Winter Ball [A]

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Christmas Eve- One Week Later

I finish curling my hair and pin my bangs into three tiny circles on the right side, "There we go!" I grin, impressed with my accomplishment since I normally can't do my hair so well, and giggle while clasping my hands together. Sherlock should like it. He loves when my hair is down.

Tonight he's my date to the Museum's Winter Ball. While I know that he is coming partially because Moriarty is on the prowl, I'm eager to have him with me just as my boyfriend. Not as a bodyguard or detective. And I'm hoping that tonight will go well and that it'll be a fun, relaxing time together. Sherlock has been on high alert since I found the note. I'm under near constant surveillance; if not by Mycroft, Sherlock or my brother than by the Homeless Network. Sherlock has been especially vigilant and has stayed two nights in the past week to assure my safety. I gave up and let him have a copy of my key. It calmed him a bit.

But if Moriarty, or whomever is filling his shoes, is really interested in me I have a feeling they'll figure out a way to get to me anyway.

I shake my head to clear the negative thought and exhale, "Only happy thoughts, Ada! It's Christmas Eve and you're going to the party with Sherlock."

I step back and take in my reflection in the mirror. My long evening gown, deep red satin chiffon, is one that I rarely wear. I'm certainly glad I didn't wear it to the Gala earlier this year.  It's my favourite and just wearing it is like a trip down memory lane.

My phone buzzes and I pick it up. It's a text from Sherlock telling me he's waiting outside. I smile and reply, grab my purse, and then hurry out after throwing on my coat.

The chauffeur opens the door for me and I get in. Sherlock immediately reaches for my hand and lifts it to his lips, "Hullo Love."

"Hi, Darling." I kiss his cheek and buckle up.  He doesn't release my hand but I don't mind.

"So this Ball will include dancing?"

I nod and giggle, "Of course! All of them do!"


"Because you love dancing?"

"Precisely." I can't help but chuckle.

We get there and make our way to Hintze Hall. Since there's no seating assignments, we pick a table near the dance floor and mark our seats. Then, not missing a beat, Sherlock guides me to the dance floor. There are several other couples already but most of them are just swaying from side to side. Sherlock? No.

He waltzes with perfect ease, and I fall into step with him. Without hesitation a gentle smile creeps onto his features and I smile back, "This  was what you were looking forward to the most."

"Of course it was, Love. It is imperative that you know that I can dance with you better than any other man could."

I laugh, "Jacob certainly had two left feet. I was leading most of the time. He just didn't realize it."

He hisses, "No need to be that specific. Although that is an accurate description of him."

"What is?"

"He doesn't realize some things until they hit him in the face- quite literally."

I giggle, "Yes, I suppose that's a good description."

Eventually we leave the dance floor and get dinner from the buffet, settling down into our seats as a few speakers give their remarks on the Museum's many accomplishments over the past year, etcetera. Sherlock holds onto my hand when he can, as if something will happen the second he lets go. I frown when I notice how stiff he is while we're listening to the speeches and presentations. Waiting for Moriarty to strike.  I sigh and squeeze his hand.

Sherlock looks at me and I smile reassuringly, leaning over, "Relax, sweetie. You're getting really tense."

"I would but Moriarty might be lurking-"

"Sherlock, I know. But please..?"

He nods, "Very well."

"Thank you." I peck him on the cheek and squeeze his hand even more. In turn he encloses his hand around mine, smiling softly. We return our attention to the front of the Hall as they start calling people for awards. I accept three of them and Sherlock winks approvingly at me as I do so. Then, after putting my name in for a few raffle confests, I join my boyfriend on the dance floor again.

By now, a lot of the lights are dimmed and the music is slower now. Sherlock steals a few kisses as we dance, holding me close and hovering, waiting for another chance to steal a kiss once more. I return the favour when I can, and just enjoy being together with him. Who knows how long it will last before- Gah! STOP!  I look down while mentally scolding myself and Sherlock lifts my chin up, "What is it, Love?"

"N-nothing, Darling. Just thinking." But I know he knows.

"Don't worry, Adelaide. I promised I would protect you and I will. Moriarty will not touch you." I smile a bit and he presses a kiss to the bridge of my nose.

A long while later, nearly midnight, he drops me back off at my flat with a few deep kisses. Then, just as we're separating, I hug him tightly, "Merry Christmas, Sherlock."

"Merry Christmas, Adelaide."

Love you guys!! 😘 See you in the next chapter!






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