Chapter 9: Little Boys Band

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With your shattered phone in hand, your busted lip and purple bruises starting to come through your skin, you limped back to the park close to the restaurant. It was the most public and safest place you could think of, even if everything started just a couple blocks away from it.

You sat on one of the benches and started crying at last. The tears stung when they came in contact with the scratches of your hands. Going over what had just happened in your head, you tried to make sense of it all.

They ended up kicking you on the sidewalk until you were too hurt to resist and took your bag. After going through your contact list and finding the number they wanted, they had thrown the phone on the ground and smashed it stomping their feet on it.

"If he's not your boyfriend, you won't mind us talking to him now" one of them had spat looking proud of herself. Now they could be in contact with him, but there was no way you could.

As if that wasn't enough, they took your money too. They didn't care about anything else you had in your bag. They weren't there to steal from you, but they took the opportunity to get back at you somehow for 'messing with their Kookie'.

There was no hospital nearby and you couldn't walk very far, you felt so helpless and so bad for everything that lead to this moment. Had it all been worth it to hang out with Jungkook? Most certainly not. You had only caused him problems and he'd probably regret having met you.

"Excuse me" you heard a man's voice and you looked up "are you okay?" he asked looking concerned. Your clothes were full of dirt from being thrown around, your hair was tangled from having been yanked and you were a sobbing mess.

"I'm-" you started but you didn't know what to tell the old man. "They stole my money and I'm far from home, I should get myself checked up" you started babbling and the man looked at you pitifully. He opened his briefcase next to you on the bench and took his wallet out.

"Miss, please take this" he said handing you some money "so you can go home safely" he smiled sadly. Your body ached all over, you couldn't think straight and you wanted all of this to stop. Without thinking twice about politeness and declining, you took the money.

"Thank you so much, sir" you choked out.

"Let me get you a taxi" his soft voice was soothing. You walked with his assistance and waited next to him until he saw a car coming and stopped it for you. The man opened the door and made sure you could get in before wishing you the best and closing the door.

The driver took you to the hospital that was closest to your house and made you wait while he went in and asked the receptionist for help to bring you inside. A nurse walked out with a wheelchair so you didn't have to put weight on your now swollen ankle.

She wheeled you inside and shortly after they checked your body all over to make sure nothing was broken. The doctor cleaned your wounds and prescribed some painkillers, it was mostly bruises, and from what you could recall, they hadn't hit your head.

"There's a hairline crack on your fibula" he pointed at the x-ray as he held it to the light "a cast should suffice" he added and walked back to his desk to type the details on his computer.

You sat there silently trying to think of who you could call, but you were so used to having every contact on your phone that you could only remember your brother's number. Once your ankle was tightly wrapped in the cast, the nurse came back and rolled you to the main desk.

The receptionist set the phone for external calls and handed it over to you so you could call your brother. You didn't know why you were scared of his reaction, it's not like you had done anything wrong and deserved to be beaten up. Though deep down you were blaming yourself for it.

"Hello?" he sounded confused, but you never really called him while he was at work, so you weren't surprised in the least.

"Hey, Seojoon" you started "I'm sorry to bother you" your voice was off and he asked what was wrong right away. You explained the situation to him and he told you to wait for him, he'd leave to pick you up as soon as he could.

After about three quarters of an hour, he walked in through the door hurriedly and made a beeline for you when he saw you. He couldn't believe his eyes when he saw his yeodongsaeng covered in dark splotches.

"What the hell happened?" he asked worried as he scanned every inch of your exposed skin.

"Some crazy fangirls attacked me and took my money" it almost sounded comical and your brother tried to hold back his laugh. He made his way out leading you to his parking spot and helped you in his car. You waited inside while he returned the chair and quickly returned.

As Seojoon started the engine, the radio started playing in the station where he'd left it. Dynamite was on and he groaned, he knew you liked this band, so he left it on for you. You honestly weren't in the mood to listen to their songs, being reminded of Jungkook was already bad enough. You switched to the next station and laid back against the seat with a frown.

"Not that I'm not glad, but why would you do that?" he asked confused. You loved these goddamn boy band. His favorite thing was teasing you for fawning over little boys, since they were all younger than you.

"I just don't feel like listening to them right now" you said flatly while staring out the window looking sad and tired.

"Wow. That's a first" he chuckled and side glanced at you, but you didn't react annoyed as you would have usually done. He cleared his throat "Uh, so, did you fight someone over Jungoo and earned yourself a beating?" Seojoon asked half serious.

"It's complicated" you muttered and huffed at the nickname he used for your bias, as if he was a baby. Your brother hummed acknowledging your words, but he was not the kind to insist on getting answers.

"Do you need anything, sis?" he checked as he handed you the medication he had bought for you and made sure to help you get in bed.

"A phone would be nice" you said and sighed. Seojoon looked at you lost.

"They stole your phone too?" he shook his head in disbelief.

"More like smashed it to death" you replied unamused.

"Wow, the fandom is scary indeed" Seojoon said refusing to be completely serious. He didn't want to be a downer. "I'll see what I can do. Maybe order for pick up? I can bring it to you so you don't have to wait for delivery" your older brother offered and you nodded with a small smile.

Setting the bag of take out on your beside table, he told you to message him through your computer if you needed him and left you to rest. You wondered how Jungkook must be dealing with all of this.

What if more people recognized you? Big Hit surely had to release a statement soon, they always did when there were serious dating rumors going around. They made sure to shut them down quickly before they brought too much attention to the band member in question.


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