Chapter 69: The Crowd Goes Wild

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Jungkook and you were in your little world after his proposal. You were both so ridiculously happy and you were living your best life. Just like when you first met, you were a giggling mess and he was so playful and enthusiastic.

Your now fiance was being extra attentive, he was so grateful. Got you flowers all the time and served you breakfast in bed each chance he could. Knowing you liked hugs, he made sure to cuddle with you as much as he could, no matter how antsy he got. He found that fidgeting with your fingers or playing with your hair helped with that.

If he got bored he'd just tickle you or start a silly play-fight to keep you close and entertain both you and him. It was things like that that he liked best, skinship wasn't just about kissing and hugging to him. You had learned about a lot of different ways with time.

Those that helped him feel more comfortable with you in the beginning of your relationship. He gave you more than enough hugs on regular basis, even if you mostly only cuddled when you watched tv or a movie. But you could tell he was spoiling you right now and it made you feel warm and fuzzy.

Saturday night had become your date night out. You needed to step up your game because he was so excited he kept planning amazing things for you that you couldn't top. You always looked forward to finding out what he had in store for you every weekend.

You were at the Seoul Observatory one of those Saturdays, as seeing the stars in the city was rare with all the lights of the busy nightlife and the pollution that clogged up the sky.

"Do you know that tale that says that the shadows of the moon outline a rabbit pounding away on a mortar to make rice cakes?" you shared a little fun fact as you observed the moon through the giant telescope.

"You remind me of Yoongi hyung sometimes" he commented laughing softly "except your timing is much better." You burst out laughing, you had never really made the connection about you sharing details about things when they came up.

"I'm not sure if that's a compliment or if I should be offended" you said pondering and he kissed your cheek sweetly. "I like it when you teach me things" Kook said softly as he pulled away, making you blush for some reason.

"You're such a swot, but you're my swot" he added and started laughing at you when you looked at him shocked.

You walked away playfully annoyed and he skipped after you trying to be cute. "Come back, yeobo!" he said in between giggles. You stood in front of a sign and pretended to read about spring constellations.

"Please, tell me more!" you heard his voice behind you, but not at ear level. You turned around to find him sitting behind you cross legged like a kid listening to their teacher during a trip to some museum. You chuckled at his fancy.

Jungkook reached out to you extending his arms and you took his hands in yours. "One day I'll take you somewhere where we can properly see the night sky and meet our stars" he said smiling adoringly and you melted into a puddle.

The end of the year was approaching once more, the time when the rap line would enlist to complete their military service was coming. As planned, the maknae line would take over until Jin was back in another six months and then the vocal line would do their own presentations until they were all back together.

The band organized a series of concerts in Korea to be able to say goodbye to the fans for a while as a group of six. The cities where they'd perform would be Seoul, Daegu, Busan, Incheon, Daejeon and Gwanju.

Jungkook was nervous about everything that was coming, but also excited to perform. They hadn't been on tour in a while. He was kind of relieved that it was a short one and only at a national level.

You wouldn't be apart for more than a month. How Taehyung and Yoongi had struggled on the last international tour made him worry about when you'd be apart for months.

You attended the first concert out of two in Seoul. Now that you were sitting in the space reserved for family and friends with the guys' girlfriends and relatives, Jungkook missed you being in front of the stage. He wanted to share those little moments with you.

Your view was excellent, but it wasn't the same to you either. You both tried to shake off the feeling, you saw each other every single day and you felt silly. Being at the front wouldn't be the smartest or safest thing right now. You certainly didn't want to cause any problems.

As a treat for both you and ARMY, Kook had been working on a song for a few months now. He had wanted to make one for you for a long while, but he hadn't found the time. Before he started singing, he said it was dedicated to you. He introduced it as his next solo song, it was a sneak peek of what would be their next album.

The vocal line would release their solo songs throughout the next few months, finishing with Jin's release once the youngest members welcomed him back. It would be a way of releasing new content even if the band was incomplete.

At the end of the second day, Jungkook had prepared a special speech as a follow-up to his new song. He had felt embarrassed about giving it the day you were coming, so he did it the next day instead. For some reason he felt like he needed his own moment with ARMY to talk.

Your engagement was never announced and he had made sure he had the privacy he needed on your anniversary. This meant no photos had been taken and his proposal had stayed under the radar. He was relieved it all went smoothly and no one had a reason to believe anything had changed between you two.

It was time an announcement was made, but he didn't feel right with it being a statement. It was cold and he was really concerned about the reaction the fans would have. They had been so upset when they'd confirmed he was dating and then in a relationship.

Jungkook was scared for your safety. He had discussed it with the company and he'd be having a heart to heart talk with ARMY himself tonight, it was the only way that felt right. A letter wouldn't have been enough to express himself. He hoped that this would have a better effect than any previous announcements.

He swallowed nervously and Jimin side-hugged him trying to comfort and encourage him. His hyung noticed he was a little shaky and held onto him for a while as he started talking.

"ARMY" he said and took a deep breath, the stadium went dead silent when they heard he was about to talk. It suddenly felt daunting that thousands of people were listening to him as he got ready to pour his heart out. He tried not to focus on that though.

"I want to tell you something. I'm admittedly really nervous about it, so please bear with me" the crowd awwed and he blushed and brought his arms against his chest chuckling embarrassed. Jimin laid his head on his shoulder as he went on.

"I've met the girl of my dreams, I believe I really have and I" — he said softly and paused to mentally hype himself up to let the words out —"I want to marry her one day." Kook was interrupted by the fans mostly cheering and cooing at him. Once again he got shy, but with that positive reaction his hyung let go of him with a smile.

"But ARMY" he repeated trying to get their attention again —"I need you, please, to support her." He couldn't help but choke a little, fearing the outcome of his words. As he thought about how these things had really affected you in the past. He wiped his teary eyes with his sweatshirt's sleeves before continuing.

"Please support her like you support me. I love her, she makes me the happiest" he kept going despite the crowd interrupting him with more cheers and awwing —"so if you love me, I know you do, guys. If you do, I want to ask you to please love and protect her too. For me." He became quiet and gave them a moment to make some noise.

"Can you do that for me, ARMY?" he said with a hopeful nervous smile. He braced himself for whatever the answer to his little speech would be. Jungkook hadn't wanted to go into too much detail, he hadn't wanted to talk about an engagement, though it was clear that that was what he was hinting at. They would eventually figure it out, he knew they were smart.

The stadium went wild and the reaction was overwhelmingly positive. He smiled widely as he heard the happy chants, the cheering and how people were moved by his announcement. This didn't guarantee that the haters wouldn't show up on social media, but it was a start. He had a few thousand people on his side, but there were millions out there.

Jimin, who was standing next to him still, gave him a big hug when he couldn't help but start crying as he felt somewhat relieved he had finally let it out after all these months. It was terrifying still, this was only starting with his speech and the repercussion was yet to come.

Joining in, the rest of the members walked up to the maknae and held each other in a group hug. They knew just how much this had been bothering their youngest and how nerve-wracking the wait for the outcome was.

Even if he hadn't talked a whole lot about it with his hyungs, they were more than aware that this moment would eventually come and that you'd both really struggled with the backlash in the past. When they pulled back Kook talked.

"I wasn't going to cry" he said as he took a towel from the edge of the stage and dried his tears with it. "Now the recording of this will be on the internet forever" he chuckled humorlessly, occupational hazards.

When he arrived at the apartment later that night, he sat you down on the couch and showed you the video of his speech. Taehyung had filmed it for him to be able to show you. You'd most likely see bits of it online, but just in case.

He felt awkward as he laid back and left you to watch it. There was a sweet smile on your face the whole time. You reached for his hand to hold it when you saw he started crying and the guys engulfed him in a group hug.

Once it was over, you turned to him and wrapped your arms around his waist to hug him tightly. "Aish, that was so embarrassing" he commented and you laughed softly.

"It was cute" you said and he was about to complain when you continued, "and it means a lot to me that you'd go out and personally ask for them to be nice to me." You smiled brightly and his heart swelled. Okay, maybe it was worth it, he thought.

"Have you been online?" he asked concerned. This more personal and intimate announcement had better made a difference. At least he would have tried if it didn't work out, he was readily available to be there for you and comfort you if you needed.

"Not much, not after the concert at least" you said knowing why he asked.

"Should we check?" he hesitated. Jungkook was certain fan videos would be circulating and ARMY would be commenting on it already. He figured you could go through whatever was going around together. After what happened, he didn't want to leave you alone with all that.

You snuggled next to him and laid your head on his shoulder, he circled an arm around your waist and held your hand for comfort as you opened Twitter on your phone. Jungkook was trending already, as he did after every statement, but the most relevant tag was #LOVEFORJUNGKOOK.

You tapped on it and the more comments that you went through, the harder you both smiled. There was an overwhelming amount of supportive messages.

ARMY encouraged each other to be happy for Kook and defend you from the hate. The negative comments you bumped into usually had at least one reply of a good fan backing him up and asking the others to be understanding and do it for him, just like he had asked. He was so proud of them.

Jungkook was on his own phone now going through the comments on Weverse when you gasped. His head whipped back to look at you with furrowed eyebrows, pout at the ready.

"What happened?" he asked worriedly.

"They are discussing whether I'm an ARMY, look" you handed him your phone and he went through the conversation you were reading.

He chuckled at the last comment, those were so common, but this gave them a new sense of possibility.

"It's just one conversation though, right?" he said trying to stay calm. It made him a little nervous, but it was likely it would get lost in between all the tweets very soon.

You decided to stop looking and go to bed. It wasn't good to let yourselves get absorbed by it. Now that you had checked things seemed to be okay so far, there was no need to keep looking.

The next morning Jungkook woke up feeling bothered by the light coming from your phone's screen.

"Oops, sorry, did I wake you up?" you said sheepishly, quickly covering his eyes with your hand.

"Yah*, what are you doing?" he complained taking your hand off his face. Kook looked up at you and you looked suspicious. When he went to look at your hand you put your phone down and held it against the sheets.

"What are you looking at?" Jungkook asked warily. He worried you were going through hateful comments. You didn't answer and he tried to get your phone.

He felt you wrap your leg around his and quickly reacted. "Don't you dare" Kook said trying to sound stern, but failing. You didn't look upset, your attitude was playful.

The moment he moved an inch he ended up underneath you. Of course you'd go all ninja on him, he thought and huffed frustrated.

You were now straddling him, but sitting up so you could look at your phone. "Come on, just show me" he whined. When he reached for it, you intertwined your fingers with his instead to stop him from taking it.

Jungkook took advantage of the fact that both of your hands were busy and started tickling your side with his free one.

"Jungkook!" you squealed and ended up dropping your phone and falling on your side laughing. He quickly grabbed it before it locked and looked at the screen.

You were going through social media again as he had suspected. But you were looking at the search results of a new tag, #JKMARRIESARMY. His stomach dropped and he started skimming through the posts.

The look on his face was of concern as he squinted and his eyebrows knitted together. He was still groggy from just having woken up and his face was scrunched, the light of the screen was too bright for him. His bed hair all messy. You smiled amused.

He put the phone down and made eye contact with you looking puzzled. What had he just read? Hopefully you'd have an explanation.

"Looks like you'll marry all of ARMY" you said chuckling. It was too early to process anything, he thought.

"Huh?" he let out what you thought was the cutest sound.

"From what I've figured out, it seems like that post we saw yesterday became viral and more people chimed in. They slowly put the pieces together and figured out I'm one of the fans" you shared calmly, but his eyes were blown out.

"I reckon that those who commented were older fans like me, from when there weren't many and the faces were more familiar" you shared your logic and he nodded. That made sense. "I believe someone even found an old fan taken picture of one of the guys where I'm in the crowd in the background."

"What does that have to do with the tag?" he was not following. He rubbed his eyes, still feeling too sleepy for this.

"Apparently, since you want to marry me, an ARMY, you're basically marrying the fandom into Bangtan" you said giggling at their thought process.

"What?" he started laughing. "Is that good or bad?" Kook asked unsure.

"I wasn't expecting this, but they seem to be loving it" you shared and looked up a random comment.

This was hilarious, you kept reading comments and giggling.

You looked up at him with the brightest smile and once again he knew that he'd done the right thing. He mirrored it and you threw your arms around his neck and hugged him tightly.

"Thank you, Jungkook-ah" you said softly and he hugged your waist.

"It's going to be alright" he said sighing. Kook held you for a while, curling up against your chest.

You eventually felt he was too quiet and, when you went to check on him, you noticed he was snoring lightly as he was once again sound asleep. Laughing softly you laid back on the bed and pulled the covers back over you two so you could sleep in.

It felt so good, so peaceful that you had the best sleep that you'd had in a while. Things were looking up after all your struggles.

Everything was finally okay with your brother, Sunyoung had asked you both to come over for supper a couple times. Kook had invited them to have dinner out with you two on another occasion. His biggest problem now was that he hated that he called him Jungoo, but he'd take it if that was all.

As the days went by, the fandom continued to be mostly supportive, which was a huge relief. Jungkook checked social media from time to time, mostly because of you, and nothing major stood out to him. He checked on you daily while he was on tour in case he missed something for good measure as well.

You sounded so happy and relaxed on the phone. Your eyes hadn't been sad when he had to say goodbye to you before leaving, like they'd been for a while last time there had been an announcement. He hadn't felt so bad about having to go on tour right after.

Maybe you were both finally going to catch a break. After all you'd gone through in the last year, you certainly deserved it.


* Korean expression for hey!

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