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1. No God-modding or meta gaming. Seriously, it gets really annoying and ruins RPing for everyone involved.

2. I will play your crush and you will play mine but other characters are shared among us save for the families of OCs.

3. Please censor swears because I don't want anyone to get in trouble.

5. Smut is fine but I won't RP it if it makes you uncomfortable

6. It's okay to spam or repeatedly bug me about when I'll reply to you in your own head but take it to Wattpad and there will be a problem.

7. I try not to be overbearing about replies but, if I haven't heard from you in a day, I will tag you. Feel free to do the same to me.

8. Sherlock is my crush, so he can't be selected for your OC.

9. Really important! Please tell me your age as I will not RP sex or anything sexual with anyone under 18. Please do not lie about your age as RPing anything sexual with a minor is illegal and could get me arrested.

10. While we're on the subject, please keep the smut vanilla with chocolate sprinkles. I don't mind a little kink but, if you are going to do anything really weird to my OC or your crush, please ask me before you write the really weird thing to make sure I'm okay with it.

11. Even without the smut, my work contains a lot of adult content. So you have to be 16 or older to RP with me.

12. Please do not put any quick fix solutions, such as Sherlock solving the mystery in five seconds and speeding the plot to the end like Data did in TNG. I know Sherlock's brilliant but even he has to do the leg work for a few weeks before he can solve a case.

13. If you want to create a scenario, please don't create a scenario for you and your crush and expect me to make up my own plot. I put a lot of thought in the plot for your OC and crush and I ask that you do the same for me.

14. While we're on the subject, please put actual effort into your replies. I can't respond to replies are starters that are only one or two sentences long as it takes me out of the RP. Try to put yourself in the scene, build the RP as both your character and as my crush.

15. PDA in the UK is acceptable but only up to closed mouth kissing. Most brits draw the line at open mouth kissing in public.

16. This RP, like the show, takes place in Britain. However, as I have never been to Britain, my knowledge of British culture comes from BBC shows and Google. If there is anything I get wrong, feel free to correct me.

17. To show that you understand, post "The game is on!" in the comments.

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