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Talking about old times, you and Marcus staggered through the lit streets of Piltover. Giggles filled your chest with warmth while he loosened up and started to be more and more the happy, adventurous boy from your memories.

But the alcohol really did him no good, he got lost three times on the way to his own home and once stumbled into a flower bed. Miraculously, nothing happened to the flowers. Instead, he managed to get soaked from top to bottom with soil and grass.

Laughing, you stumbled back and almost fell into one of the fountains. It wouldn't have been a disaster, you were both wet already, but you preferred the half-dried clothes.

In front of an ordinary apartment building with a white facade and a blue roof, Marcus stopped and started searching his pockets for a key. This neighbourhood was not far from his childhood home, better than where he was born but not the most luxurious Topside had to offer.

Cursing, he searched his pockets for the third time.

"I hope I didn't lose the key in the river...", he muttered, and had to lean against the wall of the house to keep from falling over while standing.

Grinning, you watched him suffer through the smallest task and walked a few steps to get a better look at his new home. Your gaze caught on a pipe that reached from the ground to the roof and collected the rainwater. A quick look to make sure everything was stable, you climbed up the wall of the house.

Stimulated by the strange sound, Marcus looked up.

"(Y/N)!", he frowned. "Don't you dare break that! I'm only renting."

Stopping halfway, you leaned back and grinned.

"Come up, it's much faster than finding the key.", you shouted. "Or are you afraid?"

He crunched his nose.

"I'm far for calling myself fat but have you looked at me?"

You wiggled with your eyebrows.

"Oh yes I did."

He rolled his eyes, grinning.

"Seriously, this won't hold both of us."

"We won't know until we try. Hop on!"


"Come on, grumpy!"

"How many times?!"

"Boring!", you rolled your eyes and continued to climb up.

He wanted to shout something after you, but gave it up and rolled his eyes, groaning. Immediately he climbed after you.

Despite the fact that he was a lot drunker than you, he managed to catch up surprisingly quickly. His hands slipped over yours and held you in place. With a serious expression he looked at you.

"We're climbing back down now.", he said as if he was talking to a child, trying to pull you with him.

But you laughed, amused by his attempt to teach you some common sense, and pressed your back against his.

Surprised, Marcus had to brace his feet against the wall of the house to keep his footing.

"Come on grumpy, we're almost upstairs.", you pointed with your eyes to the top window under the roof.

He pulled a face.

"You're going to break your neck.", he growled, trying to push you back to the ground one last time.

"You've become so boring, grumpy.", grinning, you breathed a kiss on the tip of his nose and continued climbing.

In the process, your rear end came dangerously close to his face.

Surprised, he leaned back and almost lost his grip on the pipe.

"(Y/N)!", he slapped your butt. "I don't want your ass in my face!"

Threateningly, you leaned back and pretended to let yourself fall on top of him.

"Liar!", you laughed. "I know I've got a great ass."

He tried to lean away as far as possible.

With the horror of a man who saw his life flash before his eyes, he pushed you back up.

"Stop it!", he blushed.

You couldn't see it from above, but the ashamed tone of his voice made you laugh.

"You act like a virgin."

"I'm not."

"Are you sure?"

"Very much. You're just being a dick."

At the top, your fingers slid into the opening of the half-open window and pushed it up so you could slip through.
Breathing heavily, he dropped behind and landed on the floor. He almost tore half of his flowers from the windowsill while doing so.

"Elegant as an elephant.", you joked, helping him to his feet.

Grimly rolling his eyes, he playfully pushed you aside.

"Really funny, but I usually take the door.", he said, throwing his boots off him. "You know. Like normal people. If my neighbour saw that they'll think someone tried to break in."

You shrugged your shoulders.

"The open window was an invitation.", you said, looking around the apartment.

It was a simple home, not particularly furnished but still nice. The kitchen, where the two of you now stood, was well equipped by Piltover standards, with a stove, plenty of room to work, and a table with enough space to serve many guests.

The hallway down had three doors to the right. It was a big home compared to the place you two had grown up in.

"Nice.", you said with a grin and took a look in the fridge.

Confused, he frowned.

"What are you doing?", Marcus asked while wiping the sticky hair from his forehead.

"I'm hungry.", you mumbled and shoved some grapes into your mouth. "Do you feel like pancakes?"

Immediately his confusion disappeared. Dreamily he closed his eyes and had to sigh deeply.

"Your wobbly pancakes, that are thick as ten and fluffy?", he asked and thought he could already taste them on his tongue.

You smiled.

"Exactly those. Do you feel like it?"

"You can still make them as well as you did back then?"

Offended, you pulled a face.

"I beg your pardon? In the Undercity, that was the only thing that kept me alive. They're perfect now."

When he heard that, his stomach growled.

"I would die to test that out.", he sighed. "But first I have to clean myself up. Do you mind if I leave you alone for a moment?"

"Not at all. Take your time. And make sure you clean your face properly. I think you even got the dirt in your ears."

Chuckling, he nodded and disappeared into the first room that came after the kitchen.

"Don't burn the place down while I'm gone!", he teased before disappearing.

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