chapter 15

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I'm the first one to get back home.

Theo is probably at his office and Herm called and said that she was going dress shopping with Hazel. So, I start making dinner. I decide to make grilled fish. I'm just getting the vegetables off the grill when I hear the front door close and Theo comes in.

His sleeves are rolled up, his tie hangs loose around his neck. Teh sight makes me smile because he looks so young and handsome. The boy I fell for.

He walks over to me and kisses me saying "Hey beautiful." I don't reply and just press my lips to his. I hear something drop behind us. I pull away and glance around his body.

Hermione's satnding there, smirking like crazy with her bag lying at her feet. Blushing, I move away from my husband's embrace and say "Hi! I didn't hear you come in." "Apparently you were too busy." She replies laughing. I roll my eyes "Come on you two dinner's ready." Once we're all seated around the table, the conversation goes like this:

Me: So, did you find yourself a dress?

Herm: Yeah it's a red and black shortdress. Considering the fact that red is Liam's favorite colour so.....

Me: Oh honey that's wonderful!

Theo: Can you two stop with your feminie talk?

Herm and I laugh at this.

Herm: I need to tell you guys something.

Theo: yeah go ahead.

Herm: I got accepted at Standford and Harvard.

I drop my fork at the news. Happiness swells up inside me. "That's just PERFECT!!! I'm so happy for you!" saying this I get up and go hug my daughter.

After that I return to my seat and Theo says "I agree with Shai you deserve this. Well Done!"

"Thanks guys! I'm so glad that you're excited as I am." she says beaming.

Once we're all done with dinner. Everyone helps clean the dishes. Theo and Hermione go up to bed before I do. I put away the last of the dishes and then go to our bedroom. Theo is sitting on the couch doing something on his phone.

I flop down next to him and put my head on his shoulder. Naturally he puts his arm around me adn looks at me. "You know I never realized how lucky we are to have a daughter like Hermione." He says. I simply nod my head in agreement. He kisses my forehead.

I fall asleep right there with the feeling of a pround mom inside me.

what do you think?

which should Hermione choose Harvard or Standford?

imagine her prom dress to be whatever you like ;P

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