Union (II)

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"I Do."

Greg then looked over at John, "Will you please present the rings?" The army doctor nodded with a smile and stepped forward, producing the wedding set on a shell, "Adelaide, Sherlock, these rings  much more than circles of metal. These are tokens of your unending love, undying commitment and unbreakable vows to one another. Remember this as you place the bands on each other's fingers. Now, Sherlock, you may take Adelaide's ring."

Sherlock plucked up the glittering bridal set and tenderly held Adelaide's left hand, "Adelaide, I, William Sherlock Scott Holmes, do with this ring pledge to be your ally, comforter, lover and best friend. I give you all of me without reserve and will labor together with you as your companion until the end of our days through all the bad and the good." He gently slid the silver bands up her ring finger and into place.

"Adelaide, you may now take Sherlock's ring." Adelaide picked it up and took his left hand firmly in hers.

"Sherlock, I, Adelaide Bree Cavanagh, do with this ring pledge to always support, protect, cheer you on, and fight for you. I give all of myself to you and will labor together with you as your companion until the end of our days through all the bad and the good." Then she placed the band on his finger and Sherlock took a moment to adjust to it before they joined hands again. John backed off to the side again, flashing them both a congratulatory wink.

"Adelaide and Sherlock, you have come here today of your own free will and in the company of your family and friends have declared your love and commitment to each other. You have given and received a ring as a symbol of your promises, binding you together. Today is a new beginning for you both. It is the first page to the next chapter in your lives- one where you will write your story together and share your adventures, hardships, joys and sorrows. May you have many long, happy years together and in those year s may all your hopes and dreams be fulfilled.  Above all, may you always believe in each other, and may the warmth of your love enrich not only your lives but the lives around you."

Greg cleared his throat and smiled, "And now by the legal authority vested in me, it is my great honor to pronounce you husband and wife. You may now seal your bond with a kiss."

Sherlock didn't wait. He stepped forward and slipped his arms around Adelaide. They pressed their lips together and she twined her arms around his neck as they kissed. A symphony of cheers and clapping erupted as the two savored their first kiss as a married couple. Once they'd finally pulled away, Greg chuckled as he finished, "Congratulations to you both. To all who have come to witness their union, I present to you, Mister Sherlock Holmes and Missus Adelaide Holmes."

Another round of cheering and clapping ensued. Sherlock and Adelaide took a seat at the table in the pavilion to sign the wedding registry and make it official. Once that was done, Greg gave his closing remarks and then the recessional began. Adelaide and Sherlock walked back down the aisle together, peeling off for portraits with and without the rest of the wedding party.

After group pictures on the beach, the others were excused to return for refreshments at the Castle. Then Brielle started their solo session, taking them to every possible scenic spot and posing them many different ways. The Photographer led the way back up so that they could begin the wedding breakfast while the couple followed at their own pace.

The meal started promptly once the lovebirds had taken their seats at their table. As it was a buffet, there was plenty of mingling, toasts, and sharing of stories. Eventually John stood up to give an impromptu speech, followed by Tara and Finley. They spared no opportunity to tease the newlyweds, but to their relief the speeches were short and sweet. Sherlock and Adelaide were engrossed in each other and shared several kisses as the afternoon wore into dusk.

The party slowly came to a close as the guests started to disperse and return home or to their hotels. Sherlock and Adelaide stuck around until they could make their getaway down to the beach cabin where they'd stay the night before leaving for the rest of their honeymoon. Sherlock caught ahold of John on their way and the blogging doctor gave him a strong hug and clap on the back, "Go on then, mate. We'll take care of the rest."

"Thank you, John."

"Yes, thank you so much, John."

He winked and waved for them to hightail it after that, giving Sherlock a mock kick to the behind as they hurried off as fast as they could into the Twilight.

Thank you for reading and I love you all! Just a reminder of the wedding details-

The story isn't over just yet! Fluff to come before I close out and begin writing the next book! I am also considering writing another Sherlock fanfiction since I've been getting a lot of inspiration, although I start classes next week so I might not.

Stay tuned!!

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