Sherlock, Breathe

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--John's PoV--

Sherlock took another deep inhale. "I'm telling you, John, there must be ZERO logic where they're from I mean I swear I'm going to go crazy trying to figure out how on earth they can do anything because that Maloney should weigh tons even if the transformations did work and spirits shouldn't be controlled by criminals and-"

"Sherlock, breathe." I reminded my ranting friend. "Also, get off the couch, your going to break something." I pointed out how he was marching around upon all the furniture, violin bow in hand.

"I just can't concentrate, I can't think, we still don't know how or where the back from the dead thing was created and you killed Gavin which somehow means he can be anywhere by now and we have absolutely no idea where he'd disappear to or what he'd be doing, for all we know he's dancing ballet in a tuxedo for Moriarty!" Sherlock ranted, still pacing on the furniture. His face was tinting blue from oxygen loss.

I sighed, "I've only seen you this hyped up when we were on a case."

"John we ARE on a case, you know, trying to figure out all the oddities. Give me Gavin's number I'm going to call him." He said, completely out of breath. I gave him the paper and he almost literally punched the number into his phone. It rang for a bit, and Gavin picked up. Sherlock instantly put it onto speaker phone.

"Hello?" Gavin asked, sounding completely innocent.

"Don't play games with us we know it's you, we'd like to know a little more about your theories, Gavin so explain to us what they are before we trace your phone and get you arrested!" Sherlock almost shouted.

"... Did you say that all in one breath?" Gavin laughed, "I'll tell you where I am, though. I'm scoping out some places for a new lab."

"Lab?" I asked from over the phone.

"Oh, Johnathan hasn't told you? I like to experiment with people and creatures it sometimes helps with the money counterfeiting I tend to do."

"What?" I asked.

"Poison can be really fun to mess with..." Gavin mumbled from over the phone, now distracted.

"Hey, snap out of it." Sherlock said, "now, theories. Toast said he liked the one with a Darth Calculus."

"... Okay... It's going to cost you, though." Gavin said on the other side.

"Seriously?" I asked.

"Well, you can't expect me to give a perfectly good explanation for free, can I?" Gavin asked on the other side of the phone, pausing as the sound of a crack echoed through the phone as well as a bit of cursing from Gavin.

"He dropped his phone onto concrete in a small space. It echoed." Sherlock pointed out suddenly, clearing his throat as Gavin picked his phone back up. "Alright, Gavin, what do you want?"

"Nothing. Yet." Gavin said, "but when I think of something, you're going to have to help me."

"... Okay." Sherlock blurted.

"NO! No! Sherlock this man is a murderer, a thief, and a mad scientist, somehow with control of the paranormal, this could be the worse choice of your-"

"I need answers, John. Besides, there's no way to-"

"Yes, I can enforce the deals, Sherlock. Ghosts, remember? If you don't do it willingly I'll have a poltergeist possess you and make you do it anyways." Gavin pointed out. I rose an eyebrow at Sherlock and he sighed.

"Okay." He said again, giving me the 'just do it, John' look. I sighed.

"Fine..." I muttered, glaring at Sherlock. "But I don't want to kill anyone."

"What?" Gavin started laughing, "you're mistaking me for a certain psychopath, aren't you? No, I'm probably going to use you as test subjects or someone to bust me out of jail."

"Is that supposed to make me feel better about this?" I asked. There was a mutter of reply from Gavin.

"Alright, tell us your theories now," Sherlock demanded. "I'm getting bored of this..."

"You're probably going to think they're crap," Gavin said before beginning.



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