Imma Bird

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--Johnny Toast's PoV--

"Come on, sir, let's leave Jinny to her work," I said, trying to separate my arguing sister and partner. "Maybe we can find where Gavin ran off to."

Ghost scoffed. "Yeah? How? We're not exactly the best trackers, Johnny."

"Well, you know how he is with controlling low-level ghosts," I started, as sir rose an eyebrow, "and there's no way he could've gotten far, so he would've called in some ghosts to protect him, wherever he is." 

"Which would mean we would be able to pick it up on the trackers!" He pieced together, eyes shining with determination before running back to the car.

That left me and Jinny in silence. "Why do you even hang out with that ruffian?" She questioned, watching my partner hunt through our van.

"We're friends, Jinny." I sighed, "why is it that you don't understand that?"

"Because your friend is a butt, Johnathan." Jinny glared. 

"He just doesn't like you much, that's all, and his attitude and ego is near as big as yours," I said, almost laughing at the insulted look on my sister's face.

"Hey, Johnny! Get your butt over here, I need some help with this!" Ghost shouted from the car.

"Alright, sir! I'm coming!" I yelled back, giving Jinny a slight wave before jogging over to help my friend. "So what is it, sir?" I asked, coming up next to him.

"Nothing really, just the fact that according to the scanners, there is some random ghost activity five houses that way. If we hurry we can catch him." He told me, almost literally bouncing with excitement, "if we do this right we can forget sooo much crap, like worrying whether or not you've been replaced by an evil twin."

"Alright, sir. Let's hurry." I said, pulling certain things from the car, "shotguns?"

"Nah, I think a pistol will do, they're only going to be level one and twos." He said, checking his flashlight batteries. "Maybe a three if he's been practicing..."

"I'll bring some iron," I muttered, grabbing one of the crowbars just lying around. We grinned as we stepped out, almost running into John Watson.

"Oh. I wasn't expecting to see you here." He said, looking around, a blanket draped over his shoulders, "I'm just looking for Sherlock. He ran off a couple minutes ago."

"Well, good luck finding him," I told him. Ghost nodded, we both knew how hard it was to lose someone. Around a year ago, Ghost suddenly just... Turned into a puppet and flew away during a case. He went into a strange dreamscape while his body drifted around the sky in the form of a puppet. We spent the entire time searching for each other, I literally checked in with weather stations worldwide to find where he disappeared to. I found him around Wales and followed him to Germany, where he finally landed and woke up. Then we had to fight our way off the zombie-infested island we landed on with Spooker's sister, who Ghost continuously blamed for betraying us and nicknamed her Barnicle Boat. (we didn't know she was Spooker's sister at the time). I couldn't help but shiver at the sudden flashbacks.

"Try checking over there, I think I saw him follow one of the officers behind the building." Sir pointed out. John nodded and started running toward the building.

"Did you really see him go behind the building?" I asked, following sir as he used the tracker.

"Yeah, following Maloney. Someone must've let his abilities slip and Sherlock got curious." I rose an eyebrow, "If YOU were in the same room as your worst fear, you'd keep an eye on it at all times."

"We're outside, sir."


"Seriously, sir, again with this. It's Po-ta-to Po-tah-to."

"You know what I meant, Johnny. And here we are." He finished, grinning. 

"Let's go catch him, sir," I said, following him in.

--Sherlock's PoV--

"So you can WHAT?" I asked Maloney again, still not believing my ears, but I guess this explains his twitchiness.

"I can turn into a crow anytime I want. I can't fly over the ocean and Preston was too cheap to book me a plane, so I rode here on a boat, and the entire time I was terrified, so I was hoping to get some flying in before we had to go, but I was sent out almost immediately." He explained, this time more though with his explanation. "So I'm still a little spooked."

"... That makes no sense." I said, looking him up and down, picking up more about him, which wasn't all that necessary until I noticed his pockets had little feathers sticking out of them as well as his hat and shoes. As if he was molting... It is around that time of year, I guess. "What species of crow?"

"Excuse me?" He questioned.

"What species of crow do you become?" I repeated, looking him up and down.

"Oh, well it's really simple, I become a 17-inch American crow, or as some sciencey folk would call it-"

"Corvus brachyrhynchos." I finished. He smiled.

"You like birds a lot too? I figure it's because of my 'ability' and such." 

"No, I've been meaning to delete that from my memory," I replied, confused by the crestfallen look on his face.

"Oh. Sorry, I shouldn't have gotten hopeful... Alright, see I'm a literal alien, and I think the rest of my race is extinct so I take every chance I get."

"Okay, I'm going to need evidence past this point," I told him, skeptical. He shrugged.

"Alright, I guess I don't care." He said, shrugged, "I've told you this much, might as well show you." In seconds, after watching everything I know about the human autonomy fly out the window, a crow stood in front of me wearing officer Maloney's cap. 

"That is so impossible-"

"Then you haven't met the Acachallas." The bird snorted. "I don't care, though. I'm a bird."


"I'm over here John, trying to figure out how this is physically possible."

"What is it?" John asked coming around the corner.

"Do you see anything, ANYTHING, off about this at all?" I asked pointing at Maloney. John just rose an eyebrow.

"It's wearing a police hat, but that's it."

"YES." I said, examining the birds closer, "THERE MUST BE SOME WAY THIS IS FAKE."

"... Sherlock, I think you're hurting that poor creature." John said, trying to pull me away.

"I don't care," Maloney said, beginning to strut away from us. "I'ma bird. And I'm walkin' away."

"Sherlock. Did that bird just talk?"

"Maloney, this is John, John, this is the most confusing freak of nature I have ever seen."

"... Nah, you haven't seen the Acachalla's girl." The crow said, marching around, ignore the shock on our faces.

"Who are the Acachallas?" John whispered.

"The reason I'm here." The crow squaked, "me, Jinny and Preston have had the most experience with them, and the Higgly Diggly Hougans are insisting they're going to come here to get away from the cops."

"MORE of you people?!" John groaned, "I hope the Hig-Dig-things are wrong."

"Well, I don't care. I'm a-"

"We get it, your a bird." I interrupted the catch phrase. The bird gave me the closest thing to a glare he could before flying away.

"Whelp, let's go find Gavin," John said, getting to his feet.

"I'm pretty sure Toast knows where he is. Do you have any idea where Toast is?" 

He nodded, "I think so."

"Let's go. Before people start asking questions about the talking Corvus brachyrhynchos."

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