Worries [A]

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The Next Day

I shake out as much water as I can from my raincoat and umbrella as I step into 221 Baker Street, "I hope the ducks are happy with this weather..." I hum to myself as I unzip my raincoat and quickly hang it up to try, setting the umbrella on the floor to do the same. Missus Hudson pops her head out of her kitchen and then hurries out.

"Oh heavens! What were you doing out in that storm?"

"I wanted to come and give you some of my cookies. I put a few aside for you when I was baking yesterday."

"Oh! Then come on in, Dearie! You need to warm up too!" She pulls me into her kitchen and I take out the carefully packed tin of cookies while she pours me a cuppa. I open the tin floor her and she beams, "Those are wonderful, Adelaide!" I grin and accept the cuppa from her, holding it in both hands. We chat for a bit and then we hear Sherlock come in from outside.

I peek through the doorway, "Hey, Sherlock!!"

He sees me after hanging up his drenched coat and smiles, "Hello, Angel. I did not expect you to come in this rain," I shrug and walk over for a kiss. When we pull apart he gently pinches the silver chain around my neck between his index and middle finger, following it down to the locket. Sherlock's eyes hover on the heart shaped pendant as he strokes over the glossy surface, "I suppose this was the correct choice. It was rather difficult to decide."

At this I smile and hug him, "You couldn't have chosen better, Darl," I kiss his jaw and then chuckle, "Enjoy the rain too?"

"Always. It certainly has stirred up a couple of interesting cases."

"That's good to hear, Sherlock," His smile quickly fades and I furrow my brows, "What is it, Hun?"



He nod curtly and I have to rush to keep up as he nearly runs upstairs. When I somewhat skid into the living room I see Mycroft reclined in John's chair looking as staunch as ever. Sherlock strides over to him with an agitated expression, "What are you doing here, Mycroft?"

"I was waiting for the both of you. Seriously, Sherlock, you are losing your touch given how long it took you to arrive. Surprisingly she got here first."

"Cut to the point, Mycroft. You wanted to speak to the both of us mainly because of how our relationship has continued to improve. Go on then. What is it you have to say about my relationship with Adelaide?" And there goes Sherlock's good mood.

Mycroft twirls his umbrella and taps it a few times against the floor, "Adelaide."


"It's been nearly a year since you met my brother over text. Tell me in your own words, how far do you believe your relationship has come since then?"

"I... I believe that as a couple our relationship has only continued to get stronger. It's taken a lot of work to get to where we are but we have a healthy relationship because of it. One of love and respect. So I believe it has come very far from where it started as text pals."

Mycroft nods slowly, "Quite far, indeed. Especially given that Sherlock purchased that locket for you."

"It is a token of my love for her, and our love for each other, Mycroft." Sherlock defends. I reach up and grasp the pendant.

Then Mycroft stands up and taps his umbrella on the floor, "Adelaide, the locket if you will." He holds out his hand and I look at Sherlock. He is glaring at his brother too much to look at me, so I gulp and gently unclip the necklace. I walk over to set it in Mycroft's hand, "Now please go visit Missus Hudson downstairs."


"Just.. Do as he says, Love. It'll only be a few minutes." Sherlock reassures and I nod before exiting the flat. Missus Hudson and I sit quietly in her kitchen. I can't help but worry that Mycroft has changed his mind and that he disapproves of me after all. No. You need to stay optimistic. Stay positive, Ada.

"They'll be done soon, Adelaide. Sherlock's probably just having to explain why he loves you to Mycroft."

"But Mycroft took the locket that Sherlock gave me. What if he's demanding that he breaks up with me? I thought that after everything I've been put through that Mycroft approved of me and our relationship..."

"If Sherlock broke it off with you because of his brother I might actually evict him!" I can't help but laugh. We both know that Sherlock is practically engrained into 221B and that evicting him wouldn't do anything. Missus Hudson smiles, "Don't worry, dearie. He won't up and leave you because Mycroft told him too."

"Thank you, Missus Hudson."

"No problem, Dearie."

I wait until Mycroft leaves before hurrying back upstairs. Sherlock is standing in front of the mirror, staring into his own reflection. When he sees me he turns around, "Here you are," I walk over and see the locket in his hands. A feeling of relief surges as he lifts it to my neck and clips it on for me, "There. Where it should be."

I smile and then look up at him, "What did he talk to you about, Sherlock? Why did he want this?"

His expression is unreadable past the light smile he is wearing, "He wanted me to clarify a few details of our relationship. Don't worry."

Should I though?

Thank you for reading!! Love y'all!!

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