Chapter Eight - First Date (Part 1)

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This is a long chapter.... lol so I split it in half for ya. Part 2 still needs editing. I want to thank the people reading this book, makes me so happy! More the votes, more the chapters! :)



Pidges POV

"So, you sure this guy won't do anything to you? To be correct, you barely know him."

"Keith, stop being so overprotective. If he was some kind of stalker, I think would have known where I live by now."

"There is a thing called "tracking phone number"."

"Stop it Keith," I warned, crossing my arms.

Today is the day Shiro was coming over to pick me up. We are suppose to go out and get some ice cream together. To be honest, I'm not sure if this is a date but I soon will know probably around the end of the day.

      Keith was crashing at my mothers house, his leg over the other, joined in my conversation. Mother was in her room, door closed, probably asleep. I didn't want to bother her, telling her that we got company over for an hour. And I think it probably doesn't seem to matter too since mother knows Keith very well. From all these years, it feels like Keith's my brother and the boy being like a son to my mother. I would never replace Matt, but it does get lonely not having a male figure around like you used to.

       Colleen and Keith have known each other for years, way back when I was still in elementary school. Keith and I met in 3rd grade when we were forced to do PE together. We both aren't very physically fit, the only two kids who would hide in the shadows from the coaches. I honestly never understood why schools would force kids to do things that weren't their style. Would you ever force a kid to do something that aren't at best by talent?

       At the moment, I was waiting for Shiro to come pick me up. I gave him my address over the phone last night and now expecting him here within a couple of minutes. Keith was simply chilling, got nothing to do since it's the weekend and his workplace is closed. I don't really mind him being here - again, it's nice to have a male around the house at times. Keith was like a second brother to me.

     The doorbell rings, feeling my body jolt in excitement from the sound. This signaled that Shiro is here, waiting for me to open the door. Keith never met Shiro but will gladly do so whenever I open the door. As swiftly as ever, I opened the front door and looked up at a handsome man that towered over me. It was Shiro.

      A huge grin was now on my face, watching Shiro smile back. "Hello," the man spoke.

      "Don't kidnap her now. She's too innocent for that."

      "K E I T H!" I snapped.

3rd POV

      Shiro had never heard that males voice before tho it sounded like it came from the inside of Pidges home. Pidge, death in her eyes, glared at Keith, head snapped back at the male who sat on the couch. Curiosity now grew inside of Shiro, wanting to know who that male was and why he is doing at Pidges house. 'Does Pidge have a boyfriend that I never known about?... Is this jealousy?' Shiro thought, confusion in his mind. Shiro just had to find out, jealously just growing within each second. "Who's that?" Shiro asked.

      Pidge sighs, looking back at Shiro with a apologizing expression. "I'm sorry. That's a friend of mine. He's name is Keith," Pidge answered.


Keith's POV

(A/N: If you, for some reason, didn't read the description of the book, Pidges real name is Katie. Keith and Colleen (and soon Shiro) calls her Katie. Hunk and others calls Katie her preferred name "Pidge". Dont know why? Read description xD. Don't be confused)

      'Wow, I really need to see this guy. If Katie is really about to go off with someone she doesn't even truly know, and especially a male, I need to check him out first. Gotta see if he's "Katie Proof" and not some pervert. Katie doesn't deserve a weirdo.'

      I stood up once I heard my name been announced to the unknown male up front. I putted on a soft smile, shoved my hands in my jeans pockets, and headed my way towards Katie. Katie stepped aside for me to greet the newcomer, shocked to see his handsome face and muscular body. I gulped nervously, knowing if I said something wrong and this guy somehow gets pissed, I'm gonna have my ass whooped pretty hard. I'll probably won't even have an ass after his beating.

        "So, hello. Heard your names Shiro. Keith here," I said, pulling out my right hand for a hand shake from the man. Shiro nodded, taking my hand in his firm grasp and shakes welcomely. Katie just watched, tuned into our now starting conversation.

       I add in, "Now, be careful towards this girl. She is quite fragile and a important caretaker towards a important family member."

      "Hey!" Katie squeaks.

      Shiro softly chuckles, "No worries, she'll be safe with me. It's only going to be a ---"

     "---date?" I interrupted, now crossing my arms across my chest. I watched as Shiro freezes, hesitating for a second before shrugging. I scoffed, "Anyways, I want to make sure your no pervert or rapist."

       "Keith, where do you get these ideas? He's just a friend."

       "Darling, I care for your wellbeing. I have every right to get such ideas. And since your taking care of your mother all the time, who's going to take care of you?" I glared, looking down at Katie. Katie looked back at me with defeat in her eyes, shutting her mouth from my words.

      "Woah woah. Like I said, don't worry. I'm not going to hurt her in any way," Shiro protested. I grunt, "You sure? You seem very powerful and aggressive by nature."

      "Shiro! Let's go!" Katie yelled, stopping our conversation immediately, grabbing the man's hand and dashing out of the house.

Pidges POV

      'When did Keith become my father?!'

      My tiny hand grips into Shiro's hand, feeling the man's tender palm. Heat was radiating off his hand, warming up my skin in delight. Shiro was spooked from the sudden gesture I presented but understood that Keith was being a bit overprotective of my wellbeing. Tho it seems super annoying to have a friend who acts so overprotective but Shiro seemed surprised by the fact of myself having a friend whom seems to care so much. To  Shiro, he would kill for a friend like Keith any day.

      "Now let's go get some ice cream," I smiled, walking from the front door and stopping in front of Shiro's car. Shiro nods, opening the passenger car door for me, being a gentleman. "For you, my lady," Shiro slightly teased.


Goodnight ❤

Sorry if this chapter sounds bit choppy and shitty by edit. I'm tired for some odd reason and I hope it's a alright chapter :)


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