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When you entered the room, something tickled the back of your neck. At first you thought it was the feeling of magic taking over your body again.

But when it crept over your skin again, you glanced at the ceiling and noticed that it was water drops falling down on you. Keeping your eyes on the drops, you strode further into the room.

The humidity seemed to rise. Sounds reached your ears but you couldn't help but focus on the drops on the ceiling.

Why was it dripping from the ceiling?

Was the building damp?

That seemed rather unlikely though, since the enforcer headquarters were one of the most advanced building in all of Piltover.

The sound of running water suddenly filled your ears.

All at once you realize. As if petrified, you stopped, an uncomfortable grin on your lips, and slowly, very slowly, let your gaze sink again.

The first thing that appeared was Marcus' dark hair, which was as black as pitch when wet. Then his face came into your field of vision.

He was at least as surprised as you, frozen in the movement of shampooing his neck. Turned directly toward you, he stood there while the water rained down on his broad shoulders and ran down his body. Little bubbles of soap traveled with the flow, drawing lines that drew attention to him.

His lips were slightly patted as he let out a long breath, his eyes fixed directly on you.

Taking a deep breath, you squinted your eyes, pressed your lips into a thin line, and exhaled out.

"Oh fuck... It- I-I didn't mean to... I mean...", you began to stutter. "I was... looking for the bathroom."

You opened one eye to see his reaction, but found yourself looking at his chest with both eyes.

Speechless, he looked at you with an expression that was something between bewilderment and an annoyed request to leave. His eyebrows rose expectantly.

But instead of paying attention to what he wanted from you, your attention wandered down on him. Your head tilted to the side and your eyebrows drew together questioningly.

"You have abs?", you asked, not thinking straight.

There was no obvious six pack showing on his stomach, but clearly visible muscles that pressed against the pale skin. In addition, he had muscular arms and broader shoulders than the uniform had indicated. To add to that, his chest was more atheistic than average.

Damn he was in such good shape, he could have been an athlete.

When you starring took him too long Marcus eyebrows drew together.

"(Y/N).", he tried to get your attention so it wouldn't get any weirder. "Get out!"

But you were unresponsive at that moment.

Your attention was focused on the thin strip of hair that stretched from his belly button down, out of your field of vision. You could already see a few strands of gray in the black, just like with his beard.

At first, you tried fighting curiosity. But in the end, you couldn't prevent your gaze from wandering one level lower.

Your eyes widened. Impressed, you had to nod.

"Holy shit.", you muttered. "You've really become a man..."

A speechless gasp escaped him. At loss for words he shrugged and gifted you a gaze as if you were insane.

With any other person he would have blushed, but with you it was just annoying.

Maybe that was the forgotten confidence he had in your presence.

"What the hell?!", without thinking Marcus grabbed whatever was closest to him and threw it at you. "Why do you have to be so weird?!"

The bottle of shampoo hit you full force in the head.

Surprised, you wanted to jump back, but lost your footing and slipped on the wet floor.

Helplessly, you tried to grab hold of the shelf. But instead of grabbing the wooden frame, your fingers buried themselves in the towels provided and dragged everything to the floor with you.

"Shit!", cursing you landed in a puddle, a mountain of white cloth covered you.

Water splashed up and soaked into your clothes. Surrendering, you lay there.

Everything was wet. Everything was sticky.

An annoyed groan escaped you.

Marcus, on the other hand, took more pleasure in what was happening than you. Grinning satisfied, he raised his chin, turned off the water and grabbed one of the towels from the pile at the top under which you lay buried. Since your face was covered, he took his time wrapping his lower body.

Only when he had put on the black underpants under the towel did he push some towels away with his foot. With an expression that could have killed, he bent over you.

"Now get out!", his voice was so friendly, so calm, that you almost pissed your pants.

Grinning apologetically, you scurried away from him and crawled as fast as you could towards the gate, trying not to slip again and break your jaw. As you crawled out the door, you quickly glanced back at him.

"The toilet?", you asked innocently.

His gaze darkened again.

"Last door on the left.", he growled and slammed the door in your face.

Chewing your lips and tapping your foot, you kept your eyes fixed on the bomb. Your hands rested on the edge of Marcus' desk. Your back was turned to the elevator.

After what had just happened, you couldn't look him in the eye. The worst part was not that you had seen him naked, but that your brain had stopped working.

What had gotten into you?

You hadn't been like that before.

At least not with Marcus.

Especially not with Marcus.

But maybe you had never noticed such things because of your close childhood. You two had often showered or bathed together, swam naked in the rivers of Piltover.

But that had all been when you had been young. No older than thirteen.

Behind you the elevator opened with a ding.

Your shoulders tensed. You let out a deep breath before the doors opened.

Marcus entered.

You refused to look at him. Your head was as red as a tomato, embarrassment made you feel like an idiot.

Usually you did not feel embarrassed for anything.

But this incident had been special, to say the least. Special and avoidable.

Shit, why were you such an idiot?

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