and pointed. 'That's the other side of my building, let's go home, I've got something to show you that might help.'
'Okay.' she said and they walked hand in hand back to Gary's apartment.

'I borrowed this camera from work.' said Gary as he showed it to her. 'With this I can record every movement and hopefully we can see what's happening in the morning. If you don't mind being filmed.'
Chelsea examined the camera and shook her head. 'Hope it shows who I am.'
'Worst case it doesn't and I'll erase its memory so no one will ever see it.' he said as he took the camera and placed it on the shelf.
Chelsea hummed in agreement, saw the open box of the camera and blinked as she saw its contents. 'Gary?' she asked. 'What's this?'
He turned back to see what she meant and nearly chocked when she held up a pair of fuzzy handcuffs.
'Oh! Ahh.. Ehmmm..' he stuttered.
She gave him a sly smile.
Gary cleared his throat. 'It was Tom who put them in the box when I was checking the contents.' he said. 'Said I might want to try them for the private movie I wanted to make.'
'Mhmm..' hummed Chelsea and sat back. 'Gary is bad sheep.' she said and let out a playful growl. 'Maybe more of predator than seems. Maybe needs to learn who's prey again.'
He groaned and looked up. 'Thanks, Tom.'
Chelsea sniggered and put the cuffs away.
'Let's just watch a movie.' Gary said. 'I bought salami for snacking.'

When they were tired enough to sleep Gary turned on the camera and returned to the couch. He settled back and Chelsea snuggled up to him with a devious smile on her face.
'What?' asked Gary, then looked at her in shock when he heard something lock around his wrist. 'Why this!?' he asked as he held up the arm which was cuffed to hers.
'Extra.' Chelsea said. 'Might wake you up or make me stay.'
'Ah.' Gary said and sighed. 'Okay then. If you're sure about this.'
She gave him a kiss and grinned. 'Sleep.'
He let out a chuckle. 'All right then.' he said and turned off the lamp next to the couch. 'Sleep tight Chelsea.'
She snuggled up closer to him. 'Sleep tight, Gary.' she whispered.


Gary woke up with a start after a dream where both Suzy and Chelsea ran away from him. He sat up, rubbed his eyes and blinked until his vision was sharp enough and noticed the fuzzy handcuff around his wrist. 'Right!' he said and searched around for any sign of Chelsea but she was gone as usual.
Larry gave him a bark while he had his paws on the shelf with the camera. 'Oh yeah.' Gary mumbled and grabbed the camera. He was glad the battery hadn't run out and stopped the recording. He sat back on the couch and started playing back the night.
There were many moments where they shifted position on the couch until the moment came where Chelsea stirred and sat up with a blank look in her face.
She stood up and noticed her arm cuffed to his. She sat back down, pulled a little on the cuff, then grabbed Gary's cuff and tore the chain in two.
'Wow.' Gary said. 'She is strong.'
He saw her look at his face, then bend over and kiss him. He chuckled at the sight. 'Guess I'm safe even when you're in that state.' he said, then watched her move towards the window and out of view.
He looked at the window and saw it was a little open. The view of the room became more lit on the camera and he hummed. 'So you leave before sunrise down and the fire escape.' he said and stopped the playback.

After getting ready and making sure he didn't forget about Larry this time he opened his front door. When he heard Suzy's door open he went out of his own with Larry.
'Good morning, Suzy.' he said and Larry gave her a bark.
'Good morning, you guys.' she said and gave Larry a thorough pet first, then smiled softly at Gary.
'How's the cat?' he asked.
'What cat?' she asked, then remembered. 'Oh, right!' She chuckled. 'Can't tell for sure yet. She seems stable for now but she needs to get stronger.'
He nodded and they walked downstairs. 'I'm sure you can fix her up.' he said. 'After all, you've given me a lot more energy lately.'
She giggled and nudged him with her shoulder. 'Are you sure it isn't because you have Larry now?'
He looked down at Larry while Larry looked back up at him. 'Maybe you're right.' he said. 'Thank you, Larry.'
Larry barked a you're welcome back and Suzy laughed. 'You two fit well together.' she said, gave Larry another pet on his head and a quick kiss to Gary. 'I have to go now, but I'll think of you.' she said, pulling the collar of her blouse aside to show she was wearing the sun necklace.
Gary smiled and waved as she left. 'Have a good day at work!' he said.
'You too!' she said as she looked back and waved.
'Well, boy, another day, another chance to think of something to find out who Chelsea is.' he said to Larry and received a bark in agreement.


When the day was over Gary hadn't been able to come up with another plan. He thought about using the camera to film down the fire escape, but he had nothing to secure the camera in and keep it safe from the weather outside. They'd had to wait until Chelsea regained her memory on her own. At least he was glad it had started to.
After his transformation he went with Larry to the place where Chelsea remembered last where she had come from. There he waited and kept looking around for her to show up.
Just as he was wondering if she had been mistaken and had come another way he bleated when she jumped him from behind.
'Hi Gary.' she grinned while he lay face down on the pavement.
'Hi Chelsea.' he said. 'As lively as ever I see.'
She stepped off of him and blinked innocently at him as he dusted himself off. 'Where did you come from?' he asked.
She pondered for a moment and pointed at back at another alley.
'Okay, let's go there to see if you remember more.' he said and she nodded.
They went through the alley while she tried to retrace her steps. They followed another street and eventually ended up at the back of Gary's apartment building where she was no longer sure whether she had come from the left or the right.
'Hmmm.' hummed Gary as he looked up. 'Could you've come from here as well?'
Chelsea shrugged. 'Sorry, no memories.'
He gave her a warm smile. 'It's okay, at least we've come further this time.' he said. 'Tomorrow I'll wait here for you.'
She smiled back at him and wagged her tail.
Larry barked and Gary chuckled. 'Of course, we both will wait here.' he said and Chelsea gave Larry a big hug.
'It's early, how about our usual walk through the park before heading up to my place?' Gary said.
Both Chelsea and Larry wagged their tails and he chuckled. 'Okay then.'

Chelsea took Gary's hand and together they enjoyed the quiet of the night while Larry went around exploring things.
'Hello there.' said Maddy as they strolled along the path near her home.
'Hey there, Maddy.' said Gary. 'What are you doing out here?'
'It was a nice night.' she said. 'Thought I'd see if you were out.' She smiled deviously at Gary. 'I see you're quite the player.'
'Hmm? What do you mean?' he asked.
She have a nod at his hand in Chelsea's.
'Ah, oh, ehmm, yes, that's.' Gary said and wasn't sure where to look at.
Maddy stepped up to Chelsea. 'That's a beautiful necklace you have there.' she said.
Chelsea smiled wide and bent closer for Maddy to see. 'Gary gave me.' she said. 'First gift given to me.'
'And have you found out who you are yet?' Maddy asked.
Chelsea shook her head.
'But we've gotten closer to where she comes from.' Gary said. 'She might even be from somewhere close to me.'
'Ohh.' Maddy said. 'That's good news.'
Gary nodded. 'It might make, things, easier.' Gary said. 'When she knows and remembers everything.'
Maddy looked up to him. 'Maybe.' she said and poked his chest. 'But don't you dare make them cry.'
'Make who cry?' asked Chelsea.
'Ah, she means dear friends of mine.' he said. 'But you'd understand better when we know your identity.'
Chelsea nodded. 'Okay.'
'I'd better go back home.' said Maddy. 'I'm glad to hear you're getting your memory back.'
Chelsea gave Maddy a big hug and she left waving goodbye, after which Gary continued his walk with Chelsea and Larry.

Chelsea watched Gary hook the camera up to his laptop and copy the movie onto it. While that was done he prepared a light meal and sat down with Chelsea to show her the events of the night.
He started the movie file and they watched themselves as they fell asleep. 'There doesn't seem to be anything happening through the night.' he said while a new scene appeared when the recording was triggered by motion. It showed them moving a bit and when they laid still the recording stopped and switched on at the next time they moved.
'See?' Gary said. 'Nothing happened yet.'
The scene changed again and this time they saw Gary slide his hand up Chelsea's chest and cup one of her breasts.
She turned her head to Gary who froze. 'I, did not, ehh.' he said and turned red in the face.
Chelsea leaned back and covered her chest with her arms. 'Bad Gary!'
'No!' Gary said. 'I didn't mean to do that! I was asleep! I didn't know!'
Chelsea watched the panic in his face for a moment, then sniggered. 'I know.' she said. 'Not your fault.'
Gary let out a sigh. 'But I still feel bad about it.' he said, then saw Chelsea put her hand on his on the screen.
Chelsea looked away, trying to hide her smile.
'Or maybe I don't have to that much.' he chuckled.
She nudged him and mock growled at him. He held up his hands. 'Okay, I haven't seen anything!'
'Good.' she said and the scene changed again.
After a few more scenes the one where she got up, broke the cuff chain and kissed him came up. She looked away again as he smiled.
'So that was it.' he said. 'No clues.'
Chelsea nodded. 'Too bad.' she said, then watched his transformation back to human on screen. 'Oh.'
'Oh right.' Gary said. 'You've not seen me in human form yet.'
Chelsea looked closely and smiled. 'Looking good, for a human.' she giggled.
'Of course!' he said and grinned.
They watched him wake up, then sit up. 'And that's the end of it.' he said.
'Not yet.' said Chelsea as she watched him stand up and walk to the camera naked. 'Interesting.' she chuckled.
'Hey!' Gary said. 'You shouldn't watch that!'
He turned off the movie but Chelsea grinned at him. 'Now I know your end.'
Gary groaned and turned off his laptop.
Chelsea snuggled up to him and chuckled. 'Maybe good reason to stay and not go away before sunrise.'
He blushed. 'Don't tempt me into finding stronger cuffs.' he said.
She poked him. 'You wouldn't dare.'
He chuckled. 'We'll see.' he said. 'We'll see.' He yawned. 'Let's sleep. If you still dare to do that next to me.'
She gave him a big grin and kiss. 'I dare.' she said and snuggled up to sleep.


The morning ended up as usual with Chelsea gone and seeing Suzy again. Any thought of having to choose between either one was met with major resistance from the rest of his brain and he knew there was nothing he could do. Filing a motion against his brain might result in being shut out of the whole process, and that was what happened each time before he found himself eating grass in the park. He didn't care to repeat that experience.
Besides, he had a more important task first, helping Chelsea recover her memories.
He was waiting at the back of the apartment building with Larry when his bald neighbour walked out in pyjamas and robe with a garbage bag.
'Ah, good evening.' Gary said and glanced left and right. 'Ehm, don't you hate it when the bus is late while you wait for it?'
The neighbour nodded quickly, stepped back inside, came out again a second later to throw the garbage bag in the container, then hurried back inside again.
Gary whistled innocently until he heard Chelsea call his name and he received a big hug from behind. 'Hey Chelsea.' he said and turned around to see her smiling brightly with her hands behind her back and her tail wagging. 'Where did you come from?'
She gestured behind her and he followed her to the other side of the building than where his apartment was. She stopped under one of the fire escapes. 'Came down from here.' she said and looked up.
Gary looked up. 'From this fire escape?' he asked and she nodded. 'Which floor?'
She frowned. 'Not sure.'
'Shall we go up?' Gary said. 'See if you remember which.'
'Okay.' she said and jumped up at the ladder and pulled it down.
'Wow.' said Gary. 'I'm glad to see jumping me has been good training for you.'
She grinned wide at him as she climbed up the ladder. He climbed up the ladder behind her, looked up and nearly lost his grip as he chocked.
Chelsea looked down at him. 'What's wrong?' she asked. 'You okay?'
He coughed and swallowed. 'Yeah, I'm okay.' he said, looking down and realising she had more human traits that he hadn't even thought about before. 'Go up. I'll come up when you're on the landing.'
'Okay.' she said, climbed up and Gary climbed up when he glanced and saw her waiting for him.
'Here, or further up?' he asked.
She looked around, then up. 'Up.'
Gary looked away while she climbed up to the next landing and then followed her.
She pondered for a moment again, then went up again until they were four floors up. 'Maybe here.' she said, looking around and up.
'Well, there's an open window here.' he said and peered inside to see Suzy's living room. 'Wait, here!?' He looked at Chelsea.
'Not sure.' she said. 'Don't remember more than here.'
He watched her and pondered. He found it hard to believe she could be Suzy, she wore her moon necklace. 'Do you by any chance have any memory of a necklace like yours, but golden and with a sun?'
Chelsea frowned in thought, then shook her head.
Gary nodded. 'You don't recognise the room here?' he asked gesturing at the open window.
Chelsea peered inside for a while. 'No.' she said as she stepped back.
'How about the name Suzy?'
Again she shook her head.
'Let's go up the other floors, see if something comes back to you.' he said.
Nothing came back to her at the other floors and there were no other open windows either.
'What do you think?' Chelsea asked Gary when they were back down on the ground.
'I don't know.' he said. 'I think you might be Suzy, but you're the only one with your necklace. She wears the sun one. And I can't very well confirm it by knocking on her door now or sneak inside. She'd have a fit seeing us if you're not her and she's at home. I don't think telling her that we wanted to confirm you're not her would be an acceptable explanation.'
Chelsea chuckled. 'Yes.'
'I have my doubts anyway.' he said and looked up at the fire escape. 'At least I can keep an eye out here tomorrow evening to see out of which window you crawl.'
'Then we find out who I am.' she said and smiled.
They went back to his apartment after a stroll through the park. Chelsea examined Suzy's front door but still couldn't say for sure if she remembered something or not.


Once more the night passed and Gary woke up after a dream where Suzy and Chelsea melded into one person. He rubbed his eyes and the doubt hit him again. He hadn't seen Suzy a single time in the evening since his transformation. There was enough circumstantial evidence pointing to her being Chelsea.
He took a deep breath. Maybe he'd just have to ask Suzy if she remembers her evenings at home.
He got dressed and stepped out with Larry at the same time as Suzy walked into the hallway.
'Hi guys.' she said and grinned. 'Admit it, you're waiting behind the door until you hear me come out.'
He looked at Larry. 'Dammit. She's on to us.'
Larry barked and flattened his ears.
She giggled and ruffled Larry's cheeks. 'If you didn't, I'd have to be the one stalking you guys.' she said and smirked.
Gary chuckled and walked down with her.
'Time goes so fast, it's like I can't remember what I've done in the evenings.' he said.
'Oh, I know what you mean.' said Suzy. 'It's like I start studying, then wake up the next day without a clue about what I've read.'
Gary hummed. 'It's only weird that I had a few dreams of walking around the park lately.'
'Really?' said Suzy. 'I can never remember my dreams. It's like I have none.'
'Ah.' said Gary. 'That's a shame.'
'But sometimes I think I just travel to another dimension at night and live a life that doesn't know anything about this one.' she said and chuckled. 'It's like I think I recognise things I did or see before.'
'Who knows?' said Gary. 'Sleep is still a mystery.'
'True.' she said and took his hand in hers. 'I think the Peterson's cat will get stronger, so I'll be free soon to finish my birthday evening.'
Gary smiled. 'Wonderful.' he said and grinned. 'And I mean that for both the cat and me.'
She chuckled and gave him a kiss again before she left. He smiled while he watched her go and hoped Suzy was the one. Then he didn't have to choose.


When he and Larry arrived back home at the end of the day he saw Suzy's front door was open and heard a female voice coming from inside and sounds of drawers opening and closing. He didn't recognise the voice and looked at Larry. 'Suzy isn't supposed to be home yet.' he said. 'Maybe we should check it out.'
Larry lowered his head and moved towards the door and Gary followed.
He only heard the one voice but couldn't understand what she said. He looked at Larry one more time to gather his courage, then knocked on the door. 'Suzy?'
Everything went silent inside.
'Suzy?' he asked again and prepared himself for a confrontation with a burglar.
'Gary?' Suzy asked as her head appeared around the corner of the short hallway and Gary released the tension in his body.
'I heard noises and hadn't expected you at home right now.' he said.
She smiled. 'Sorry, I just popped in before I go to the Peterson's' she said. 'Their niece wanted to give me a home made cake for my efforts. And then I learned she lives right above me.'
'Oh?' said Gary.
Suzy nodded. 'Come meet her.'
Gary stepped inside and saw a young woman putting wrap over a cake. She had short and wild black hair and wore black jeans with a wide black shirt.
'Gary, meet Shelly.' Suzy said. 'Shelly, meet Gary and Larry, my friends and neighbours from across the hall.
Shelly turned and smiled at Gary. 'Hi Gary.' she said.
Gary froze when he saw her wearing a crescent moon and stars necklace.

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