Chapter 48: One Last Date

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When Jungkook woke up, he made himself comfortable. You didn't really cuddle a whole lot, he was not that type, he couldn't stay still for long. Yet every morning he found himself sleeping on your chest. He'd seek contact in more subtle ways and this was one of them.

He was making a conscious effort to get over his shyness when it came to small things like this. It didn't help that your breasts seemed to be the perfect pillow.

Kook laid there feeling flustered, when he suddenly felt your hand stroke his hair. He gradually relaxed and closed his eyes once more as he hummed contently.

He wanted to take you out on a date today. The fact that you'd soon be officially public made him realize that going on dates would potentially become a lot more difficult soon.

Even if he hadn't been in a relationship during his career before, he just knew things would change and he had seen his hyungs struggle with it. He hoped you'd handle it well and it wouldn't pull you apart.

Jungkook had promised he'd take you to an aquarium so that was what he wanted to do. With it being the weekend, the place would probably be crowded, but it was a sort of now or never situation in his head.

He got up carefully and made breakfast for you two. Setting everything on a bed tray, he figured you could have breakfast in bed as a cute little treat.

You shifted when he kissed your cheek "Morning, yeobo!" he said and smiled brightly when you opened your eyes. "Breakfast is ready" he sat down next to you as he placed the tray in the center and you sat up and scooted closer to it.

"What a cutie you are, Jungkookie" you had never called him that, but it made him chuckle. "Thank you" a sweet smile drew itself on your face and his heart swelled.

"I was thinking we could go to the aquarium today, I want you to see all the animals you've never seen" he commented as he shoved a generous amount of rice in his mouth.

"On a Sunday? Shouldn't we wait for a week day when there aren't as many people?" he knew you were more than aware of how things worked. Kook didn't want you to worry, so he didn't say anything, but the date couldn't wait.

"Yes, I will make sure to keep my mask and hat on at all times, it should be okay" he looked at you with wide eyes and a big silly smile trying to convince you. When you continued to hesitate, he became all pouty and whiny and you had to give in at the cuteness. He smiled a wide toothy smile satisfied.

Jungkook went with an all black look and put on a t-shirt, worn out jeans, laced boots and a leather jacket. He grabbed a bucket hat and a matching mask and waited in the living room for you.

After looking up the options, he decided to go to the Coex Aquarium in Gangnam. It was one of the largest in South Korea after all and had a wide variety of aquatic life from all over the world for you to see.

He looked up from his phone when he heard the clicking of your heels. You were wearing dusty gray boots, a light gray button-less sweater over a navy blue flower patterned skirt and a loose navy blue top to match. You added stockings to be warm in the cold winter weather. You had some make up on, a natural look, but he liked that best. You didn't need any to begin with.

Jungkook really liked that pearl necklace you had and how it accentuated your neckline as well. There was something about your soft, feminine outfits and your sexy pierced ears that he found specially attractive. And knowing you had more piercings and your tattoo underneath just made you a whole lot hotter.

You were a lot bolder than you seemed at first glance. Dressing delicate and girly could fool anyone into believing you were a lot tamer and complying. Just as cute looking as he supposedly was. But he could see that other side of you while no one else could and he loved the idea that it was just for you and him.

He extended his arms so that you'd walk closer to him, you giggled at the sight. Kook pulled you towards him by your waist so that you straddled him. Your legs folded on either side of his body as he was sitting on the couch.

"What is this about?" you asked amused at his sudden moment of boldness. A playful smile on your face and curious eyes.

"You look so hot" he muttered as he inched closer and kissed you intently. You loved that his kisses were rarely soft. When he had to be, he had no problem, but Jungkook made you feel wanted and taken care of in different ways.

He did everything he could for you, but also craved everything from you. He deepened the kiss and lowered his hands down to rest on the small of your back.

Jungkook laid back on the back on the couch leisurely as you made out for a while before you decided you had to stop and go out already. He zipped up his jeans after you'd offered to give him a hand not to delay your outing any longer. Giving you a small shy peck when you made eye contact.

You were pretty cool and unbothered and he was rather jealous of it in a sense. He found your attitude was comforting and encouraged him to doubt himself a little less though.

You were just natural and unapologetic, that lead to things happening naturally between you both when they would have most likely been awkward with someone else.

You spent several hours at the aquarium. There were lots of animals you'd never seen and Jungkook enjoyed watching your reaction to each new one. It was something incredibly simple, but the way your eyes lit up filled with wonder and the big smile plastered to your face had him entranced.

"Oh my god, look at this" you pulled him by the wrist to follow you to a tank in the corner. "I didn't know these existed, they are from the same family as seahorses. Their seaweed like protrusions work as camouflage" Kook snorted at your detailed explanation of what you had just learned.

"What a nerd" he took a closer look at the leafy seadragon.

"Yah!" you protested and blushed, but you knew he was messing with you. You both laughed at it.

"Have you seen the other seadragon?" you shook your head no as your eyes widened and you followed him to another tank across the room.

"Oh, it's so pretty" you almost whispered as you walked closer to see the weedy seadragon. Kook felt oddly satisfied that he could share something with you for the first time. There were a number of things he had missed on growing up as an idol, but so had you despite having a different kind of freedom than he did.

As you walked to the next exhibition, Jungkook was curious, "are there other things you haven't done or seen?"

"Oh, let's see" you said and thought about it for a minute. "I never really celebrated coming of age. I know you had a whole party and went on a trip with the guys" at your comment Jungkook's eyes widened.

"Nothing? Not even dinner out?" he asked surprised.

"No, I believe it was just a regular day. I was studying for my exams."

Kook was certain he wanted to organize something for you, invite your friends and brother. It would be silly, but fun to celebrate your having become an adult. Even if it was supposed to have happened a long time ago, it was one of those important milestones. Those memories you keep forever, he wanted you to have meaningful ones too like he did.

You spent a long time at the touch tank petting assorted fish and learning about them. You were like two little kids crouching at the side of the pool excitedly while the person in charge of the exhibit answered all your questions.

Kook was thoroughly amused by your curiosity and eagerness to learn. At this rate you'd end up learning all about fish and tattooing that onto your body like you did with your love for astronomy.

The man placed a starfish on your hand and it walked off it, slowly sinking back in the tank. You made a face at the feeling of its little feet brushing your skin and your boyfriend chuckled at the expression.

"Do they spend their life stuck in this small tank?" you asked the man concerned. Just like with the horse, you seemed to be an advocate for the poor and defenseless. Jungkook found this very endearing, you were a kind and gentle soul.

"We rotate them so they get a break from being touched and move them back to their larger tanks often" you nodded at the employee's words seeming satisfied with his answer. Kook smiled to himself when your frown softened a the tiniest hint of a smile made your lips curl at the sides ever so slightly.

There was a lot to see, so you spent a good part of the day there. Jungkook was quiet as he drove back to his apartment, deep in thought about what was going to happen and worrying about the next day.

You played some games and watched a movie before having dinner and calling it a night. Kook once again offered to drive you to work if you spent the night with him.

He didn't have a good night's sleep as he shifted in bed bothered by the racing thoughts. You weren't a heavy sleeper, so it didn't go unnoticed.


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