Airport Surprise [A]

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Two Days Later

I grab my suitcase from the baggage carousel and hoist my backpack onto my shoulders, "Is your ride here, Tara?" I ask while retrieving my mobile.

Tara nods, "Yeah. He's here, just waiting for my signal. What about you?"

"I was just going to catch a taxi home. It's getting late anyways."

"You sure? Justin and I can take you."

I hold up my hand and nod, "I'm sure, Tara. I'm fine with a taxi."

She looks at me and then sighs, "Alright~."

Her suitcase finally comes around and I help her heave it off the carousel, "There you go. Now you can text Justin."

"Yeah. It might take him a while though so I'll start slowly walking to the curb."

"I'll walk with you. The taxi curb isn't far from there."

"Of course," We turn to head out to the arrival pick-up, hauling our luggage behind us. I blink a few times and yawn, trying to rouse up a burst of energy so that I won't fall asleep in the taxi on the way home, "Sleepy, chica?"


"You sure Justin and I can't take you home..?"

"Positive, Tara," I pinch the bridge of my nose and shake my head to try and clear away the bleary fog in my mind, "Just watch. In a minute I'll be wide awake."

She laughs and then hums under her breath, "Yeah, I bet you will~."

"What?" I look over at her. She gestures down the line of baggage carousels towards the pedestrian bridge to the car park. I follow the motion and see none other than Sherlock standing a short distance away with a light smile. Wait, what!? He said he was on a case!!

A burst of adrenaline and I start booking it over to him, bags and all. I drown out Tara's near-cackling and drop my stuff in time to jump into his open arms, wrapping my legs around him. Once my arms are around him he throws his around me, pulling me close. Man did I miss him.  We hug for a long few moments and then he sets me on the ground. He smiles and chuckles, "Surprised?"

"Um, yeah, Sherlock!" I reply and we share a quick kiss, "You  said that you were on a case out of town and that you wouldn't be back till tomorrow!"

"I wanted to surprise you this time. I hadn't picked you up from airport before, after all."

"Yay, she doesn't have to take a taxi home!" Tara cheers, coming up beside us with a chuckle, "I would stay but Justin's getting close and I don't want him to have to drive around the loop again."

"Of course. See you later, Tara!" We hug briefly and she waves to Sherlock before heading off. I turn back to him and he reaches behind me. I realize what he's going for and I step back to stop him, "Hey, I've got it, Sherlock!"

But Sherlock deftly wrests my suitcase from me anyways. He smirks and then turns towards the bridge, "Shall we, Love? The sedan is waiting."

I sigh and shake my head playfully at him, then grasp his free hand, "Yeah, let's go, Darling."

We walk across the bridge and sure enough, one of Mycroft's sedans is there. Sherlock lifts the suitcase into the trunk and then we get in the backseat. It's mostly a quiet ride back to my flat. He gets out with me and carries the suitcase for me.

When we finally get into my flat and my bags are in the bedroom, Sherlock comes up behind me in the kitchen and presses a kiss to my neck. I giggle and he hums, "I missed you, Adelaide."

"I missed you too, Sherlock," I giggle and spin to kiss his cheek, "Thank you for picking me up, sweetie."

"No problem at all..," He replies and leans down to kiss me. I meet him halfway and we kiss for a good few seconds. When we split he rests his forehead on mine, "Welcome back, Angel."

"Glad to be back, Darling."

Thank you for reading!!

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