chapter 22

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I'm watching TV when Shai comes in looking like a tornado just hit her.

I raise an eyebrow at her and ask "Here's Hermione?"

She replies with an edge to her voice "Outside, talking to Liam."

She slams the cupboard shut when she gets out a cup. She makes herself coffee and then flops down next to me. She puts her head on my shoulder and I automatically put my arm around hers.

After a few minutes of silence I ask "What happened?" At this she starts crying. I just hate it when she cries because it hurts me too much.

"Ruth is what happened!" She manages to say through tears.

She doesn't need to explain anything. I know exactly what she means. I kiss her forehead softly and pull myself from under her and crouch down in front of her. I take the still full mug of coffee from her hands and put it on the table behind me.

Then I take her hands and say "Don't let her get to you. You're the one I chose and that was because I loved you. Isn't Hermione enough proof of how much I love you?" 

She slowly nods her head in reply to my question.I get up in time to see Hermione walk in. She's smiling and looks the happiest she has since George's accident.

She sits down next to Shailene and I take the coffee mug back to the kitchen. I come back to find Hermione and Shai talking about the prom tonight. Herm's holding Shai's phone with one our prom pictures on the screen.

I smile at the memory and a sudden feeling inside me pops up wanting it to happen again. "How did you ask mom to prom?" Herm asks me. I recall that memory too.

The I reply to her question "I just went up to her and asked. That was because I loved her so much that there was no fear of being turned down."

So much has happened since I last updated!

Shai is said to be dating that rapist Nakho Bear!

Theo broke up with Ruth!

The Insurgent trailer was released!

Wow that is a lot of fangirl stuff to happen in one week!

In my opinion the trailer was not at all bad. So what if people are comparing to spider-man or up. It had Tris and it was her nightmare! Isn't that  something worth fangirling over?!

anyways, so I finally updated!

you guys have to comment! plzzzzzzzz! I really need you opinions!

thank you so much for the 4955 reads! This means a lot to me :)

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