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Adelaide frowned and stroked his cheeks a bit, "Sherlock, I don't know everything that happened between you and Moriarty. But it's obviously been bottled up for too long and what happened in your nightmare has brought those memories back."

"Moriarty is playing games with my mind. He's always loved doing that- and especially now that he's dead and someone else is enacting his plans-" Sherlock rambled until Adelaide scooted closer and pecked him on the cheek. He immediately leaned against her lips, welcoming the sensation. She pecked his cheek again and then embraced him, "Adelaide, wh-what are you doing?"

"Trying to help you calm down. You're getting worked up again. And until you're comfortable telling me what exactly has got you so upset- the memories which have traumatized you and are resurfacing- I'm going to do whatever it takes to help you settle down." She whispered, not removing her arms from around him. Her hug was firm and comforting. But still he sat there. Petrified.

What am I going to do now? I don't want to burden her with it all. But after what we've gone through... And she wants to help.

Sherlock took a few deep breaths as his heart finally slowed down. Once it was no longer in his throat he inhaled sharply, "Adelaide..?"

"Yes, Sherlock?"

"J-Just tell me one thing, Love."

"And what would that be, Darling?" She leaned back a bit to look up at him, temporarily releasing him from her arms.

"Are you sure you want to know? B-because  I've told no one. Not even John. And if you're not completely sure you want to know it all and try to understand, I-I can't tell you. And you cannot tell anyone else."

She was silent for a few minutes as she thought about it. Sherlock sighed and cursed himself for even letting himself get that far. Now she'll know that she doesn't know the full story and it could be detrimental to our relationship. Truth. That's one of the main pillars to a relationship, after all.

After a few minutes Adelaide exhaled and then looked back up at him, cheeks flushed in dim lighting, "If I let you into my arms, will you allow me to shield you from all of the pain in the world and love you endlessly? Because I know that whatever it is that is haunting you, it is going to be a heavy burden to share. But you need someone to help you and I want to protect you from that pain and suffering you've been put through. To the best of my ability, I will shield you from that."

His eyes, which had lowered, snapped up at three particular words, "Wh-what did you say, Adelaide?"

"I-I think I just said a lot. Which p-part to do you mean?"

"You  said that if you were to let me into your arms that you would... That you would..," He gulped, "Y-You said that you would love me endlessly."

"I did," She timidly confirmed, lowering her gaze and fidgeting with her hands as her face burned pink, "Probably not the best time to have let that slip out-"

"Y-You love me? Out of every no-good, ne'erdowell scoundrel in this world... you love ME?!!"

She nodded slowly, "Yes. And that's why I want to share those burdens. It's not fair for you to shoulder them all alone. I want to protect you too. Even if it's from nightmares and dark memories," She took a deep breath, "That's why I'm still here. Despite everything. I Love You."

Sherlock's voice caught in his throat as he tried to figure out how to respond to her. He froze up again as his mind raced. She noticed this and sighed, the beginnings of tears in her eyes, "Sorry. I know you might not understand. I said it at the wrong time a and I shouldn't have," She flew to her feet and grabbed her white dressing gown, "I-I'll go make some tea."

And then she hurried out, letting him absorb what had just happened.

If I had had an idea as to how that was going to unfold... That's certainly not what happened.

He fell against the side of the bed again, exhaling.

She loves me. She's stuck with me and wants to stay.

The concept, now somewhat fully grasped, lit a spark of excitement in him. He could count on one hand the people who loved him, more or less. But Adelaide's love was much different. And he knew that he'd had to have earned such a profound sentiment from her.

She loves me.

Oh no. She loves me and she just ran out because she thinks she said the wrong thing to me!

He scolded himself again and then jumped up, running down the stairs to find Adelaide. She was stifling her own whimpers as she shakily prepared a cuppa in the kitchen. Sherlock came up and embraced her from behind, burying his head against her neck, "Sh-Sherlock!?"

He kissed her neck and then turned her around to face him, still encircling her with his arms, "Adelaide, hear me out. Please."

Stay tuned!!

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