A's Mix-Up

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Two Days Later

Sherlock was sitting at the table conducting an experiment on a human tongue when his mobile buzzed beside him, "John-" He quickly stopped himself. He missed having John hand him his phone. It saved him time and effort.

Nevertheless he sighed and grabbed his phone. A case, perhaps? He unlocked his phone and opened the late night message. It wasn't her typical text, though.

He tutted. She almost gave herself away. But she did give me a clue. Hmm...

Sherlock could empathize with her if he wanted to. He was constantly cleaning up messes made by Andersen and Donovan, for example.

Sherlock's lips curled, "Gotcha."

Her response merited a short chuckle.  It was elaborate and conveyed her current agitation with herself and the guilty coworker.

This surprised him. She was smart enough to work in a Veterinary Clinic and definitely had better interpersonal skills than he, a sociopath, did.

Especially the emotional ones after a tragedy. Murder or kidnapping especially.

She had indeed hopped off at the wrong platform on the tube and was now lost. Sherlock rolled his eyes and asked for her location to help her figure out which way to go. He knew every inch of London, after all. He gave her directions to the next tube station and had his network make sure she didn't get lost again. He didn't want to have to solve A's disappearance or murder and have her identity revealed that way.

It was much more fun piecing her together- bit by bit.

Thank you for reading!! Ta!

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