chapter 35

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My phone starts ringing just as I zip up my black dress. Never in a million years would I have ever imagined that I would have to go to George's funeral while I was in high school. The thought makes me sad. It hasn't even been a full day yet. I pick up my phone from the bed and check who it is.

It's Hazel. I press answer and hold the phone to my ear.

"Hermione! Did you hear about his death?! It's so tragic!" She exclaims, her voice sad just like I am.

"I know. I found a long time ago." I reply.

"I'm sorry." She tells me softly.

"Me too." I just sit on the bed holding the phone to my ear saying nothing and neither does Hazel.

I speak up after a few seconds. "Are you going to his funeral?"

"Yeah. Should I call Augustus?" She asks.

"You should I mean he wasn't good friends with George or anything  but still they were on the team together. So yeah, you should." I reply.

"Do you want me to pick you up?" She offers.

"Thanks but mom and dad are driving me." I explain.

"That's alright. I'll ask Gus to pick me up. See you at the funeral." She says.

"See ya." And I hang up.

I pull out my black pumps and put them on. I go stand in front of the mirror. I didn't brush my hair after I took a shower. It's all tangled and looks like a bird's nest.

I pick up the brush, take a deep breath and start doing the impossible task of restoring my hair to its original state. After five minutes of pulling and shrieking, my hair finally hangs straight aournd my shoulders. I choose a black hairband with a small bow on it. After I've pushed it through my hair, I looks at myself in the mirror.

And then it strikes me.

This was exactly how my hair looked when we went out to Oranjee for dinner. Also, that was the first time he had ever noticed me. The thought brings tears to my eyes but I refuse to let them spill. I grab my phone and shove it into a blach purse. With this I go out of my room and slowly make my way downstairs.

Dad's not there yet but mom is. She's wearing a black dress just like mine. Her hair's loose and she's wearing black pumps too!

"Ready?" She asks me shifting her coffee from one hand to the other and gesturing me to sit down next to her on the couch. I sit down and she hugs me close to her. And I let her beacause she hasn't hugged me in such a long time.

I was hungry for my mother's love.

"You two ready?" Dad asks coming down the stairs.

"Yeah." Mom says letting go of me and getting up. I get up too. When I look at at dad my heart skips a beat.

I know he's my father and that I shouldn't say this but he looks so hot and handsome! The atmosphere's grim but I can't help smiling at the stupid thought.

"It's good to see you smiling again." Mom says to me making us all smile.

-Time Lapse-

Dad parks the car outside the church and we get out. There is a graveyard behind it where the service is going to be held. There are only a few cars parked outside. Besides that it's just 3.50 now, still ten minutes to go. I get out and my legs feel as heavy as lead. I force myself to follow mum and dad.

Ruth and Miles are there standing where the rows of seats start. Mom hugs Ruth and softly says "I'm sorry." Dad does the same with Miles.

Ruth squeezes my shoulders lightly before saying. "You have to make to make a speech for him."

"What? Why?" I blurt out.

"He had many friends but you're the one he would've wanted to speak at his funeral." She says before turning away to meet someone else.

"You don't have to do this." Dad tell me and mom nods in agreement.

"I will because I owe him at least this much." I say staring at the floor.

Mom and dad walk to their seats and sit down. I follow them but my eyes wander to the front and come to rest on the coffin. The lid has been removed but from where I am sitting I cannot see his face. I keep staring at it. After a few minutes mom and dad get up.

Someone squeezes my shoulder. I look up to see that it's Liam.

"You're here." I say.

"I'm here." He says sitting down and putting an arm around me. I lean my head against his shoulder.

"Did you like him?" Liam asks startling me.

"As a friend, yes. That's all I wanted to have to do with him. Not what you have in mind. You're the one I chose and I'm going to stick to that decision." I reply putting my hand in his.

I look around to see that the church has filled up. Mom, dad, Ansel and Violetta are sitting in the row in front of us. Soon Hazel, Augustus and a few of the boys from school join us. I sit with Hazel on one side and Liam on the other. A priest walks to the prew and the funeral begins.

As he talks on and on I start fumbling with my hands. I'm still paying with them when I hear him say.

"Before we lay down Mr. Miles to rest, we'd Miss Hermione James to say a few words."

I sit frozen in my seat but Hazel nudges me and I get up. I walk to the priest and George. Now I can clearly see his face. It looks so peaceful and calm compared to when he was alive. Tears fill up my eyes, blurring my vision. I wipe them away and turn towards the people. Taking a deep breath I start.

"George was someone who should not have died as yet." I say looking at Ruth who is silently sobbing into Miles's shirt. "He was the same age as me. For all I know it could've been me in that coffin instead of him." At this mom's eyes fill up with tears. "He'll never know this now but he was one of my closest friends. We never actually talked but our actions spoke louder than words. That's all I can say about our relationship." At this my voice breaks but I manage to keep going. "For everyone at school as well as me he was a very mysterious person. Everyone has questions that can never be answered now." I close my eyes and try to contain the tears but they spill out and I manage to say. "May his soul rest in peace."

I watch as the coffin is lowered into the grave. Ruth has gone crazy from crying. Eden, George's older brother keeps his mother from running around screaming by holding her tightly against him.

Mom and dad are standing at the back of the group with Liam and his parents. I tried to stay with them but everyone pushed me forward thinking that I was his ex-girlfriend or something. Once the grave has been covered up, everyone starts to leave. In a few minutes it's just me, mom, dad and George's family left.

We softly say our goodbyes and leave. I'm walking with mom ahead of dad and Miles. Ruth and Eden are already getting into their car.

"Did you tell her?" I'm surprised to hear dad say this.

"She can't handle it right now." Miles replies.

"If you don't, I will." Dad tells him.

 If there were any mistakes in the funeral I apologize. I took help from movies and my friend @Shiza18Danish helped me out too. And this was the result I got.

OMG! 11.2K reads! Thank You so much! :)

Divergent won best duo and best action movie at the people's choice awards 2015! Way to go initiates!

The wait for the Insurgent movie is driving me crazy. I don't think I can wait much longer. Plus, my mind keeps going back to that scene in the trailer where Tobias jumps in front of the train. *fangirls*

Even Hermione can't deny the fact that her father's attractive.

Plus, I changed the cover because I gew tired of the previous one.

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P.S. I know that I've already dedicated a chapter to @ArrowInitiate. But I have to dedicate another chapter because he/she (i don't know) commented on the previous chapter.


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