Chapter 65: Is it Not Working?

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Jungkook arrived into the apartment and walked in the living room where you were watching a movie. He sat next to you and let himself fall on your lap heavily.

"Jungkook-ah, you're home!" you said leaning down and pressing a sweet kiss on his lips. He responded to it weakly. "What's wrong?" you asked pulling away concerned.

He brought his hands to his face and sighed loudly. That's when you saw his knuckles. "What happened? How did you hurt yourself?" you asked worriedly as you took his hands and looked at them closely.

"I hurt myself at the gym" he said sheepishly and took them away feeling bad about having got carried away. He didn't want you to worry about him, you had enough to deal with.

"Jungkook-ah" you said smirking at him and shaking your head disapprovingly. You kissed his jaw sensually and he felt the heat raise to his cheeks. But he rolled on his stomach and pressed his face to your lap instead. "I'm sorry, I'm not in the mood" you heard his muffled apology.

"It's okay, I thought maybe you might need some stress relief" you chuckled and he laughed softly. That comment made him all flustered.

You ran your fingers through his hair and he hummed trying to focus on that feeling alone. Keep his mind blank, free from everything for a few minutes at least.

"Will you talk to me at some point? Maybe I can't do anything, but I can listen, we can go through it together" you said softly and he was so mad you were so kind and yet these things kept happening to you.

"I'm going to bed, I could use some sleep" he said getting up and kissing your cheek lightly. "Sorry I interrupted your movie" he apologized without making eye contact and just walked out of the room dragging his feet.

When you walked in shortly after, Jungkook was laying in bed curled up around a pillow. You pouted at the sight and changed into your pajamas before getting underneath the covers and laying down close to him.

You put your hand on his shoulder and he sleepily turned around and wrapped his arm around your waist before resting his head on you as usual. "I love you, yeobo, no matter what" he mumbled.

Furrowing your eyebrows you wondered why he was being so specific, but he was so groggy you decided not to think too much about it.

Another couple weeks passed and Jungkook was still acting strange. In the beginning he had been secretive, but his attitude around you was relatively lively as usual. Lately though, he just looked apathetic and serious. It was starting to make you feel nervous. Was the problem with you and not something external?

You walked past his home studio's door and couldn't help but overhear him talking on the phone with someone.

"I don't know what to do about it anymore. What to tell her, she keeps asking, Jin hyung" they'd talk from time to time. The eldest would phone him and check on him whenever he was allowed to make calls. "How am I supposed to go on like this! I can't just tell her we can't do this" your heart started racing at his words.

Was he having seconds thoughts about your relationship? You kept walking down the hallway wanting to respect his privacy, but your chest tightened at the thought of what you had just heard. What if it was a matter of time until Jungkook left you?

That night while you were having dinner, you decided to bring it up and confront him about it. It hurt too much to just let it sit until he decided to approach you.

"Are things not working between us?" you asked suddenly and he looked up from his food surprised. His mouth open about ready to take another bite, he closed it in a pout. His eyes widened as he carefully placed his chopsticks back down and his eyebrows knitted together in concern.

"Do you feel like they aren't?" he asked warily, not knowing where you were coming from.

"I thought they were" you answered looking down sadly.

"Me too, aren't they?" Jungkook said worriedly and you looked in his eyes once more.

"I thought I heard you talking to Jin, I didn't mean to, but it sounded like you didn't want to keep going" you added and tried hard not to let your eyes well up with tears.

"No, yeobo" your boyfriend got up and walked around the table to pull you up and into a tight hug. "I have no doubt that I want to be with you" he said softly and buried his face in your hair.

"I just"— he started and didn't even now what to say —"I tried to talk to your brother and it just didn't work out. I want you guys to be okay" Kook said softly and pulled back to take a deep breath, trying to remain composed.

"What did he say to you?" you demanded needing to know what sort of things he had spewed to make him feel this low. Kook didn't answer and you knew he wouldn't say a bad word about Seojoon, so you turned around and went looking for your phone.

"What are you doing?" he asked alarmed when he saw you stomping out of the dining room.

"I need to have a talk with Seojoon" Jungkook's eyes widened once more and he hurried to stop you. He hadn't wanted to say anything and cause further damage that could pull you two even further apart.

"No, please, don't call him. It's not necessary" he tried to sway you out of it.

"He can say all what he wants to me, but I won't allow him to do the same to you. He can't bring you into this!" you were livid as you punched in the numbers on your phone.

Jungkook was shaking his head desperately and trying to take the phone out of your hands, but you kept dodging him skillfully. Those goddamn ninja skills of yours. He had learned you knew those moves, like the leglock, and had quick reflexes because of having taken self-defense classes at some point.

This wasn't helping at all right now and he stopped breathing when he heard Seojoon pick up the phone. You walked away and locked yourself in his studio so he didn't have to be in the middle of the argument you were about to have.

He sat in the living room and stared at the black screen of the TV as he could do nothing but wait to hear the outcome of this. Now your brother wouldn't approve of him in a million years. He swallowed anxiously.

"What did you say to Jungkook?" you spat out without even greeting him.

"Um, what? I'm a little busy right now, sis. Can we talk later?" he was working on a Saturday, which wasn't really unusual for him.

"No, something's bothering Jungkook and you're responsible for it" Seojoon was shocked.

Had your little boyfriend not ran to you and told you everything about how mean he'd been to him for not giving into his wishes? This was certainly unexpected to him.

"Why don't you ask him?" your brother asked curiously with a challenging tone. His eyes narrowed as he analyzed the situation further.

"Oh, right, I forgot, you haven't even bothered to get to know him. I had to winkle it out of him that you even talked!" you were outraged. He had no idea how much his words could affect Kook and he had gone out and hurt him somehow.

You'd been worrying thinking something was wrong between you two, when all along it had been Seojoon butting in your relationship with his unsolicited wisdom. He needed to stay out of it, the last thing you needed was for him to be all up in your business on top of disapproving of the whole thing.

"So he's told you nothing at all?" he asked in disbelief. Not a single word had come out of your boyfriend's mouth up until you pried it out of him?

"Ugh, stop avoiding the question. Just stay out of my relationship, Seojoon" you growled irritated at his lack of cooperation. "And you'd better apologize for whatever you have said if you are too ashamed to tell me whatever non-sense it was that hurt him" you yelled at him and hung up the phone not giving him a chance to find any stupid excuses.

You walked in the living room and Jungkook looked at you like a deer in the headlights. His heart clenched anticipating whatever you were going to say about his plan.

"He refused to tell me, what sort of bullshit did he come up with this time?" you complained enraged, letting yourself fall on the couch. Your brother had not taken advantage of the moment to sell him out?

Kook's phone buzzed in his pocket and he took it out to find a message from an unknown number. He was about to delete it assuming it was a sasaeng when he noticed the area code of Daegu. He opened it to double check.

"It's Seojoon. Sunyoung gave me your number. We need to talk" Shit, Kook gulped nervously, this couldn't be good.


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