Dinner and the Call

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Three Hours Later

Adelaide retouched her coral coloured lipstick using her compact mirror just as the taxi approached the restaurant. Once it had come to a halt she paid the cabbie and climbed out with a smile.

She and Sherlock had planned a one year anniversary date, although a couple days late because of work. One of her new favourite restaurants was Angelo's-  she loved going with Sherlock since their first date there a year before. The food was delicious and the staff, especially Angelo himself, was always attentive and pleasant. Thus she had suggested it because she knew it was one of few places where Sherlock enjoyed eating, and because of the memories.

The Zoologist hurried to the sidewalk and zipped up her purse. When she looked up she saw Sherlock walking towards her with a single red rose; plucked of its thorns and its stem trimmed down. Adelaide smiled brightly, "Hello, Sherlock!"

"Hullo, Love," He responded and held up the rose, "For you." She accepted it, holding it gently in her fingers.

"Thank you, Darling," They shared a kiss and then headed into the restaurant, hand in hand. Sherlock grasped her hand tightly to keep his fidgeting at bay. Angelo sat them in the same booth as they had been in the year before, by prior arrangement, with a few candles as well. She noticed and as they sat across from each other she mused, "We sat here on our first date. I almost can't believe that it's been a year since then."

"You actually remember sitting here?"

She nodded and chuckled, "Of course I do. I also remember that we both kept gravitating across the table towards each other, despite being so awkward in the beginning."

"W-Well, it was a mutual interest after all."

"Yes, and here we are." They both chuckled as Angelo came to take their orders. After that they talked about how their day had been at work. To Sherlock's relief, his cover that he had been at home experimenting rather than out on cases did not alert her to anything. So Adelaide did most of the talking, while Sherlock tried to control his nervous fidgeting. It was easier once their meals had been brought out and he could focus on eating.

Adelaide noticed that he was acting a little odd. He normally didn't tuck into his food like he was actually hungry, and he seemed a bit anxious. She brushed it off though because he didn't like discussing problems while on dates and knew that he would tell her if anything was bothering him. So instead she just smiled and took it as a good sign that he was actually eating a regular sized meal without her encouragement.

They got through dinner and then Angelo brought out an airy Panna Cotta drizzled  with raspberry and hot fudge sauce for them to share. Sherlock did the honours and split it in half per Adelaide's request. Once they were done she insisted that she pay and Sherlock let her. He used the chance to confirm that Ryan was ready to call Adelaide back to the Museum.

They had started their walk back to her flat when Adelaide's mobile started ringing. They stepped to the side and she answered with a confused expression, "Yes?... I'm currently headed home from dinner.... Yes, I finished it. Perry was supposed to take care of the-... Seriously?" She massaged her temples as Ryan explained that the theses and abstracts that Adelaide had been working on had been misplaced by Perry, one of her team mates for the projects, "Fine, I'm on my way. I'll be there as soon as I can. See you then."

Once the call was disconnected she sighed, "That was Ryan. Apparently someone lost all of the work that I needed approved and I need to go help Ryan find it. I'm sorry, Sherlock."

"No, that's perfectly fine. I will accompany you."

"It's just paperwork, Sherlock. There's no need for you to come with me for that."

"I insist. Besides, didn't the Museum just open the temporary exhibit with skeletons and such? Skulls thousands of years old?"

She chuckled,"Yeah, that's why the Museum is open late tonight and for the rest of the week. I presume you'd want to see it?"

"Of course."

Adelaide sighed and shrugged, "Alright. Let's go, then."

He smiled and then flagged a taxi for them, texting John to update him. After putting his mobile away he absently felt for the ring case in his breast pocket, acting like he was readjusting his collar and scarf. Satisfied that it was still there he breathed out a bit. Just a little while longer. Stay calm.

Thank you for reading!! Stay tuned!! 😘

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