The Detective's Date

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"Y-Yes! I'd love to, Sherlock!"

Later that Evening

It had been a long, emotionally hectic day for Sherlock. After Adelaide had agreed to the date he had planted a third spur of the moment kiss on her cheek, they'd agreed to meet at Angelo's, and then he'd hurried out to let her work and so that he could finish up a few details for their date.

Paramount was the avoidance of a few specific people. Sherlock made it clear to Lestrade that the Yard was not to be within three city blocks of Angelo's and if they happened to get called there that Donovan was not to be permitted to go. Mycroft was also given a message not to disturb or interfere.

As for the date itself, Sherlock had turned to Molly, John and Mary for advice. Angelo knew they were coming and would have a table reserved for them, complete with a candle. Sherlock didn't want to overdo anything so he was keeping it simple for the evening. He hoped that if the dinner went well that they could walk for a bit afterwards.

"You ready, mate?" John asked as his best friend exited the bedroom, brushing imaginary dust off of his black suit blazer.

"What? Oh, yes. I believe so." Sherlock replied and straightened his dress shirt. He'd chosen his blue one for the occasion. John also noticed that he'd neatened up his curls a bit- a quick trim it looked like. The detective had also applied cologne.

"Well you're all done up, then. Cologne and everything."

"... Too much?"

"No, No! You're fine, Sherlock. Now, remember. It's a date, not a confessional. Go with the flow and just talk with her. And most importantly, listen to signals. If something is making you or her uncomfortable, stop. If something feels right then go ahead," John pointed to Sherlock's chest, "And especially listen to your heart. Let it take the reins."

"That is a dangerous proposition." Sherlock remarked as he donned his coat and scarf.

"No more dangerous than most of your experiments. Now go on and head over, Sherlock. We're here if you need us. Be yourself." Mary stated and the Watsons nudged him out the door.

Sherlock got to Angelo's and only had to wait five minutes before Adelaide arrived. She'd done her hair into a french twist with a clear comb and applied natural makeup and a pit of perfume. Her outfit consisted of fitted black dress slacks, a flowy red blouse, a cream colored jacket and black flats. He smiled as she walked up to him, "Greetings, Adelaide."

"H-Hello, Sherlock," She replied with a smile and he opened the door to Angelo's for her, "Th-Thank You."

"No need to thank me."

Angelo saw them and after a short but celebratory greeting he escorted them to their booth. Once they were both seated there was an awkward pause that lasted a minute before Adelaide spoke, "I see you know the owner?"

"Angelo? Yes. I helped clear him from charges several years back," He decided to change the topic, "It appears you had a good day at work."

"Yes. It was busy but I always love working with the rescued birds. That's where I ended up working today. Did you have any interesting cases today?"

"No, I was busy with other things today. But it wasn't bad either."

They settled into comfortable chatting and Sherlock watched the both of them gradually relax and open up. For him, Adelaide was simply the easiest person to talk to- she was a natural listener and very observant. When he made deductions about the other customers she didn't mind and even understood how he came to certain conclusions. For Adelaide, Sherlock was sensitive and considerate. In his own ways, of course, but she recognized it. 

By the time dessert came and went, they were both leaned closer towards each other and neither were stammering anymore. Both wore gentle blushes on their cheeks and she'd been able to get him to laugh. Conversely, he'd gotten her to light up like a Christmas Tree for most of the night and had established simple physical contact. They, a few times, rested their hands on top of each other's, especially when discussion something personal and deep.

Finally it was time to leave. Sherlock helped Adelaide out of the booth and paid before leading her outside. He turn towards her and cleared his throat, "Would you be opposed to a walk, Adelaide?"

She shook her head and smiled, "No. A walk does sound nice."

Thank you for reading!!

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