Meeting at a Murder

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-Johnny Ghost's POV-

Johnny Toast and I marched down the streets of London, following our tracker to a case, we didn't know what to expect, but we were getting bored holed up in the 'flat' we rented. We turned a corner and a crime scene, cops everywhere, all talking to each other and working back and forth. In one of the houses behind them, Ami waved to us from the open window, ignoring my facepalm.

"C'mon, Toast, let's go catch her before she causes any more trouble to these 'fine people'." I snuck around the police tape, avoiding the cop's gazes and crept into the house to see a dead guy just lying on the floor. No one else was there, which was weird because I would consider this the scene of the crime...

"Yeesh. I'm glad I'm not that poor soul right now..." Toast mumbled when he walked it, "how're you holding up, sir?"

"Pretty good, thank you." I said, turning to the stairs, "let's get this over with." We slowly crept up the stairs, preparing for Ami to jump out at any time. We made it to the second floor and started checking the rooms before we heard a door close on the first floor.

We both froze, and Ami stuck her head through the nearby wall. "Zat... Waz not me..."

"Yeah, no duh," I whispered to the ghostly aristocrat. "Just... Stop haunting the house, please, so we can call it a day and get out before the cops see us."

"Alright, Ghosty. Zee you around! I expect a kiss nex-"

"No," I said, pulling out my crossbow and shooting her. "Did she really think I'd let her go that easily?"

Toast gave me a weary smile "Looks like it, sir... We'd better get out of here before whoever's downstairs comes upstairs."

"Right... Let's check the back for windows." We crept out of the room and started hearing footsteps coming up the stairs.

"Now if we follow these, we'll find out who else in in here with us John." The first voice said, obviously leading. The second guy, John, just questioned how the first guy could track people by little bits of dirt from their shoes. In a panic, we bolted down the hallway, ignoring the loud thumps we made and jumped out a nearby window onto a ledge. After that, we dropped to another, fell to the ground, and started to run. Behind us, we heard shouting and we continued to bolt, turning at every place possible. After awhile, I ran out of breath and stopped running.

Breathing heavily I looked to Toast. "Did we lose them?"

"No ones on our tail..."


"But sir I dropped my phone.." He gave me a guilty look and I almost screamed.


--John's POV--

"How are you supposed to get into his phone?" I asked Sherlock as he investigated the phone the black-haired man dropped. "You don't know the pass-"

"He doesn't have a password." Sherlock sighed, disappointed, "why don't they ever give me a challenge?"

"Don't you think we should get back to the case we were just-"

"The cook did it, now let me do this, John." I watched as Sherlock opened up the phone app and call the first person on the list.

"Heyo, Toast! How's England?" The person answered the phone, "Me and Colon are doing reaaaally good over here! Haven't had a single accident. Are you impressed?"

"... Why did you just call me Toast?" Sherlock asked the stranger on the other side, "that's not a name- is that a name John?"

"I think so..."

"I still don't think it's a name..."

"Johnny, are you feeling okay?" The guy on the phone asked, cautiously.

"Uh, I'm not Johnny... Toast, right?"

He paused, "... Why do you have my boss's phone?"

"He dropped it. I'm looking to give it back." Sherlock told him blandly.

"... One second." The guy left the phone and background chatter could be heard.

"So, Sherlock, what do we know about this guy so far?"

"His name is Johnny Toast, he runs a company, or helps run it, probably works with the guy he left with, he's no stranger to alcohol, he doesn't hold many secrets or finds a need to lock up his belongings, and he is a really fast runner and good at parkour." He turned the phone over a couple more times. "And to add on to the secrets one, they were both armed, so I'm going to assume he knows how to use it."

"How do you know they didn't do it?"

"They didn't have any blood on them, and it was obviously the cook."

"... Okay if you say so..." Around that time, another guy came to the phone.

"WHO IS THIS AND WHAT DO YOU WAAAAAANNT?!" The different guy screamed into his, shocking me in yelping a bit.

"... This is Sherlock Holmes, I'm looking for the owner of this phone..."


"Because the supernatural isn't real..." I said and the guy paused.

"That means that I'm not real..." The first guy said, and there was a long awkward pause.

"What?" Sherlock asked, and they seemed to snap out of it.

"N-none of your business! Don't call back!" They hung up and the alley quickly filled with silence.

"What now?"

"Now we call the person they mentioned, there's a contact called Ghost." He pressed the call button, and in seconds the guy answered.

"Who is this?" He asked. He was American, like the other two guys, but he sounded more protective.

"Sherlock Holmes, I found a Mr. Toast's phone just lying here, I was hoping to return it... " There was some whispers before the phone was given to someone else.

"Hullo, this is Johnny Toast." He answered, the only British one out of the four. "Where are you, I dropped that a while ago..."

"When you were running from us?" Sherlock interrogated. There was a long silence before they hung up. He gave me a look, the 'we both know what's actually going on here' look. I hate that look.

"Okay, so what is it?" I asked.

"They're obviously both staying in England... But that's all I've got so far... When we get back, I'm looking up their names."

"Oh, course you are," I mumbled.

Sherlock's found his new obsession.



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