What a consulting criminal if they don't commit crimes? (MorMor)

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Jim heard Sebastian coming upstairs, he opened the door lay his rifle down on the table and sat on coffee table in front of Jim. "Jim, you can't stay in the sofa 24/7 and eat ice cream all day." Jim just groan, he hate being lecture it was boring and partially the same. "Listen I know your under the weather but if you refuse to see a doctor I can't help you, all I can give you is the medication" Jim locked glazes with him, "It the pain that irritates me" "I don't think your suppose to eat ice cream when you sick and don't you think of stabbing needles in you so you don't feel the pain" Jim grinned, you can see it in the corner of his lips. "Never thought of that before." Sebastian rose up, "I'm changing." And with that he left to their room.

Sebastian wore a greenish blue jumper and black jeans, Jim saw him and started walking to him until he gripped those shoulders. Sebastian jumped a little by sudden cold arm that gripped his shoulder but he notice that Jim was the one that warp himself around. He hug him back, placing his chin on top of Jim head (photo above shows this scenario). Both show concerns, pain and sorrow in their eyes, "Sherlock left a message? He been leaving messages," "He wants to meet up tonight in pool I don't know if I have the strength to go Sebbie," "I will be your gunner," a smiled creep up on Sebastian lips.

-Later that night-

Jim wore a black suit and tie, Sebbie wore a black shirt and military pants, bringing his sniper with him. Jim really didn't look in the mood to deal with anything when he entered the pool, Sebastian walked to him planted a kiss on his cheeks "Go get them, kitten." Sherlock was already there with John beside him, Sebastian had him on site and Jim appeared with his hands inside his pocket. "Hi!" He smiled, there no doubt that John had a gun on him. "Long time no see, huh?" Sherlock grinned. Jim gave a cheeky grin and slowly walked to them, "You flatter me, Sherlock. How did wedding go? All those little happy people and all? Must have been boring" "How your health going? Not so good? Because you seem a little bit pale than what I last saw you, a little stomach virus?" Jim stopped and locked glazes with him, John just really unsure what to do. "You brought me here Sherlock if you want to play dirty, I could play dirtier" Sebastian aim at John chest which resulted John to have a red dot on his chest, "S-Sherlock."

Sherlock turned to John seeing him raising both arm, "Oh Sherlock, he so fun too! Imagine if he died right here in your arm after you got married?!" Jim chuckled, Sherlock had shivers going down his spine. John knew what danger he put himself when joining Sherlock in his little adventures, "Just because I'm ill doesn't mean I will stopped killing! Where the fun in that?!" Jim snapped his finger, signaling Seb lower the gun. Jim turned and walked away, "See you later Sherly! Love to play another time!" Jim walked out. " Who was that? The one who was aiming at me, " John asked Sherlock. "The second most dangerous man in London," Sherlock replied with a touch of amuses in his voice.

-At Sebastian place-

"Ah! Sweet home!" Jim opened his suit and losing his tie, Sebastian left his sniper in their room under the bed. He walked to living room to find Jim slouching on the sofa, "Seriously is that uncomfortable in a suit? Go change you dummy." Jim looked at him, "No." Sebastian sat next to him, Jim lay his head on Sebastian lap stretching his legs out. "Sleepy?" Jim giggled and reach to give a quick peck on the lips. "Bend down you tall giraffe!" Sebastian laughed and bend down kissing Jim. Both giggled and made out that day.

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