Chapter Ten: Attack

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"All I saw was smoke and flames,
I didn't feel a thing"
-from "Take the Bullet" by Keith Urban

Mike woke up with a start. He had heard something; not in the hut, but outside, slow and soft. He knew the sound, and he got his gun ready. He took a quick glance behind him; Yoon had just woken up, rubbing the sleep from her eyes. He put his finger to his lips, indicating that he needed her to be quiet. He trained his eyes outside the window, his eyes adjusting to the dark, and placed his finger on the trigger. The figure walked into his line of sight. A young man; not much older than Amy. The early morning sun was coming, the distant clouds turning red. The man must have seen the glint off the scope, because he took something off his belt. Mike could already tell that it was a grenade. The man pulled the pin. That was when Mike pulled the trigger. He didn't hear the shot, but he could hear Yoon crying out and the man's body jolt from the impact of the bullet.
But by then he had already thrown the grenade. Mike looked desperately around, seeing it land just yards from the window of the hut. He didn't think; he grabbed Yoon, and he ran to the far end of the hut. If he had time, he would have put her back in the cupboard, but knew he didn't. He held the little girl tight to him, and threw himself on the ground, covering her with his body.

The last thing he heard was the grenade going off, the last thing he saw was the blast of fire, red like the sun.

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