Cold Holmes (Johnlock)

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It was the morning but there was something unusually Sherlock would be up and running by this hour but he wasn't, surprisingly John woke up first and surprisingly he had a good rest without hearing the violin being played early in the morning. He walked downstairs to Sherlock flat, he thought maybe he in his mind palace but he was wrong. He wasn't even in his chair or anywhere in the living room, John didn't panic at first. He thought he was with Greg but when it took out his mobile, he saw two unread messages by Greg.

Hey John is Sherlock with you? -GL
There a case I need him to see and I know he will love it! -GL

John now was concerned, where was Sherlock? Was he kidnapped by Mycroft guards again? There was a moan coming from Sherlock room which made John twitch, he slowly walked to his room and gently opened the door. The room was completely dark, John decide to turn on the lights and immediately he heard a hiss and he jumped back. "Turn it off! It hurts! Its burns!" Sherlock hiss, hiding his head underneath the pillow then a low sneeze was heard which John looked at him. "Sherlock," He came out of his pillow and John gasped. He nose was crimson, his hair was a utter mess and he was pale like a ghost! "Can you turn off the light, please?" Before he turned it off, John walked to Sherlock and put his palm over his hands. In which Sherlock smiled on how cold and smooth his hands were but also were John gasped out loud in how hot his forehead was! He burning up! "I will make tea and soup for you," John left in insist and all he heard were "Bored" from Sherlock, he made soup while he waited for the kettle to scream out and when it did he pour the hot water into a mug and put a tea bag. He pours soup in the small bowl then put it in the tray then he went to work on the tea.

After making Sherlock food which was still hot, John walked slowly to Sherlock room lucky the door was still opened. "Bored!" Sherlock screamed weakly. "I'm going to die!" Again Sherlock complained like a child, "Sherlock it's just a cold! And no one has died out of boredom," John manage a smile. "Now get up I made tea and soup," Sherlock groan before aligning his back with headboard. He took the tray and slowly ate his food, John texted Greg back.

Sherlock sick and am not allowing him to solve case until he better -JW
I send him a good luck for me! -GL
I will, thanks Greg -JW
No problem, mate! I will be coming by to visit the sick detective with some case so he entertained -GL
Oh Sherlock will love it, thank you -JW
He like a son to me, John -GL
Well he be happy to see you -JW
See you later, mate -GL

John grinned, "Greg is coming later with case for you to solve." Sherlock had a small smile on his face when he put the tray on the night table. "Rest up for now then I will wake you up when Greg arrives," Sherlock slide back to his bed. He lay on his stomach, head facing the door, arms wrapped around his pillow and with that Sherlock manage to fall asleep quickly. John smiled on how clam and peace the detective was, his left a kiss on his forehead and left the room with the tray of food. John left Sherlock door slightly open so he knows what going on after cleaning the dish, John sat on the couch. He actually hear his thoughts, was relax and was not being nark 24/7 (British way of say irritate or annoy) but yet he got adjusted to the mess and loud surrounding. He started to feel drowsy, John eyes slowly closed and then a knock was heard which made John wide alert. He turned to door to find Greg, "Weary, John?" He asked, walking to table and placing the cases on top of John laptop. John chuckle a little then shake his head, "Never been this quiet in Sherlock flat." "How he holding up?" Greg sat next to John, "He dead asleep!" "Let him be! He always awake 24/7, I never seen know? Asleep," John looked up, it true you barely see Sherlock inactive and if he was inactive he wouldn't stop moving!

Greg got up and walked pass the kitchen and bathroom to Sherlock room since the door was slightly opened he peaked through. He smiled, oh how he never seen him so quiet and clam! He closed the door softly and walked back to John, "Is he dead?" "Dead asleep," Both laugh softly.

*Hours later*

The light outside got dimmer which meant the sun was settling outside, "Jawn?!" A grouchy voice called, John knew Sherlock was calling him. He popped outside of the kitchen, "Graham?" Greg has been called different names by Sherlock and been also trying to corrected him but he decides there no point on correcting him if he keeps on getting it wrong. Greg walked to Sherlock and place a hand on his shoulder, "How you holding up, mate?" "Fine, just tickety-boo!" Greg smiled and pat his shoulder, "That good to hear! You lucky you got a doctor at home," John grinned at Greg responded. Sherlock looked to John laptop, "Cases?! Oh thanks god! I'm so bored!!!" Sherlock yelp in excitement. Greg looked over to John with a smile, both helped Sherlock with the cases. He told Greg what he wants Molly to analyse, who he want to met through video, and many more. He manage to finish 4 cases and two others that need to be looked into, Greg sigh in relief "Well I need to get these filed, I see you two went Sherlock get better," Greg way at the two then left.

It was already dark and John was already exhausts, he plot himself into his chair. "Jawn! I'm bored!!" Sherlock whined, he gave him a dead stare. Sherlock walked to John until he was in front of him, both locked glazes. John pulled Sherlock waist which cause Sherlock to fall up top of John. He warps his arm around Sherlock back, "Jawn! You will get sick and then I don't what to do!!" "I take better care of myself then you do," John chuckled. "Come on, let get you to bed." Sherlock got up and so did John, both walked to Sherlock room.

Sherlock got into bed, John tucked him in and give a kiss on his forehead. He slowly made it door swinging side to side, Sherlock watched. He was wondering what took John so long reach the door and immediately got up when John started to fall backwards. He manage to catch him in time, he looked at John. He was dead asleep in his grasp, he carry John bridal style to his bed and lay him there. Sherlock tuck him in then tuck himself in and gave John a quick peck in the lips, both cuddle that night.

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