chapter 4

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Today's Saturday but still I get up at seven. Shai is sleeping peacefully. I quietly get out of bed and get into the shower. Once i've put on a hoodie and an old pair of jeans, I go downstiars and start making breakfast for eveybody. Shailene is the first one to come down, so we have a little us time (what we fans would have called Sheo time.) beofore Hermione comes down. She's wearing a simple outfit as her mother, a simple v-neck with jeans.

As soon we're done with breakfast, I go out onto the terrace and call Ruth. She picks up on the second ring. "Hi!" I try to say as cheerfully as I can. "Hey Theo! So, have you guys decided on a resturant yet?" "Yeah. Well actually we'll meet you tonight at Orangee." I tell her. "Great! See you soon!" She says. I swear I can feel her smiling. "Bye!" I say and hang up.

I go downstairs and at once feel that I interupted a serious mother-daughter conversation. But seeing my confused expression, Shai asks me to sit with them and I do. After this the conversation goes like this:

Me: We're going to meet Ruth at Orangee tonight.

Shai: Great!

Herm: Okay.

Me: Herm, are you okay?

Shai: Well you won't be Theo once you hear what she has to say.

Herm: Umm dad I didn't tell you about this before but I am going to now.

Me: Okay. Go on.

Herm: I'm dating Liam Elgort.

Me: What!?!? Shai did you know about this!?

Shai: No, I just found out before you came downstairs.

Herm: I'm sorry I didn't tell you about this before and.......

Shai: Honey, we're absolutely fine with this as long as you are.

Me: But if that boy breaks my princess's heart, I'm going to break his neck!

At this comment Hermione and Shailene start laughing. All I do is give them the 'I'm serios look' and they know that I am. After that I just couldn't stop worrying like all fathers before me had.


Hope you're liking my story. Plz leave lots of comments!

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