Jail time

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--Gavin's PoV--

One of the guards watching my cell rapped the mossy stone wall next to the iron door keeping me locked in, "wake up, you have guests." He said, not considering its six in the morning. I groaned and glared at him, ticked.

"Who?" I asked, ready to hear the reply of 'Jinny', but then I remembered she only visited once a week, and she was just here four days ago... Johnny and the idiot he has as a 'friend' never drop by, even when I was imprisoned in North Carolina, so I wasn't betting my money on him. He gave me a look through the small gap for eyeholes in the iron.

"A detective." He told me, looking away for a bit. I sighed and put back on my prison suits shirt. What can I say? I spent so much time around spirits I'm used to the chill, everywhere else is like a desert during a drought to me.

"Alright, then..." I grumbled, walking over to the door and letting them handcuff me. I followed them to the interrogation room, sitting down in a small cramped space with the see through mirror. Not knowing what to do I just stared at my reflection and glared at it, waiting for someone to say something.

Suddenly the doors opened again and two men sat down in from of me. I was dumbfounded, who was on the other side of the glass? There were a few moments of silence before I recognized them.

"Holmes and Watson? I haven't done anything, I've been in jail for months now, I couldn't have done anything!" I protested, scootching my chair back a bit.

"Relax, we just want to ask some questions about your... ability." The smaller one, John Watson, told me. I stared at him blankly, not knowing how to reply.

"What ability?" I asked slowly not wanting to reveal anything they didn't already know.

"The respawning. Well, that's what your brother called it-"

"Seriously? You know Johnny?" They looked shocked at my curiosity about my brother, but hey, a doppelganger has to keep track of his copy, right? "Where from? Are you two also ghost hunters on your spare time?"

"No, they live below us," John said. Sherlock's yet to open his mouth, he was still 'studying' me, which I found uncomfortable.

"Oi!" I said to Sherlock, " what are you looking at you git?" He was staring at the scar I had running down the left side of my face. He stared at me calmly before asking me something.

"So who smuggles in the news for you?" My mouth fell open, but I quickly closed it again.

"That's none of your business!" I shouted, but his eyes were jumping everywhere, his mind obviously working at a thousand meters a second.

John looked more uncomfortable than I did. "Uh, Sherlock we were just supposed to ask about his theories on the respawning thing-"

"I know, but there's something we're missing about him." Suddenly the lights shut off and the air grew colder, more comfortable to me. They both looked at me and deciding to play innocent, I shrugged.

"What was that?" John asked, suddenly a guard flew through the glass, one of his keys floating from his belt and unlocking my cuffs. I smiled a bit and looked back to Sherlock, who looked suspicious.

"Alright, alright," I said, smiling. "You've got me. Here." I threw him a slip of paper with my number on it, "in case your curious about the respawns still. I just have theories, but I think a few are pretty good." Sherlock caught the paper and pocketed it while John looked more and more worried.

"Sherlock, what's going on?" He whispered to the taller man as I backed up. I never got to hear Sherlock's reply, Maxwell phased me through the building until I was standing outside.

"Who were they, Brit?" The cowboy ghost asked me. He was stronger and out of my range of ghosts I could control, but we made a deal and it looks like he was finally pulling through.

"Eh, they're no one. And if they become a threat, you can protect yourself against a couple of detectives from the street, can't you?" I asked him. He smiled a bit and threw me my regular change of clothes, a gray t-shirt, blue sweater, and gray jeans, and then he blinked out, leaving me alone in the middle of the street in front of the prison. I cursed under my breath and ran off, figuring I was out of favors from cowboy ghosts.

--Johnny Toast's PoV--

I quickly began re-running code words with Johnny, making sure he memorized all of them. When he asked what happened I just told him Gavin had escaped, which he had, but I felt bad for leaving out that Sherlock was now possibly in contact with him.

I don't trust him much anyways...

Ghost sighed after I quizzed him for the fifth time. "C'mon, I've already memorized all of these, Toast. I mean, I don't want a repeat of last time, but..."

"Sir, please? I really hate being replaced!" He just cupped his hands and put his face into it.

"Then try not to faint next time we visit a house."

"The fainting thing is your fault, sir."

"Potato, potato."

"Sir, that's the same potato."

"I know, what I meant was, don't go around placing blame."

"Alright..." I looked down at my hands when suddenly my phone started buzzing. I picked it up and instantly regretted it.

"JOHNNY TOAST, GET YOUR BUTT OVER HERE RIGHT NOW," Jinny screamed into the phone on the other side, almost growling.

"Jinny, whatever you think I did, it could always be Gavin, he just escaped jail," I said, hoping to calm down my sister.

"I know this! I need your help tracking him down! One of your "watchlist spirits" helped him! I'm at the jail if your not over here in twenty minutes I will literally unleash hell onto you and your partner. See you soon!" She hung up and I looked to Ghost who got the message and groaned.

"C'mon, sir, we need to be there in twenty minutes."

"Kill mee..."

"She probably will if we don't hurry."

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