Part 2: Attack

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"Wong, would you be so kind as to pass me my cloak back?" Strange said sarcastically, as his cloak wrestled with Wong's face.

"I would love to, Strange. Unfortunately, you're just going to have to wait." Wong responded as he tried to pull it off of himself.

"This is why you should not stand in the way of it. You see, it's been having an off morning. First, I spilled coffee on it. And then an incompetent idiot somehow got it caught on his face in the middle of an attack on the sanctum!"

Finally, the cloak released its grip and slid onto Strange's back.

"Ah." Strange sighed.

Both him and Wong drew back their arms and pushed forward to reveal holographic orange shields in front of their hands. As they got ready, a new wave crawled its way through the shattered window, screeching in pain from all the broken glass.

"You take left, I'll take right," Strange instructed Wong.

Strange knocked out one of the creatures and took a strand of their hair. He stretched it out and soon it became a thin wire of flaming orange. He began to spin around, striking all the creatures with it.

"How are you doing over there, Wong?" Strange called out.

Wong blasted five of them with his hand shields. And as a new wave began to charge at him, he created a flaming force field which burned them all as they flew through the air. Then he turned to Strange.

"I'm doing great, buddy. Catch up, would you?" He laughed.

The two of them realized that this was the last wave and ran towards each other. In the last second, they turned so they were back-to-back. Together they blasted sparks of magic from their hands, created weapons out of thin air, and took out dozens upon dozens of the hideously deformed creatures, formerly known as Ignodeforam. Finally, as the last one jumped to attack them, they both blasted it to pieces.

"So we just wiped out an entire species." Wong chuckled as he turned around to face Strange.

"And we haven't even finished breakfast." Strange wrapped his arm around Wong's shoulders and together they walked to the basement to get cleaning supplies.

Suddenly they stopped and sensed that someone was here. They broke apart from one another and realized that the sanctum was quite vulnerable at the moment. So they covered each side of the door waiting for whatever other hideously, deformed creature may be lurking behind it.

"Hello I-"

Suddenly Wong and Strange jumped in front of their visitor with their hand-shields ready.

"OH MY GOD," John shouted as he waved his arms around trying to keep his balance. He slipped and fell onto the ground with a crash.

"Oh... Hello, John." Strange and Wong disarmed themselves and helped John off the floor.

"What happened?" John looked around the Sanctum. He spotted the blood splattered floors, the shattered windows, and the dented walls.

"Breakfast shenanigans, I guess you could say," Wong responded.


"John, please come in." Strange stepped aside to allow John to pass by him.

"No... No I think I'm good here." John started to itch the nape of his neck. "Strange... Uh... I mean Doctor Strange... I need your help."

Strange squinted at John as if not understanding what he just said. And then he turned to Wong for guidance.

"This is the part where you say something," Wong laughed at Strange.

"Thanks," Strange deadpanned and rolled his eyes at Wong, "John... What is it that you need of me?"

John laughed. "Well you see, this might take some time to explain."

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